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##What is considered a close relationship such that there is no leniency of having one's husband in the city? Some say that even a professional acquaintance is considered a close relationship, while others limit it to a step-sibling or a relative.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan EH 22:6 held that a professional acquaintance is considered libo gas ba but the Tzitz Eliezer 40:12:2 disagreed and quotes the Chida in Shaar Yosef 3 who is lenient. </ref>
##What is considered a close relationship such that there is no leniency of having one's husband in the city? Some say that even a professional acquaintance is considered a close relationship, while others limit it to a step-sibling or a relative.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan EH 22:6 held that a professional acquaintance is considered libo gas ba but the Tzitz Eliezer 40:12:2 disagreed and quotes the Chida in Shaar Yosef 3 who is lenient. </ref>
#Some poskim hold that this only applies if the husband can come at any moment but not if a person knows that their husband isn't coming home until a certain time since he's at work or is involved with a specific task.<ref>Igrot Moshe EH 4:65:6 is strict if the man has a job and can't come home in the middle of the day that it isn't considered baala b'ir even though technically he is in the same city as her. However, if he works for himself and can come home whenever he wants then the leniency of being in the city does permit her in yichud.</ref> Others are lenient.<ref>Yalkut Yosef EH 22:7 is lenient even if the husband is on the other side of town or he doesn't know in where his wife currently is.</ref>
#Some poskim hold that this only applies if the husband can come at any moment but not if a person knows that their husband isn't coming home until a certain time since he's at work or is involved with a specific task.<ref>Igrot Moshe EH 4:65:6 is strict if the man has a job and can't come home in the middle of the day that it isn't considered baala b'ir even though technically he is in the same city as her. However, if he works for himself and can come home whenever he wants then the leniency of being in the city does permit her in yichud.</ref> Others are lenient.<ref>Yalkut Yosef EH 22:7 is lenient even if the husband is on the other side of town or he doesn't know in where his wife currently is.</ref>
#Some poskim hold that this leniency does not apply if she's not at her own home.<ref>Chachmat Adam 126:6</ref> Others are lenient in extenuating circumstances.<ref>Igrot Moshe 4:65:21</ref>

====Wife Protecting Husband====
====Wife Protecting Husband====
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