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===Who Should do Gelilah===
===Who Should do Gelilah===
#Even though in theory it is possible for one person to do both Hagbah and Gelilah as was the custom in the days of the Gemara,<ref>Rashi Megillah 32a</ref> today the minhag is to have two people do Hagbah and Gelilah.<ref>Bet Yosef 147:4 citing the Maharik, Mishna Brurah 147:17</ref>
#Even though in theory it is possible for the same person to do both Hagbah and Gelilah as was the custom in the days of the Gemara,<ref>Rashi Megillah 32a</ref> today the minhag is to have one person do Hagbah, and someone else do Gelilah.<ref>Bet Yosef 147:4 citing the Maharik, Mishna Brurah 147:17</ref>
#The honor of Gelilah is very great but nonetheless it is generally given to children to get them to practice mitzvot.<ref>Mishna Brurah 147:7</ref>
#The honor of Gelilah is very great, but is nevertheless generally given to children to get them to practice mitzvot.<ref>Mishna Brurah 147:7</ref>
#The honor of passing to the one who does Gelilah the ''gartel'' (belt around the Sefer Torah) and ''mantel'' (cloth on the Sefer Torah) is a separate honor from Gelilah. If someone were to buy Gelilah they don't automatically acquire the honor of passing the ''gartel'' and ''mantel''.<ref>Mordechai end of Megillah cited by Bet Yosef 147:2, Shulchan Aruch O.C. 147:2</ref>
#The honor of passing the ''gartel'' (belt around the Sefer Torah) and ''mantel'' (cloth on the Sefer Torah) to the person who does Gelilah, is a separate honor from the actual performance of Gelilah. If someone were to buy Gelilah, they don't automatically acquire the honor of passing the ''gartel'' and ''mantel''.<ref>Mordechai end of Megillah cited by Bet Yosef 147:2, Shulchan Aruch O.C. 147:2</ref>
===How to Do Gelilah===
===How to Do Gelilah===
#During Gelilah the words of the Sefer Torah is facing towards the Magbiyah and not the one doing Gelilah.<ref>Mahari Ibn Chaviv in Bet Yosef 147:4, Rama 147:4, Mishna Brurah 18. Mahari Ibn Chaviv explains that once the Magbiyah didn't it the Sefer Torah shouldn't be turned around for the benefit of the golel since it isn't respectful to have the Sefer Torah turned for the convenience of a person.</ref>
#During Gelilah, the words of the Sefer Torah should face the Magbiyah, not the one doing Gelilah.<ref>Mahari Ibn Chaviv in Bet Yosef 147:4, Rama 147:4, Mishna Brurah 18. Mahari Ibn Chaviv explains that once the Magbiyah didn't it the Sefer Torah shouldn't be turned around for the benefit of the golel since it isn't respectful to have the Sefer Torah turned for the convenience of a person.</ref>
#The ''gartel'' is wrapped around the Sefer Torah so that the knot, buckle, or velcro latch that opens and closes is attached in front of the words of the Sefer Torah. This way the next time the Sefer Torah is opened it can opened up with the words facing upward and the latch unfastened without having to flip over the Sefer Torah onto its back disrespectfully.<ref>Tosfot Megillah 32a citing Rabbenu Chananel, Rosh cited by Bet Yosef 147:4, Tur, and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 147:4, Mishna Brurah 147:18</ref>
#The ''gartel'' is wrapped around the Sefer Torah so that the knot, buckle, or velcro latch that opens and closes is attached in front of the words of the Sefer Torah. This way the next time the Sefer Torah is opened it can opened up with the words facing upward and the latch unfastened without having to flip over the Sefer Torah onto its back disrespectfully.<ref>Tosfot Megillah 32a citing Rabbenu Chananel, Rosh cited by Bet Yosef 147:4, Tur, and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 147:4, Mishna Brurah 147:18</ref>

