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==Endangering Yourself to Save Someone Else==
==Endangering Yourself to Save Someone Else==
# Most poskim hold that it is permissible but not obligatory to endanger oneself in a possibility of danger (''safek sakana'') to save someone else from certain danger.<ref>Mishna Brurah 329:19</ref>
## Some poskim hold that it is an obligation to endanger oneself to save someone else.<ref>Hagahot Maimoniyot cited by Bet Yosef CM 426:2</ref>
## A minority opinion holds that it is forbidden to endanger oneself to save someone else.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Harav 329:8</ref>
# Some say that it is permissible to endanger yourself to save someone who is a talmid chacham and tzaddik.<ref>Sefer Chasidim, Yabia Omer CM 9:12, Yavetz (Migdal Oz Otzer Hatov pina 1 n. 85)</ref> Some forbid this.<ref>Igros Moshe YD 2:174:4</ref>
# Some say that it is permissible to endanger yourself to save someone who is a talmid chacham and tzaddik.<ref>Sefer Chasidim, Yabia Omer CM 9:12, Yavetz (Migdal Oz Otzer Hatov pina 1 n. 85)</ref> Some forbid this.<ref>Igros Moshe YD 2:174:4</ref>
#If a terrorist threatens you "either kill another Jew or I'll kill you," you may not kill another Jew and must give up your life.<ref>Sanhedrin 74b</ref> You must also give up your life and not even murder the other Jew indirectly such as by causing a dog to bite someone to showing a non-Jew where the Jew is hiding in order to kill him.<Ref>Yavetz (Migdal Oz Otzer Hatov pina 1 n. 82)</ref>
#If a terrorist threatens you "either kill another Jew or I'll kill you," you may not kill another Jew and must give up your life.<ref>Sanhedrin 74b</ref> You must also give up your life and not even murder the other Jew indirectly such as by causing a dog to bite someone to showing a non-Jew where the Jew is hiding in order to kill him.<Ref>Yavetz (Migdal Oz Otzer Hatov pina 1 n. 82)</ref>
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