Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter E

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Food Bracha Rishona Bracha Achrona
Eclair Mezonot Al Hamichya[1]
Edible Flowers Haadama Boreh Nefashot [2]
Egg Shehakol Boreh Nefashot[3]
Egg Barley Mezonot Al Hamichya[4]
Egg Challah For Ashkenazim Hamotzei; for Sephardim if egg taste is recognizable Mezonot Al Hamichya; Birkat Hamazon[5]
Egg Matzah Mezonot Al Hamichya[6]
Egg Omelet Shehakol Boreh Nefashot[7]
Egg Rolls Mezonot Al Hamichya[8]
Egg Salad Shehakol Boreh Nefashot[9]
Eggnog Shehakol Boreh Nefashot[10]
Eggplant Haadama Boreh Nefashot[11]
Eggplant breaded Thin coating haadama; thick coating mezonot Boreh Nefashot; Al Hamichya if a kezayit of the crust was eaten in kdei achilat pras[12]
Eggplant Parmigiana Haadama Boreh Nefashot[13]
Eggplant Salad Haadama Boreh Nefashot[14]
Enchilada Shehakol Boreh Befashot[15]
Endive Haadama Boreh Nefashot[16]
English Muffin Ashkenazim: If usually eaten as meal food it is hamotzei; Sephardim: If the sweetness is tasted mezonot Birkat Hamazon; Al Hamichya[17]
Escarole Luttuce Haadama Boreh Nefashot [18]
Ezekiel Bread Hamotzei Birkat Hamazon[19]


  1. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 39 writes that it is a Pat Haba Bkisnin.
  2. Shulchan Aruch 202:6 writes that the leaves of a caper bush are haadama and the Mishna Brurah 202:38 explains that it isn't haetz since it isn't the primary fruit.
  3. Gemara Brachot 40b, Shulchan Aruch 204:1, Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 39
  4. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 39 writes that egg barley and farfel are noodles which are mezonot and not Pat Haba Bkisnin.
  5. Pat Haba Bikisnin#Sweet Challah
  6. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 40 explains that egg matzah is Pat Haba Bkisnin.
  7. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 40 explains that the vegetables in an omelet are to enhance the egg and therefore the egg is primary. See Ikar and Tofel.
  8. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 40 explains that since the dough of the egg roll is deep fried it isn't Pat Haba Bkisnin. Yalkut Yosef (Klalei Sefer Brachot pg 208-214) agrees.
  9. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 40 explains that the egg is the primary ingredient in egg salad and the other ingredients just enhance the egg.
  10. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 40
  11. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 40
  12. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 40
  13. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 40 explains that the eggplant is primary ingredient in eggplant parmigiana and exempts the coating and cheese.
  14. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 41 explains that when eggplant is mashed into a salad the distinctive texture is still recognizable and is haadama.
  15. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 41 explains that an exchilada is shehakol since the crust is made from corn it secondary to the meat or cheese which are shehakol as in Shulchan Aruch 204:1.
  16. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 41
  17. See Pat Haba Bikisnin#Sweet Challah. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 41 writes that if the English muffin is usually eaten as the mainstay of a meal in that place then it is hamotzei and if it is usually eaten as a snack it is mezonot.
  18. Halachos of Brachos Handbook p. 41
  19. since it is made with wheat kernels ground into flour.