==Touching the Klaf of a Sefer Torah==
==Touching the Klaf of a Sefer Torah==
#It is forbidden to touch the klaf of a Sefer Torah barehanded. Even merely touching it briefly is forbidden.<ref>Gemara Megillah 32a, Tur and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 147:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 23:4, Mishna Brurah 147:1</ref> A sofer who needs to touch the klaf in order to fix it may do so.<ref>Mishna Brurah 147:1</ref>  However, some say that one only needs to be careful to not touch the parchment of a Sefer Torah while it is being read from or between readings.<ref>Ben Ish Chai S"S Toledot 18 </ref>
#It is forbidden to touch the klaf (parchment) of a Sefer Torah barehanded. Even merely touching it briefly is forbidden.<ref>Gemara Megillah 32a, Tur and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 147:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 23:4, Mishna Brurah 147:1</ref> A sofer who needs to touch the klaf in order to fix it may do so.<ref>Mishna Brurah 147:1</ref>  However, some say that one only needs to be careful not to touch the parchment of a Sefer Torah while it's being read or between Aliyot.<ref>Ben Ish Chai S"S Toledot 18 </ref>
#It is forbidden to touch the klaf even after washing one's hands.<ref>The Mordechai cited by Bet Yosef 147:1 permits touching a sefer torah after having washed one's hands. The Rama 147:1 rules that it is forbidden to touch a sefer torah even after washing one's hands. Mishna Brurah 147:4 agrees.</ref>
#It is forbidden to touch the klaf even after washing one's hands.<ref>The Mordechai, cited by Bet Yosef 147:1, permits touching a Sefer Torah after having washed one's hands. The Rama 147:1 rules that it is forbidden to touch a sefer torah even after washing one's hands. Mishna Brurah 147:4 agrees with Rama.</ref>
#According to many rishonim it is forbidden to touch the klaf of a book of Navi or Ketuvim that was written with ink on a klaf.<ref>Bet Yosef 147:1 citing the Agudah, Rama 147:1 is strict. However, Birkei Yosef 147:1 citing Shev Yakov 11 is lenient.</ref> However, it is the minhag is to be lenient if one first washed one's hands. For example, for megillat ester, the minhag is to touch the klaf after having washed one's hands.<ref>Rama 147:1 and Mishna Brurah 147:3</ref>
#According to many Rishonim, it is forbidden to touch the klaf of a book of Navi or Ketuvim that was written with ink on a klaf.<ref>Bet Yosef 147:1 citing the Agudah, Rama 147:1 is strict. However, Birkei Yosef 147:1 citing Shev Yakov 11 is lenient.</ref> However, the minhag is that one may touch the klaf he has washed his hands. For example, for Megillat Esther, the minhag is to touch the klaf after having washed one's hands.<ref>Rama 147:1 and Mishna Brurah 147:3</ref>
#A person should be very careful while doing Gelilah not to touch the klaf directly. If the klaf needs to be straightened it should be done with the use of a tallit or cloth.<ref>Gemara Megillah 32a states that someone who touches the klaf of a Sefer Torah with their bare hands will be buried bare. The gemara is troubled by that and instead concludes that he will be buried without the mitzvah that he was involved with at that time. Tur and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 147:1 codify this halacha. Mishna Brurah 147:2 gives as an example that if the klaf isn't straight and needs to be fixed it can be done with the use of a tallit or cloth.</ref>
#A person should be very careful while doing Gelilah not to touch the klaf directly. If the klaf needs to be straightened, then one should do so while holding the klaf with a tallit or cloth.<ref>Gemara Megillah 32a states that someone who touches the klaf of a Sefer Torah with their bare hands will be buried bare. The Gemara is troubled by this and instead concludes that he will be buried without the mitzvah that he was involved with at that time. Tur and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 147:1 codify this halacha. Mishna Brurah 147:2 gives as an example that if the klaf isn't straight and needs to be fixed it can be done with the use of a tallit or cloth.</ref>
#It is permitted to touch barehanded other Seforim that aren't written on a Klaf with ink, but if one's hands are dirty one shouldn't touch the Sefer until one cleans one's hands.<ref>Mishna Brurah 147:3</ref>
#It is permitted to touch other Seforim that aren't written on a Klaf with one's bare hands. However, if one's hands are dirty, then he shouldn't touch the Sefer until he cleans his hands.<ref>Mishna Brurah 147:3</ref>

==Reading the Torah (Getting an Aliyah)==
==Reading the Torah (Getting an Aliyah)==
===Who Can get an Aliya===
===Who Can get an Aliya===
#Women may not get aliyot.<ref>Gemara Megillah 23a. Bet Yosef 53 writes that a congregation can be mochel on their kavod with respect to having a child be shaliach tzibur. Bach argues. [ Rav Yitzchak Yosef (Motzei Shabbat Ki Tisa 5779 min 21)] explained that even though according to the precise halacha women can get aliyot but because of the fifth volume of Shulchan Aruch they can't.</ref>
#Women may not receive aliyot.<ref>Gemara Megillah 23a. The Gemara explains that the issue with women receiving Aliyot is "kavod ha'tzibbur", the dignity of the congregation. Bet Yosef 53 writes that a congregation can be mochel on their kavod with respect to having a child be shaliach tzibur. Bach argues. [ Rav Yitzchak Yosef (Motzei Shabbat Ki Tisa 5779 min 21)] explained that even though according to the precise halakha women can receive aliyot, practically speaking they cannot because of the fifth volume of Shulchan Aruch.</ref>


