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===Cooked with Meat or Meat Equipment===
===Cooked with Meat or Meat Equipment===
#One should refrain from eating food cooked with meat.<ref>Although Shulchan Aruch O.C. 551:10 says that some allow you to eat foods cooked with meat, Mishna Brura 551:63 and Kaf Hachaim 551:142 say that the custom is to refrain from doing so. Ish Matzliach footnotes to Mishna Brura 551:10:note 4 agrees.</ref> Nevertheless, one is permitted to eat food that was cooked in meat pots, as long as no meat was cooked with it, and one cannot taste the taste of the meat in his food. <ref>Mishna Brurah 551:63, Kaf Hachayim 551:142, Orchot Chaim 31, Nitei Gavriel 38:5. Shaar Hatziyun 551:68 writes that even if a small piece of meat that will not be tasted fell into a dish, it may still be eaten. </ref>  
#One should refrain from eating food cooked with meat.<ref>Although Shulchan Aruch O.C. 551:10 says that some allow you to eat foods cooked with meat, Mishna Brura 551:63 and Kaf Hachaim 551:142 say that the custom is to refrain from doing so. Ish Matzliach footnotes to Mishna Brura 551:10:note 4 agrees.</ref> Nevertheless, one is permitted to eat food that was cooked in meat pots, as long as no meat was cooked with it, and one cannot taste the taste of the meat in his food. <ref>Mishna Brurah 551:63, Kaf Hachayim 551:142, Orchot Chaim 31, Nitei Gavriel 38:5. Shaar Hatziyun 551:68 writes that even if a small piece of meat that will not be tasted fell into a dish, it may still be eaten. </ref>  
# Parve food which looks like meat may be eaten during the Nine Days. <ref>Nitei Gavriel 38:6,  Rav Mordechai Eliyahu (Maamar Mordechai - Lemoadim Uleyamim 25:37 and []) </ref>
# Parve food which looks like meat may be eaten during the Nine Days.<ref>Nitei Gavriel 38:6,  Rav Mordechai Eliyahu (Maamar Mordechai - Lemoadim Uleyamim 25:37 and []) </ref>
===Cooking with Wine or Meat Flavor===
===Cooking with Wine or Meat Flavor===
# If wine is mixed into a sauce it is nullified one in six parts, therefore if there is less than 16% it is permitted to consume during the nine days.<Ref>[ Rav Shmuel Fuerst (Halachos of The 3 Weeks 5781, min 28)]</ref>
# If wine is mixed into a sauce it is nullified one in six parts, therefore if there is less than 16% it is permitted to consume during the nine days.<Ref>[ Rav Shmuel Fuerst (Halachos of The 3 Weeks 5781, min 28)]</ref>
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===Grape Juice===
===Grape Juice===
# The practice is to avoid drinking grape juice as well, including it in the practice of avoiding wine. <ref> Ohr Letzion 3:26:8, Chazon Ovadia - Arba Taaniyot pg. 176. see See Shu”t Minchas Shlomo (vol. 1, 64), Shu”t Rivevos Efraim (vol. 8, 177), Moadei Yeshurun (pg. 130) and Mesores Moshe (vol. 1, pg. 174 s.v. mitz) quoting Rav Moshe Feinstein. see also [ Grape Juice during nine days ] by Rabbi Gil Student</ref>  
# The practice is to avoid drinking grape juice during the nine days.<ref> Ohr Letzion 3:26:8, Chazon Ovadia - Arba Taaniyot pg. 176. See Shu”t Minchas Shlomo (vol. 1, 64), Shu”t Rivevos Efraim (vol. 8, 177), Moadei Yeshurun (pg. 130) and Mesores Moshe (vol. 1, pg. 174 s.v. mitz) quoting Rav Moshe Feinstein. See also [ Grape Juice during nine days ] by Rabbi Gil Student.</ref>  

===Accidentally Made a Bracha on Meat or Wine===
===Accidentally Made a Bracha on Meat or Wine===
#If, by mistake, one recited a blessing over meat or wine, he should taste a bit so that his blessing will not have been in vain. <ref>Sdei Chemed (Bein ha-Metzarim 1:4), Yabea Omer 2: YD 5. See also the topic of mistakenly making a Bracha on food on a fast day at [[Fast_Days#Other_Halachas_of_fast_days]]. </ref>
#If, by mistake, one recited a blessing over meat or wine, he should taste a bit so that his blessing will not have been in vain.<ref>Sdei Chemed (Bein ha-Metzarim 1:4), Yabea Omer 2: YD 5. See also the topic of mistakenly making a Bracha on food on a fast day at [[Fast_Days#Other_Halachas_of_fast_days]]. </ref>

