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* [ Rav Hershel Schachter] explains that although normally a child is not obligated to observe practices of a mourner, even when he reaches the age of chinuch, the practice of not eating meat is not a function of mourning (as a mourner during shiva is allowed to eat meat and drink wine.) Instead, it is part of the obligation to mourn and remember the Beit Hamikdash. (See Gemara Baba Batra 60b). Children do not have an obligation to observe the laws of mourning, but they do have an obligation to remember the beit hamidkash. Therefore they refrain from eating meat and drinking wine during the nine days once they have reached the age of chinuch.
* [ Rav Hershel Schachter] explains that although normally a child is not obligated to observe practices of a mourner, even when he reaches the age of chinuch, the practice of not eating meat is not a function of mourning (as a mourner during shiva is allowed to eat meat and drink wine.) Instead, it is part of the obligation to mourn and remember the Beit Hamikdash. (See Gemara Baba Batra 60b). Children do not have an obligation to observe the laws of mourning, but they do have an obligation to remember the beit hamidkash. Therefore they refrain from eating meat and drinking wine during the nine days once they have reached the age of chinuch.
* Rabbi Eider (The Halachos Of The Three Weeks p. 7) writes that generally the minhag not to eat meat even applies to children. But if it is hard to feed a child dairy and he is used to eating meat every day he can continue to eat meat in the Nine Days.
* Rabbi Eider (The Halachos Of The Three Weeks p. 7) writes that generally the minhag not to eat meat even applies to children. But if it is hard to feed a child dairy and he is used to eating meat every day he can continue to eat meat in the Nine Days.
* Aruch Hashulchan 551:26 as well says there is room to be lenient, especially in a case where it is a weak child who can gain a lot from eating the meat.</ref> Sepharadim however, allow it.<Ref>Chazon Ovadia Arba Taaniyot pg. 190 allows feeding meat to children until the year before Bar/Bat Mitzva. Rabbi David Yosef in torat hamoadim Siman 5 page 190 agrees. Ohr Letzion 3: pg. 245 3:26:6 allows it until Bar Mitzva. See Yalkut Yosef Chinuch p. 279 where he says that for a child who is even a little bit weak can eat meat during the nine days. He cites Yabia Omer YD 3:3 and 4:4. </ref>
* Aruch Hashulchan 551:26 as well says there is room to be lenient, especially in a case where it is a weak child who can gain a lot from eating the meat.</ref> Sepharadim however, allow it.<Ref>Chazon Ovadia Arba Taaniyot pg. 190 allows feeding meat to children until the year before Bar/Bat Mitzva. Rabbi David Yosef in torat hamoadim Siman 5 page 190 agrees. Ohr Letzion 3: pg. 245 3:26:6 allows it until Bar Mitzva. See Yalkut Yosef Chinuch p. 279 where he says that for a child who is even a little bit weak can eat meat during the nine days. He cites Yabia Omer YD 3:3 and 4:4. </ref> A baby less than 3 years old can have meat during the nine days.<ref>The Three Weeks p. 52</ref>
# It is permitted to give children meat for their Firday night Shabbat meal even if it is earlier than plag mincha.<ref>[ Rav Shmuel Fuerst (Three Weeks and Nine Days, min 29-30)] quoting Rav Moshe Feinstein</ref>
# It is permitted to give children meat for their Firday night Shabbat meal even if it is earlier than plag mincha.<ref>[ Rav Shmuel Fuerst (Three Weeks and Nine Days, min 29-30)] quoting Rav Moshe Feinstein</ref>

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