#Some poskim permit sending up a child who is old enough to understand who he is blessing for an aliya. The child can even count among the seven.<ref>Yechave Daat 4:23</ref> Other poskim write that you should not send up a child except for Maftir<ref>Mishna Brura 282:12, Mikor Chaim 3: pg. 110, [ Rav Osher Weiss]</ref>
#Some poskim permit giving an aliya to a child who is old enough to understand who he is blessing. The child may even count among the seven.<ref>Yechave Daat 4:23</ref> Other poskim write that a child may only receive Maftir.<ref>Mishna Brura 282:12, Mikor Chaim 3: pg. 110, [ Rav Osher Weiss]</ref>

#There is much discussion about sending up a blind a person to the torah for an aliya.<ref>see [ May a Blind Person Get an Aliya] by Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz</ref> The minhag is most sephardic communities is to allow it.<ref>See Tzitz Eliezer 11:10</ref>
#There is much discussion about a blind person receiving an aliya.<ref>see [ May a Blind Person Get an Aliya] by Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz</ref> The minhag in most Sephardic communities is to allow it.<ref>See Tzitz Eliezer 11:10</ref>
# One should not give an aliyah to someone who publically violates Shabbat.<ref>Igrot Moshe 4:91:8</ref>
# One should not give an aliyah to someone who publicly violates Shabbat.<ref>Igrot Moshe 4:91:8</ref>

===Order of Priority in Giving Out Aliyot===
===Order of Priority in Giving Out Aliyot===

#There's is a mitzvah to give the Cohen the first Aliyah and the honor of doing [[Zimmun]].<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 144:8</ref> Similarly, it is forbidden to use a Cohen for a personal task, however, if the Cohen foregoes on his honor, it is permitted.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 144:9</ref>
#There's is a mitzvah to give the Cohen the first Aliyah and the honor of doing [[Zimmun]].<ref>Gittin 59b and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 144:8</ref> Similarly, it is forbidden to use a Cohen for a personal task. However, if the Cohen foregoes his honor, it is permitted.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 144:9</ref>
#If there's no Levi and there is a Kohen in Shul, the Kohen who got the first Aliyah should also get the second Aliyah.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 135:8</ref>
#If there's no Levi and there is a Kohen in Shul, the Kohen who received the first Aliyah should also receive the second Aliyah.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 135:8</ref>
#The following is the order of those who should get an Aliyah:  
#The following is the order of those who should receive an Aliyah:  
##A groom on the day of his wedding,
##A groom on the day of his wedding,
##a groom who is getting married for the first time, the [[Shabbat]] before his wedding,
##a groom on the [[Shabbat]] before his wedding, provided that this is his first marriage
##a bar mitzvah boy on the [[Shabbat]] after his bar mitzvah
##a bar mitzvah boy on the [[Shabbat]] after his bar mitzvah
##a sandak who holds the baby for the Milah
##a sandak who holds the baby for the Milah
##a sandak who carries baby in for the Milah
##a sandak who carries baby in for the Milah
##husband of a woman who gave birth to a girl if the mother comes to shul
##the husband of a woman who gave birth to a girl if the mother comes to shul
##husband of a woman who gave birth to a boy if the mother comes to shul
##the husband of a woman who gave birth to a boy if the mother comes to shul
##groom on the [[Shabbat]] after his wedding if the wedding was on Wednesday or later in the week, assuming that either the groom or bride was getting married for the first time
##a groom on the [[Shabbat]] after his wedding if the wedding was on Wednesday or later in the week, provided that this is the first marriage of either the groom or the bride  
##a person with [[Yahrzeit]] for a parent on that day
##a person with [[Yahrzeit]] for a parent on that day
##a father of a boy who is going to have a Milah that day
##the father of a boy who is going to have a Milah that day
##a person with a [[Yahrzeit]] in the coming week
##a person with a [[Yahrzeit]] in the coming week
##a mohel who performed a Milah that day
##a mohel who performed a Milah that day
##a sandak on the [[Shabbat]] before the Milah
##a sandak on the [[Shabbat]] before the Milah
##a father of a boy on the [[Shabbat]] before the Milah
##the father of the boy on the [[Shabbat]] before the Milah
##a mohel of a baby on the [[Shabbat]] before the Milah<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 78:11. For more detailed lists see Magen Avraham 282:18 and Biur Halacha 136 s.v. Beshabbat. </ref>
##the mohel of the baby on the [[Shabbat]] before the Milah<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 78:11. For more detailed lists see Magen Avraham 282:18 and Biur Halacha 136 s.v. Beshabbat. </ref>
#If there is a double parsha, the gabbai should ensure that the parshiyot are connected with the fourth Aliyah.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 78:3</ref>
#If there is a double parsha, the gabbai should ensure that the parshiyot are connected with the fourth Aliyah.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 78:3</ref>
#If a Yisrael takes the first aliyah when a Cohen is in the shul some poskim hold that it doesn't count towards the count of Aliyot necessary, while others hold it does count.<ref>Pri Chadash 135:6 holds that the aliyah of the yisrael in the place of the Cohen doesn't count for an aliyah and his proof is Gittin 59b. However, the Nodeh BeYehuda OC 2:14 argues that it counts and the gemara only meant that it is a common misconception. Mishna Brurah 135:20 and Halacha Brurah 135 accept the Nodeh Beyehuda.</ref>
#If a Yisrael takes the first aliyah when a Cohen is in the shul, some poskim hold that it doesn't count towards the count of Aliyot needed, while others hold it does count.<ref>Pri Chadash 135:6 holds that the aliyah of a yisrael in place of a Cohen doesn't count for an aliyah based on Gittin 59b. However, the Nodeh BeYehuda OC 2:14 argues that it counts and the gemara only meant that it is a common misconception. Mishna Brurah 135:20 and Halacha Brurah 135 accept the Nodeh Beyehuda.</ref>

