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The Navi says "If you refrain from trampling the Shabbat from pursuing your affairs on my holy day".[1] One should refrain from doing mundane activities on Shabbat,and conduct oneself in a dignified manner, as Shabbat was given as a day of rest to focus on spirituality and not the mundane.[2]


One must conduct himself in an appropriate manner on Shabbat, therefore, one's speech should be exclusively reserved for the discussion of spiritual topics. As well one's actions must be refined on Shabbat. For example, one shouldn't run bike and do vigorous activity on Shabbat. Even if the action which one is doing is not in direct violation of Shabbat however many times in may not be in the spirit of Shabbat.

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Here are some practical applications of uvda dchol:


  1. Isaiah 58:13
  2. In the introduction to masechet shabbat the Tiferet Yisrael provides three explanations as to why Uvda Dchol is assur
    1. Any action which is similar to the 39 melachot is uvda dchol
    2. Something which may lead to a melacha
    3. Something which is a tircha yetira.
    Tosfot Shabbat 143a s.v. chavit seems to imply that there is an inherent issur. Igrot Moshe OC 4:74 anything which during the week is done for a long duration of time even if now it is being done temporarily is uvda dchol.
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Restrictions of Shabbat
Allowing Carrying Using an Eruv Chatzerot - Animals on Shabbat - Asking a Jew to work on Shabbat - Asking a non-Jew to work on Shabbat (Amirah LeNochri) - Benefiting from a Violation of Shabbat (Maaseh Shabbat) - Books, notebooks, and papers - Brushing Teeth on Shabbat - Building a structure on Shabbat (Boneh) - Carrying on Shabbat - Cleaning the dishes - Cleaning and Folding Garments on Shabbat - Clearing the table - Cooking (Ofeh and Bishul) - Cosmetics on Shabbat - Dancing and clapping on Shabbat - Electricity on Shabbat - Eruv Chatzerot - Eruvin - Games on Shabbat - Getting dressed on Shabbat - Giving birth on Shabbat - Grinding (Tochen) - Handling objects on Shabbat (Muktzeh) - Infants on Shabbat - Introduction to the Modern Eruv - Kneading (Lash) - Mail on Shabbat - Medicine on Shabbat (Refuah on Shabbat) - Melacha That Begins Before Shabbat - Opening bottles and containers (Boneh) - Plants on Shabbat (Zoreah) - Preparing for after Shabbat (Hachana) - Reading on Shabbat (Daber Davar) - Recreation on Shabbat - Sechirut Reshut - Separating mixtures (Borer) - Squeezing fruits (Sechita) - Speaking on Shabbat (Daber Davar) - Taking a cruise over Shabbat - Taking measurements on Shabbat - Techum - Transactions on Shabbat - Transportation on Shabbat - Going to and Staying in the Hospital on Shabbat - Wages on Shabbat (Sachar Shabbat) - Washing one’s body on Shabbat
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