===Tasting on Erev Shabbat===
===Tasting on Erev Shabbat===
#One may taste the meat food on [[Erev Shabbat]] during the [[nine days]] but should try not to swallow any meat ingredients. <ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kihilchita 42:61 since the Magen Avraham 250:1 quotes the Arizal that this is part of the mitzva of [[kavod shabbat]] to taste the food to make sure it tastes good. </ref>
#One may taste the meat food on [[Erev Shabbat]] during the [[nine days]] but should try not to swallow any meat ingredients.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kihilchita 42:61 since the Magen Avraham 250:1 quotes the Arizal that this is part of the mitzva of [[kavod shabbat]] to taste the food to make sure it tastes good. </ref>

===Shabbat and Leftovers===
===Shabbat and Leftovers===
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#One should not refrain from eating meat on Shabbat during the nine days, or even if Tisha B'av falls out on Shabbat and is pushed off until Sunday, one should eat meat on that Shabbat.<ref>Mishna Brura 551:59 </ref>
#One should not refrain from eating meat on Shabbat during the nine days, or even if Tisha B'av falls out on Shabbat and is pushed off until Sunday, one should eat meat on that Shabbat.<ref>Mishna Brura 551:59 </ref>
#Some poskim allow eating meat leftovers on motzaei [[shabbat]] even during the [[nine days]] while some poskim say that it's prohibited. <ref>Shaare Teshuva 551:11 quotes the Birkei Yosef allowing one to eat leftover meat for melave malka but concludes himself that this is not the custom. See [ Rabbi Mansour on] who quotes Rav Chayim Palachi in moed likol chai who says it is permissible and Chacham Bentzion Abba Shaul who says it is definitely preferable not to, especially if that is not that person's usual practice. Chelkat Yaakov 3:21 and Iggerot Moshe OC 4:21:4 both forbid it even for somebody who would usually eat it. [ Rabbi Daniel Neustadt on] agrees. </ref>
#Some poskim allow eating meat leftovers on motzaei [[shabbat]] even during the [[nine days]] while some poskim say that it's prohibited. <ref>Shaare Teshuva 551:11 quotes the Birkei Yosef allowing one to eat leftover meat for melave malka but concludes himself that this is not the custom. See [ Rabbi Mansour on] who quotes Rav Chayim Palachi in moed likol chai who says it is permissible and Chacham Bentzion Abba Shaul who says it is definitely preferable not to, especially if that is not that person's usual practice. Chelkat Yaakov 3:21 and Iggerot Moshe OC 4:21:4 both forbid it even for somebody who would usually eat it. [ Rabbi Daniel Neustadt on] agrees. </ref>
#Some say that there is what to rely on to have meat leftovers from [[Shabbat]] during the [[nine days]], while others forbid. <ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 177) writes that there is what to rely on, as does the Torat Moadim 5:46. Birkei Yosef 551:6 says that in order to encourage proper for fulfillment of the meal itself we allow the leftovers to be eaten later. However, the [ Weekly Halacha by Rabbi Neustadt] quotes Sh"t Igrot Moshe 4:21(4) who forbids (see there). Aruch Hashulchan 551:24 also forbids it, also see Piskei Teshuvot 551:34. Kaf Hachayim 551:144 says that for melave malka one is permitted to eat meat leftovers as long as he doesn't prepare extra for [[shabbat]] with the intention of having leftovers. [ Rabbi Eli Mansour] quotes that Rav Chaim Palachi allows this while Chacham Benzion Abba Shaul says it's better not to. Rabbi Mansour also says that for the remainder of the week kids can eat it lechatchila and if adults eat it one cannot rebuke them. Piskei Teshuvot 551:34 says there are some poskim who permit eating meat for melave malka for someone who usually eats meat for [[melave malka]]. </ref>
#Some say that there is what to rely on to have meat leftovers from [[Shabbat]] during the [[nine days]], while others forbid.<ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 177) writes that there is what to rely on, as does the Torat Moadim 5:46. Birkei Yosef 551:6 says that in order to encourage proper for fulfillment of the meal itself we allow the leftovers to be eaten later. However, the [ Weekly Halacha by Rabbi Neustadt] quotes Sh"t Igrot Moshe 4:21(4) who forbids (see there). Aruch Hashulchan 551:24 also forbids it, also see Piskei Teshuvot 551:34. Kaf Hachayim 551:144 says that for melave malka one is permitted to eat meat leftovers as long as he doesn't prepare extra for [[shabbat]] with the intention of having leftovers. [ Rabbi Eli Mansour] quotes that Rav Chaim Palachi allows this while Chacham Benzion Abba Shaul says it's better not to. Rabbi Mansour also says that for the remainder of the week kids can eat it lechatchila and if adults eat it one cannot rebuke them. Piskei Teshuvot 551:34 says there are some poskim who permit eating meat for melave malka for someone who usually eats meat for [[melave malka]]. </ref>