===Father and Son Getting Consecutive Aliyot===
===Father and Son Receiving Consecutive Aliyot===
# A father and son or two brothers should not get an aliyah one after another because of Ayin Hara.<ref>Shulchan Aruch OC 141:6 based on Kolbo</ref>
# A father and son, as well as two brothers, should not receive an aliyah one after another because of Ayin Hara.<ref>Shulchan Aruch OC 141:6 based on Kolbo</ref>
# Some say the same is true of a grandfather and grandson but in a case of need it is permitted.<ref>Mishna Brurah 141:19</ref>
# Some say that the same is true of a grandfather and grandson.  However, in a case of need, it is permitted.<ref>Mishna Brurah 141:19</ref>
# It is permitted for a father and son to get two aliyot in two sifrei torah, such as Chatan Torah and Chatan Beresheet.<ref>Mishna Brurah 141:20 writes that it is permitted to give a father and son two aliyot back to back in two sifrei torah with the maftir in another sefer torah. Dirshu on Mishna Brurah 141:19 citing numerous poskim who are lenient in the case of Chatan Torah and Chatan Beresheet.</ref>
# It is permitted for a father and son to receive two consecutive aliyot in two sifrei torah, such as Chatan Torah and Chatan Beresheet.<ref>Mishna Brurah 141:20 writes that it is permitted to give a father and son two aliyot back to back in two sifrei torah with the maftir in another sefer torah. Dirshu on Mishna Brurah 141:19 citing numerous poskim who are lenient in the case of Chatan Torah and Chatan Beresheet.</ref>
# If the minhag is not to call up the person by name it isn't any ayin hara.<ref>Rama 141:6, Mishna Brurah 141:21</ref>
# If the minhag is not to call up the person by name it isn't any ayin hara.<ref>Rama 141:6, Mishna Brurah 141:21</ref>
#Ideally a father and son or two brothers shouldn't take hagbah and gelilah together but after the fact if they were already called up it is permitted. If the minhag isn't to call up the one who did hagbah or gelilah by name and not to do a mi shaberech for them by name it is permitted even initially.<ref></ref>
#Ideally a father and son or two brothers shouldn't take hagbah and gelilah together but after the fact if they were already called up it is permitted. If the minhag isn't to call up the one who did hagbah or gelilah by name and not to do a mi shaberech for them by name it is permitted even initially.<ref></ref>