
From Halachipedia

Dear Sirs In the 11th century the covering of heads by Jews was in private either praying or eating. This was added to for studying by Rabbi Gorman It is extremely hard to find any religious Jews wearing head coverings pre 1500 CE Even Moses was bare headed in a Fresco in a Syrian synagogue There are no pictures pre 100 CE of religious leaders with head coverings in public places. In the Titus Roman arch only priests are depicted with head gear Many religious leaders were depicted without any headdress until the 16th ,17th century Nowhere until the 16th century did it become a fashion as it is today with different kippot showing to which groups you belong. Certain groups followed the dress of the elite in Eastern Europe and others the Roman Catholic Cardinals dress dog collarrs etc..Nowadays it is free for all even wearing football teams’ kippot Mike de haan

Rambam regars head covering as a lekatchila obligation to tefila(amida) The SHADAL did not wear a Kippah Min ha din, Rav Huna's approach on walking 4 amot bareheaded is a midat ha chassidim, a pious act but not an obligation. The ohr Zarua II 43 mentions head covering is not usual in french rabbis The Vilna Gaon also holds it is required only for prayer. Rav Ovadya Halacha yomit also regards it as a minhag and required.only for prayer