Visiting Art Museums

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Kohanim visiting Museums

Most contemporary museums have a large collection of human remains. In particular, many museums display mummies, the embalmed bodies of ancient Egyptians. The Torah prohibits Kohanim from becoming impure to a dead person (See Kohanim Not Becoming Tameh for further reference). Are Kohanim prohibited from entering museums because of the presence of mummies?

Kohanim and the Non-Jewish bodies

Some allow a kohen to be under the same roof as a non-Jewish corpse, but ideally we try to be strict.[1]

Even if Kohanim are prohibited from entering under the same roof as a non-Jewish corpse, are mummies considered to have the status of corpses?[2] A mummy is a corpse that has undergone mummification. Mummification consists of the removal of organs from the corpse and the uses of spices as human preservative. Ultimately, everyone agrees that mummies are considered human remains because of how solid they are.[3]

Glass Covering Around Mummy

Ultimately even though mummies are considered corpses, are the glass cases surrounding the mummy considered a sufficient covering to block the impurity of the mummy?[4] Normally, a covering prevents impurity from spreading. However, a coffin or grave is considered to be an extension of the dead body and does not prevent impurity from spreading. Impurity extends up from the grave and touching the side of the grave makes a person impure. Thus even though a glass cases may be considered a sufficient converting to block the impurity of the mummy, if it is considered a grave, then it does not block the impurity.

Some say that the glass or plastic case around the mummy is considered to be a grave, and thus it does not prevent the impurity of the mummy from spreading. Hence, Kohanim should avoid visiting museums except in a time of great need.[5] Others say that since museums often move the mummies around, their display cases are not considered graves, but rather coverings, and hence the display cases prevent impurity from spreading and hence kohanim would be permitted to enter museums.[6]

Avodah Zara in Museums

Many art museums have widespread collections of avodah Zara art made by worshipers of Avodah Zara? Is there a problem looking at the Avodah Zara art?

The Torah commands אל תפנו אל האלילים "you shall not turn after idols(Vayikra 19:4)." The Torah does not only prohibit explicit acts of idolatrous worship, but rather devoting attention to idolatry. The Torah's prohibition encompasses all forms of devoting attention to idolatry. One is prohibited to think about idolatry, to read idolatrous books, and to see statues of idolatry.[7] Thus it seems that visiting museums is inherently problematic.

Seeing Idolatrous Art

The prohibition of turning after idols is explicitly understood to forbid looking at idols. We generally assume this prohibition only looking only applies to art made to be worshiped.[8] Others say that the prohibition applies to every image of idolatry except an everyday image (i.e. an image of an idol on a Roman coin).[9]

No matter the opinion- seeing idolatrous art is not inherently problematic. It is only prohibited to stare at idols for a long time, not merely to glance at them and pass by. The issue is pay them attention, not to see them.[10]

Learning about Idolatry

The Torah's prohibition of "turning after idols" includes reading books about idolatry and studying idolatrous worship. This would seemingly prohibit any form of study of idolatry. The prohibition of "turning after idols" only applies when one is studying a work written by an idol worshiper as a praise to his religion. The prohibition does not apply to reading secular studies of idolatry, and if one reads with the intent to mock and dismiss idolatry.[11]

Rav Schachter says that one may have a tour of the Greek ruins of the Parthenon. However, one but must explicitly tell the guide that are uninterested in the details of the religions that inhabited the Parthenon and the architecture unique to said religions. One should instruct the guide that they are solely interested in the the general style of architecture and building.[12]

Ancient Avodah Zara

Some say that if an idolatry is no longer worshiped then it is no longer considered Avodah Zarah.[13]

However, most say that once a religion is followed it always is considered an Avodah Zara.[14]This opinion would prohibit visiting museums all together if they have idolatrous art.[15] Others say that it is permitted to visit a museum, but that one should refrain from looking at idolatry.[16]


