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#There is a restriction on buying new items which would warrant a Shehechiyanu during the entire [[Three Weeks]] ( [[Three_Weeks#Saying_Shehecheyanu]]).
#There is a restriction on buying new items which would warrant a Shehechiyanu during the entire [[Three Weeks]] ( [[Three_Weeks#Saying_Shehecheyanu]]).
#In the Nine Days in particular, it is forbidden to buy new clothes even if there is no Shehechiyanu.<ref>Rama Orach Chaim 551:7 </ref> This practice applies to Ashkenazim and also Sephardim.<ref>The Rama Orach Chaim 551:7 writes that since it is forbidden to mend a garment during the nine days, certainly it is forbidden to buy a new garment then. The Kaf Hachaim 551:21 explains that according to Shulchan Aruch this is permitted. Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 551:2 only forbids buying items during the nine days if it leads to happiness such as buying an item for a wedding, but not in general. This also seems to be the opinion of the Ben Ish Chai (Shana Rishona, Devarim no. 2). See, however, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 554:22. Mikraei Kodesh (Ben Hametzarim 13:2) quotes Rav Mordechai Eliyahu as being strict about buying garments during the nine days and Rav Ovadia Yosef as being lenient. Yet, Chazon Ovadia (Ben Hametzarim p. 208) seems to accept the custom that one should be strict not to buy new garments during the nine days. Or Letzion 3:26:2 is strict.</ref>
#In the Nine Days in particular, it is forbidden to buy new clothes even if there is no Shehechiyanu.<ref>Rama Orach Chaim 551:7 </ref> This practice applies to Ashkenazim and also Sephardim.<ref>The Rama Orach Chaim 551:7 writes that since it is forbidden to mend a garment during the nine days, certainly it is forbidden to buy a new garment then. The Kaf Hachaim 551:21 explains that according to Shulchan Aruch this is permitted. Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 551:2 only forbids buying items during the nine days if it leads to happiness such as buying an item for a wedding, but not in general. This also seems to be the opinion of the Ben Ish Chai (Shana Rishona, Devarim no. 2). See, however, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 554:22. Mikraei Kodesh (Ben Hametzarim 13:2) quotes Rav Mordechai Eliyahu as being strict about buying garments during the nine days and Rav Ovadia Yosef as being lenient. Yet, Chazon Ovadia (Ben Hametzarim p. 208) seems to accept the custom that one should be strict not to buy new garments during the nine days. Or Letzion 3:26:2 is strict.</ref>
#It is forbidden to buy new clothing during the nine days even if he is only going to wear them after Tisha B'av.<ref>The Mishna Brurah 551:49 writes that it's forbidden to buy new clothes even if one will only wear them after [[Tisha BeAv]]. Kaf HaChaim 551:103 agrees.</ref>
#The Ashkenazic minhag is not to wear new clothing during the Nine Days includes Shabbat of the Nine Days. Sephardim don't wear new clothing the week of Tisha B'av.<ref>
#The Ashkenazic minhag is not to wear new clothing during the Nine Days includes Shabbat of the Nine Days. Sephardim don't wear new clothing the week of Tisha B'av.<ref>
*Rabbenu Shevet (quoted by the Mordechai Taanit 633) writes that one may not fix or wear new clothes during the week in which [[Tisha BeAv]] falls and adds that it is proper to be strict about this during the [[Nine Days]]. He bases this on the Yerushalmi (Pesachim 4:1) which says that it is a proper minhag not to sew from the beginning of Av. Bet Yosef 551:6 explains that although the Yerushalmi said not to sew during the [[Nine Days]], that's only a minhag, however, there is only an actual prohibition during the week in which [[Tisha BeAv]] falls out. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 551:6 rules that it is forbidden to wear new clothes during the week in which [[Tisha BeAv]] falls out and the Rama adds that the Ashkenazic minhag is to be strict about this starting from [[Rosh Chodesh]] Av (during the entire [[Nine Days]]).
*Rabbenu Shevet (quoted by the Mordechai Taanit 633) writes that one may not fix or wear new clothes during the week in which [[Tisha BeAv]] falls and adds that it is proper to be strict about this during the [[Nine Days]]. He bases this on the Yerushalmi (Pesachim 4:1) which says that it is a proper minhag not to sew from the beginning of Av. Bet Yosef 551:6 explains that although the Yerushalmi said not to sew during the [[Nine Days]], that's only a minhag, however, there is only an actual prohibition during the week in which [[Tisha BeAv]] falls out. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 551:6 rules that it is forbidden to wear new clothes during the week in which [[Tisha BeAv]] falls out and the Rama adds that the Ashkenazic minhag is to be strict about this starting from [[Rosh Chodesh]] Av (during the entire [[Nine Days]]).
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