From Halachipedia
What you can do before Davening
Time of Davening
Specific parts of Davening
- Brachot HaShachar
- Brachot HaTorah
- Korbanot
- Pesukei DeZimrah
- Barchu
- Birchot Kriyat Shema
- Kriyat Shema
- Three steps back and forth
- Shemona Esreh
- Mashiv HaRuach UMorid HaGeshem
- Atta Chonatanu
- Barech Aleinu (VeTen Tal UMatar Lebracha)
- Yaaleh VeYavo (insertion for Rosh Chodesh)
- Havinenu
- Birkat Cohanim
- Kriyat HaTorah
- Tachanun, Ashrei, Aleinu, Shir Shel Yom
- Mincha
- Mariv/Arvit
- Mussaf
- Repeating Shema at night
- Bedtime Shema
- Tikkun Chatzot
- Correcting a bad dream
- Amen
- Tefillat HaDerech
Laws of Davening in general
- Davening with a minyan
- Tashlumin (If one missed davening)
- Necessary Kavana
- Dressing properly for Davening
- Someone who comes late to Davening
- Shomea KeOneh
- Dvarim SheBichtav (Saying Pesukim by heart)
- Everything is for the good
- Prayers for certain occasions