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# A person should make a great effort to daven in a minyan because of the tremendous kedusha of Davening in a minyan and it’s ability to be accepted before Hashem. <ref>S”A 90:9 writes that a person should make a serious effort to daven with a minyan and one’s only exempt if there’s extenuating circumstances. Mishna Brurah 90:28 emphasizes the important of Davening with a minyan and that the most important part of Davening with a minayn is Shemona Esreh. </ref>
# A person should make a great effort to daven in a minyan because of the tremendous kedusha of Davening in a minyan and it’s ability to be accepted before Hashem. <ref>S”A 90:9 writes that a person should make a serious effort to daven with a minyan and one’s only exempt if there’s extenuating circumstances. Mishna Brurah 90:28 emphasizes the important of Davening with a minyan and that the most important part of Davening with a minayn is Shemona Esreh. See Halichot Shlomo (chapter 5 note 52 pg 66) records that for health reasons a certain person was only able to leave the house once a day and Rav Shlomo Zalman said he can use that one time to go to work instead of going to daven in a minyan because being social will make him feel better. </ref>
# It’s permissible to miss a minyan in order to prevent a loss of money, however it’s forbidden if it’s just a loss of a potential profit. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 90:29 </ref>
# It’s permissible to miss a minyan in order to prevent a loss of money, however it’s forbidden if it’s just a loss of a potential profit. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 90:29 </ref>
# A person shouldn’t travel from a place where there’s a minyan to a place where there’s no minyan unless there’s a serious health need, parnasa need, or mitzvah need. <Ref> Halichot Shlomo (5:4 pg 61) writes that for parnasa, health or mitzvah needs one may travel to a place where one won’t be able to find a minyan. See Halichot Shlomo (page 72) where Rav Zalman Nechemyah Goldberg discusses whether there’s a halachic imperative to preempt the situation where one will have to miss a mitzvah and it’s relevance to the Baal HaMoer by going on a boat 3 days before Shabbat.  </ref> However one should not go on a tiyul if it means missing minyan. <Ref>BeYitzchak Yikra 90:18 </ref>
# A person shouldn’t travel from a place where there’s a minyan to a place where there’s no minyan unless there’s a serious health need, parnasa need, or mitzvah need. <Ref> Halichot Shlomo (5:4 pg 61) writes that for parnasa, health or mitzvah needs one may travel to a place where one won’t be able to find a minyan. See Halichot Shlomo (page 72) where Rav Zalman Nechemyah Goldberg discusses whether there’s a halachic imperative to preempt the situation where one will have to miss a mitzvah and it’s relevance to the Baal HaMoer by going on a boat 3 days before Shabbat.  </ref> However one should not go on a tiyul if it means missing minyan. <Ref>BeYitzchak Yikra 90:18 </ref>
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# If one came late to the set minyan and going to a later one will cause you to miss learning in a chevruta and certainly if it will cause one to miss giving a public shuir one may not go to daven in a minyan but rather should daven by oneself and then learn as usual. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 90:56 writes that one who is going to give a shuir to the public may not miss out on the opportunity in order to go to a minyan. Halichot Shlomo 5:16 adds that even if one will only miss learning with a chevruta one shouldn’t go to the minyan; BeYitzchak Yikra (Rav Nevinsal) 90:18 writes that if a student in a yeshiva eats and sleeps by the yeshiva it’s an imperative to daven in the Yeshiva minyan and it’s forbidden to daven even in a holier place such as by the kotel because of Mitzvah HaBah BeAvierah! [I (Ike Sultan) heard from reliable sources that the minhag in Yeshivat HaKotel based on the ruling of Rav Nevinsal is (5771) that if a bachur yeshiva misses yeshiva minyan he must daven by his place in the Bet Midrash alone (even if it causes embarrassment) and not go to the kotel to join a later minyan!] </ref>
# If one came late to the set minyan and going to a later one will cause you to miss learning in a chevruta and certainly if it will cause one to miss giving a public shuir one may not go to daven in a minyan but rather should daven by oneself and then learn as usual. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 90:56 writes that one who is going to give a shuir to the public may not miss out on the opportunity in order to go to a minyan. Halichot Shlomo 5:16 adds that even if one will only miss learning with a chevruta one shouldn’t go to the minyan; BeYitzchak Yikra (Rav Nevinsal) 90:18 writes that if a student in a yeshiva eats and sleeps by the yeshiva it’s an imperative to daven in the Yeshiva minyan and it’s forbidden to daven even in a holier place such as by the kotel because of Mitzvah HaBah BeAvierah! [I (Ike Sultan) heard from reliable sources that the minhag in Yeshivat HaKotel based on the ruling of Rav Nevinsal is (5771) that if a bachur yeshiva misses yeshiva minyan he must daven by his place in the Bet Midrash alone (even if it causes embarrassment) and not go to the kotel to join a later minyan!] </ref>
# Don’t leave a guest in order to go daven because welcoming guests (hachsanat orchim) overrides davening in a minyan. <Ref>Halichot Shlomo (chapter 5 note 25 pg 66) </ref>
# Don’t leave a guest in order to go daven because welcoming guests (hachsanat orchim) overrides davening in a minyan. <Ref>Halichot Shlomo (chapter 5 note 25 pg 66) </ref>
# Halichot Shlomo (chapter 5 note 52 pg 66) records that for health reasons a certain person was only able to leave the house once a day and Rav Shlomo Zalman said he can use that one time to go to work instead of going to daven in a minyan because being social will make him feel better.
# Someone who usually davens Vatikin should daven vatikin even if one day he can’t get a minyan. <Ref>Halichot Shlomo 5:17 </ref>
# Someone who usually davens Vatikin should daven vatikin even if one day he can’t get a minyan. <Ref>Halichot Shlomo 5:17 </ref>
# A Person should make a great effort to daven with a minyan and there’s a tremendous level to Davening with a Tzibbur in having one’s Tefillah accepted in heaven. <Ref>S”A 90:9, Mishna Brurah 90:28 </ref>
# A Person should make a great effort to daven with a minyan and there’s a tremendous level to Davening with a Tzibbur in having one’s Tefillah accepted in heaven. <Ref>S”A 90:9, Mishna Brurah 90:28 </ref>