
Speech on Shabbat: Difference between revisions

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==Planning for Tomorrow==
==Planning for Tomorrow==
# On [[Shabbat]], it is forbidden to say that one is going to do a melacha after [[Shabbat]].<ref>The gemara shabbat 113a-b learns from the pasuk in yeshaya "ודבר דבר" (lit: "and speaking speech") that one's speech on shabbat should be different than during the week. What exactly does this mean? Rashi there says that it's referring to not speaking about business matters. Tosfot argue that this is already included in the other phrase of the pasuk in yeshaya - "ממצוא חפציך" (lit: and seeking your interests) - and therefore interpret it to mean not speaking too much on shabbat in general (even speech which is otherwise permitted).  
# On [[Shabbat]], it is forbidden to say that one is going to do a melacha after [[Shabbat]].<ref>The gemara shabbat 113a-b learns from the pasuk in yeshaya "ודבר דבר" (lit: "and speaking speech") that one's speech on shabbat should be different than during the week. What exactly does this mean? Rashi there says that it's referring to not speaking about business matters. Tosfot argue that this is already included in the other phrase of the pasuk in yeshaya - "ממצוא חפציך" (lit: and seeking your interests) - and therefore interpret it to mean not speaking too much on shabbat in general (even speech which is otherwise permitted).  
