
Nine Days: Difference between revisions

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==Trips and Pleasurable activities==
==Trips and Pleasurable activities==

#Some say that one shouldn't take a pleasure trip during the [[nine days]], while others disagree. <ref>Rivevot Efraim 1:374 quotes one gadol who said that it was forbidden to take pleasurable trips during the [[nine days]]. Afterwards, he writes that this is hard to understand and isn't included in the prohibition of binyan shel simcha.</ref>
#While there is general agreement that one shouldn't take a pleasure trip during the [[nine days]], some say that even though it is inappropriate, strictly speaking it is permitted. <ref>Rivevot Efraim 1:374 quotes one gadol who said that it was forbidden to take pleasurable trips during the [[nine days]]. Afterwards, he writes that this is hard to understand and isn't included in the prohibition of binyan shel simcha.  However, he concludes that it is good to be stringent since perhaps this is not the proper time for tiyulim.</ref>
#It is permitted to have one's grass cut during the [[nine days]], however, one should refrain from doing so on [[Tisha BeAv]].<ref>Rivevot Efraim 1:374 quoting Rav Moshe Bick, Rav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, and Rav Munk writes that it is permitted to cut one's grass during the [[nine days]], but on [[Tisha BeAv]] itself one should be strict not to.</ref>
#It is permitted to have one's grass cut during the [[nine days]], however, one should refrain from doing so on [[Tisha BeAv]].<ref>Rivevot Efraim 1:374 quoting Rav Moshe Bick, Rav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, and Rav Munk writes that it is permitted to cut one's grass during the [[nine days]], but on [[Tisha BeAv]] itself one should be strict not to.</ref>

