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=====T-Shirt Tzitzit=====
=====T-Shirt Tzitzit=====
#It is preferable not to wear the tzitzit on one’s body itself,<ref>Rivevot Efraim 4:15:1 writes that it is disgraceful to the mitzvah of tzitzit to wear it on one’s body directly as an undershirt, rather one should wear an undershirt and put it on top. Sh"t Teshuvot Vehanhagot 1:25 says if you wear them specifically as an undershirt to stop the sweat from wetting your shirt then he is unsure if it would even be obligated in Tzitzit, so one should try to refrain from doing so. Piskei Teshuvot 8:22 fnt. 196 makes a similar point.</ref> but some poskim believe it is permitted to do so.<ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichot Shlomo 3:11) holds that wearing tzitzit on one’s body isn’t disgraceful to the mitzvah. Also, Halacha Brurah 8:33 quotes his father, Rav Ovadia Yosef, as holding that there is no concern of wearing a tzitzit on one’s body and it isn’t considered disgraceful to the mitzvah. He explains that it isn’t an issue of being an undershirt since one put it on primarily for tzitzit and secondarily it also is an undershirt. [ Or Letzion 2:2:4] agrees. <br>
#It is preferable not to wear the tzitzit on one’s body itself,<ref>Rivevot Efraim 4:15:1 writes that it is disgraceful to the mitzvah of tzitzit to wear it on one’s body directly as an undershirt, rather one should wear an undershirt and put it on top. Sh"t Teshuvot Vehanhagot 1:25 says if you wear them specifically as an undershirt to stop the sweat from wetting your shirt then he is unsure if it would even be obligated in Tzitzit, so one should try to refrain from doing so. Piskei Teshuvot 8:22 fnt. 196 makes a similar point.</ref> but some poskim believe it is permitted to do so.<ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichot Shlomo 3:11) holds that wearing tzitzit on one’s body isn’t disgraceful to the mitzvah. Also, Halacha Brurah 8:33 quotes his father, Rav Ovadia Yosef, as holding that there is no concern of wearing a tzitzit on one’s body and it isn’t considered disgraceful to the mitzvah. He explains that it isn’t an issue of being an undershirt since one put it on primarily for tzitzit and secondarily it also is an undershirt. [ Or Letzion 2:2:4] agrees.  
see [ Ten-minute-Halacha: Undershirt Tzitzis and Wearing Tzitzis Directly on Skin] by Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz for a more in-depth discussion</ref>
#It is critical that the sides for the tzitzit be split majority of the way and not closed like a regular undershirt. Otherwise the garment isn't obligated in tzitzit. When determining the size of the hole the armhole is considered as though it was closed.<ref>[ Or Letzion 2:2:4]</ref>
See [ Ten-minute-Halacha: Undershirt Tzitzis and Wearing Tzitzis Directly on Skin] by Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz for a more in-depth discussion.</ref>
#If the majority of a garment's side is open then it must have Tzitzit, but if only a minority of a garment's side is open then it is exempt from having Tzitzit.<ref>Shulchan Aruch, OC, 10:7. See [ Ten Minute Halacha: Tzitzis on a Sweater that Zips Up On The Sides] by Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz for a practical discussion of this issue.</ref> When determining the size of the hole the armhole is considered as though it was closed.<ref>Mishna Berura 10:25 [ Or Letzion 2:2:4]</ref> If the garment's side is open exactly half way then it is a safek and therefore one should tie Tzitzit on it without a beracha.<ref>Mishna Berura 10:26, Halacha Brurah 10:16</ref> In such a case one should be careful not to wear the garment on Shabbat without an Eruv.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 10:7</ref>

=====Other Garments=====
=====Other Garments=====
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