#Since the minhag is not to drink wine, a question arises as to what we should do with [[Havdalah]]. For Sephardim one is permitted to use wine and drink it as usual,<ref>Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 551:10. Yalkut Yosef page 574 adds that one may drink the entire cup. </ref> while for Ashkenazim there are several possibilities. <ref>The Aruch HaShulchan 551:26 says some people have the Minhag to drink beer or another drink that qualifies as Chamar Medina. The Eshel Avraham 551 and the Chazon Ish (quoted in Imrei Yosher, pg. 4) says that those who say [[Havdalah]] every week over wine or grape juice should do the same during the Nine Days as well. [ Rav Shmuel Fuerst (Three Weeks and Nine Days, min. 26)] ruled to use wine as usual like Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. Rav Moshe Harari in his Mikraei Kodesh 1:14 say it is preferable to use grape juice as this doesn't cause any joy, and Rav Moshe Karp in Hilchot UMinhagei Ben HaMetsarim chapter 4 note 74 says that in this situation an adult can drink it lechatchila. Rama Orach Chaim 551:10 says to preferably give it to a child. Mishna Brurah 551:70 says that it should be a minor above the age of [[chinuch]] but doesn't fully comprehend the concept of [[mourning]] the destruction of the beit hamikdash. Rav Moshe Feinstein quoted in Moadei Yeshurun page 154 says the adults should drink the [[Havdalah]] wine. Darkei Moshe 551:9 says in the name of the Maharil that this can be done lechatchila. See piskei teshuvot 551:35 and Hilchot UMinhagei Ben HaMetsarim chapter 4 note 74 for more poskim who say this. </ref>
#Since the minhag is not to drink wine, a question arises as to what we should do with [[Havdalah]]. For Sephardim, one is permitted to use wine and drink it as usual,<ref>Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 551:10. Yalkut Yosef page 574 adds that one may drink the entire cup. </ref> while for Ashkenazim there are several possibilities. Some poskim hold that they should use grape juice, while others hold that they should use wine. Everyone agrees that the cup need to be drunk. Some prefer giving it to a child who reached chinuch but doesn't fully understanding mourning the bet hamikdash, while others hold that it should be given to an adult.<ref>The Aruch HaShulchan 551:26 says some people have the Minhag to drink beer or another drink that qualifies as Chamar Medina. The Eshel Avraham 551 and the Chazon Ish (quoted in Imrei Yosher, pg. 4) says that those who say [[Havdalah]] every week over wine or grape juice should do the same during the Nine Days as well. [ Rav Shmuel Fuerst (Three Weeks and Nine Days, min. 26)] ruled to use wine as usual like Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. Rav Moshe Harari in his Mikraei Kodesh 1:14 say it is preferable to use grape juice as this doesn't cause any joy, and Rav Moshe Karp in Hilchot UMinhagei Ben HaMetsarim chapter 4 note 74 says that in this situation an adult can drink it lechatchila. Rama Orach Chaim 551:10 says to preferably give it to a child. Mishna Brurah 551:70 says that it should be a minor above the age of [[chinuch]] but doesn't fully comprehend the concept of [[mourning]] the destruction of the beit hamikdash. Rav Moshe Feinstein quoted in Moadei Yeshurun page 154 says the adults should drink the [[Havdalah]] wine. Darkei Moshe 551:9 says in the name of the Maharil that this can be done lechatchila. See piskei teshuvot 551:35 and Hilchot UMinhagei Ben HaMetsarim chapter 4 note 74 for more poskim who say this. </ref>

===Birkat Hamazon over Wine===
===Birkat Hamazon over Wine===
#Even somebody who normally uses a cup of wine for [[Birkat HaMazon]], should not during the [[nine days]] except for on [[Shabbat]]. <ref>Rama Orach Chaim 551:10 with Mishna Brurah 551:69, Kaf Hachayim 551:152, Ohr Letzion 3:26:8 </ref>
#Even somebody who normally uses a cup of wine for [[Birkat HaMazon]], should not during the [[nine days]] except for on [[Shabbat]].<ref>Rama Orach Chaim 551:10 with Mishna Brurah 551:69, Kaf Hachayim 551:152, Ohr Letzion 3:26:8 </ref>

===Stores or Restaurants Selling Meat or Wine===
===Stores or Restaurants Selling Meat or Wine===
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