  1. Rambam Hilchot Avel 3:3 rules a gentile does not give off Tumat Ohel, and hence it is permitted to step on the grave of non-Jew. However, Tosfot Bava Metzia 114 rules that gentiles give off tumat Ohel. See Birkeiy Yosef 372; Aruch Hashulchan 372:5. Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 372:2 says it is proper to be strict and the Rama quotes those who are lenient, but says it is appropriate to be strict. Shach Y.D. 372:4 says that even those who are lenient about tumas ohel, prohibit touching or lifting a non-Jewish corpse. Hagos Maymonios Hilchos Avel 3:2 quotes the Yerayim that a kohen does not have to avoid these forms of tumah by a non-Jewish corpse.
  2. The level of tumah of the mummies was first raised in the late seventeenth century by a group of Egyptian poskim. Throughout the medieval ages, mummies were sold and ground to dust a medical remedy. The rising Jewish involvement brought the poskim wondering whether such mummia” as it was known, could be dealt with by kohanim. Ginas Veradim YD 1.4
  3. The Ginat Veredim (YD 1:4) first ponders whether a mummy are considered human remains for the prohibition of impurity. He references the dispute in the gemara in Masechet Niddah 54b-55a. The mishna there quotes a dispute about whether dried flesh is impure, the first clause of the mishna advocating that it remains impure, while Rabbi Yosi resolutely argues that only flesh that may regain its previous moisture may be considered impure. The gemara questions the source for the opinion that dry flesh remains impure. It quotes in response a dispute among the later amoraim. Reish Lakish argues that it stems from the Torah classifying as impure everything which comes from the body. In contrast, Rabbi Yochanan explains that the classification as flesh comes from the parallel to bones. Just as bones are dry so too flesh retains human identity as dry. The gemara notes a practical difference in the derivation- if the flesh is dry to the extent that it crumbles, thus lack the solidity of bones, Rabbi Yochanan would consider it pure, while Reish Lakish would assert that it still retains the tumah. The gemara raises an objection to the position that Reish Lakish would still consider it pure from a tannaic baraisa that maintains that broken up flesh is becomes pure. The gemara explains that this baraisa is rather speaking about a case where the flesh is broken completely to powder, which even Reish Lakish would agree is pure. The Rambam (Tumat HaMeit 3:10) concludes by firmly paskening like Reish Lakish that flesh remains impure unless it becomes like flour. The Ginat Veredim exclaims that even the more lenient Rabbi Yochanan would agree that a mummy retains impurity because it remains solid unless ground. The Ginat Veredim rebuts the notion that the use of preservatives should render the mummy any less of a human body. He exclaims that no where in the talmudic sources do we see that the sages distinguished between the sources of preservation.
  4. The mishna in Ohalot (7.1) explains that the size of a kever is a cubic tefach (8-9.6cm). Less than this, the mishna asserts, the space  does not have the unique stringencies of a kever. In contrast, the gemara in berachot 19 bexplains that a grave that has an empty spot of one cubic tefach between the body and the coffin blocks impurity and thus permits kohanim to stride over them in certain circumstances.The gemara explains that kohanim are only prohibited on a rabbinic level from going on graves because of a concern for the minority of coffins that do not have such an empty space. The gemara in Berachot contradicts the mishna in ohalos. In berachot the gemara says that empty space in the coffin prevents a coffin from being considered a grave. In ohalot the Mishna explains that a grave needs empty space between the body and the covering to be considered a grave. The Rambam (Tumat Meit 7.4 and 12.6) states that the gemara in berachos is not dealing with a grave but rather a coffins. Coffins not considered graves, and an empty space in a coffin prevents the Impurity of a body from spreading, while an empty space is necessary for a grave. The Raavad (ibid) responds to the Rambam with a three tiered hierarchy of cases. He explains that a grave with total volume less than a tefach spreads impurity comparable to the actual corpse. If the total volume is a cubic tefachh it is treated as a full dead body.  If there is empty space of a tefach in addition, the impurity goes down and it only spreads impurity by touch and anything directly above it. The Raavad takes the gemara in berachos as referring to an additional volume, the final case. In such a case, he claims the empty space blocks the impurity The Rambam asserts that once a space has the nominal volume it is considered to have the full status of a kever. In contrast the Raavad explains that a grave only functions as such if it has empty space of less than a tefach. The Rambam requires the dimensions merely to establish the place as an kever. Once that is taken care of, the space carries the impurity. In contrast the Raavad not only requires the space to be established as a kever, but also close physical proximity of the walls to the deceased. Tosafot (Berachot 19b) resolves the contradiction in a similar manner to that of the Rambam. He explains that the minimum required to be considered a grave is a square cubic tefach. Tosafos makes an interesting further distinction. He claims that the case in berachos is that of a coffin with a hole. He states that a coffin with a hole has a lesser status than a grave. In order to be a grave it must be a sealed unit, a space bound unto itself. It is important to note that regardless of complexities of the opinions of the Rishonim, the gemara still describes any case of a grave as a rabbinical prohibition. The Beis Yosef concludes by quoting Tosafos’ opinion as the final word; that a kever has a minimum size and only loses said tumah in the event that there is a hole. However, in the case where the mummy container is closed, there is less than a tefach between the body and the sarcofogus. In such a case, no one would consider it to be blocked and the impurity would fill the ohel.
  5. The Maharsham (Shut Maharasham 1.215) argues that Tosafos’ opinion is the one accepted and thus prohibits entrance of a kohen to a museum. However, he states that in a time of great need one could enter.
  6. Rav Belsky is quoted in Medrchei Ilonos (Hebrew section page 21) as having opined that even Tosfos would agree with the Rambam that an item not meant as a final resting place could not be considered a grave and thus would permit a museum case and that it would not become a grave to spread impurity. The gemara in Bava Basra explains that if a room is locked, it does not get the status of a grave unless the hinges are removed, thereby indicating intent to return to the item. Rav Belsky argues that since museums intend to move the bodies, they do not become graves. Instead it is treated as closed space and does not become impure.
  7. Mishneh Torah Hilchot Avodah Zara Perek 2
  8. Tosafot Shabbat 149a
  9. Tosafot Avodah Zara 50a
  10. Magen Avraham OH 307.22.
  11. Igrot Moshe YD 2:53 Rav Moshe Feinstein points out that lo tinfu is clearly prohibited lest one come to do idolatry. This concern is obviously not relevant is avodah zara that is no longer worshipped- knowledge of the idolatry will not lead one to worship it. Rav Moshe Feinstein asserts that even if rationale for the issur of lo tifnu is no longer applicable, the issur still applies. The prohibition is on the act of looking at idolatry, and ancient idolatry is still idolatry. However, Rav Moshe Feinstein does say that lo tinfu does not prohibit reading about idolatry. Lo tifnu only prohibits reading books written by followers of idolatry as praise to their religion. Lo tifnu does not prohibit reading books written by authors who rejected idolatry, with the intent being to mock idolatry
  12. Jewish Heritage Tour of Greece Part 4 of 7 see minute 38
  13. Rav Yehuda Henkin Shut Bnei Banim 3.35.2
  14. Igrot Moshe YD 2.53
  15. Ohel Yaakov on Avodah Zara p354 Sefer Menuchat Nefesh (Rav Mordechai Gross) p122
  16. Thirteen Years since the Passing of Rav Amital, someone retells encountering Rav Amital at a museum and asking him why it is permitted.