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===What one may learn on Tisha BeAv===
===What one may learn on Tisha BeAv===

#One should not learn Torah on Tisha BeAv whether it’s Tanach, Midrash, Mishna, Gemara, Halacha, or Aggadata because Torah brings happiness to a person. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 554:1-2 based on the pasuk in Tehillim 19:9,  פִּקּוּדֵי ה יְשָׁרִים, מְשַׂמְּחֵי-לֵב</ref> This applies to women as well. <ref>Sh"t Rivivot Ephraim 2:155:14 </ref>
#One should not learn Torah on Tisha BeAv whether it’s Tanach, Midrash, Mishna, Gemara, Halacha, or Aggadata because Torah brings happiness to a person.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 554:1-2 based on the pasuk in Tehillim 19:9,  פִּקּוּדֵי ה יְשָׁרִים, מְשַׂמְּחֵי-לֵב</ref> This applies to women as well.<ref>Sh"t Rivivot Ephraim 2:155:14 </ref>
#Nevertheless, the obligation to set some time in the day for learning torah still exists. <ref>Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 580 </ref> It is permissible to read Iyov, an explanation of Iyov, the sad parts of Yirmiyahu (the prophecies about the destruction and rebuke of the Jewish people, but not consolation nor about the destruction of the other nations), Midrash Eicha, an explanation of Eicha, the Gemara in the third perek of Moed Katan (which deals with the laws of [[mourning]], excluding the happy parts), <ref>S”A 554:1-2, Mishna Brurah 554:2 </ref> the Gemara in Gittin and Sanhedrin which deal with the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash. <ref>Mishna Brurah 554:3 </ref>
#Nevertheless, the obligation to set some time in the day for learning torah still exists.<ref>Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 580 </ref> It is permissible to read Iyov, an explanation of Iyov, the sad parts of Yirmiyahu (the prophecies about the destruction and rebuke of the Jewish people, but not consolation nor about the destruction of the other nations), Midrash Eicha, an explanation of Eicha, the Gemara in the third perek of Moed Katan (which deals with the laws of [[mourning]], excluding the happy parts),<ref>S”A 554:1-2, Mishna Brurah 554:2 </ref> the Gemara in Gittin and Sanhedrin which deal with the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash.<ref>Mishna Brurah 554:3 </ref>
#When learning the laws of [[mourning]] one may not go into the depth of halacha (with questions and answers). <ref>Mishna Brurah 554:4. On the other hand, Aruch Hashulchan 554:4 permits going into it deeply. </ref>
#When learning the laws of [[mourning]] one may not go into the depth of halacha (with questions and answers).<ref>Mishna Brurah 554:4. On the other hand, Aruch Hashulchan 554:4 permits going into it deeply. </ref>
#One may not even think of how to answer a serious difficulty in learning because one will feel satisfied when the matter is settled. <ref>Mishna Brurah 554:4 </ref>
#One may not even think of how to answer a serious difficulty in learning because one will feel satisfied when the matter is settled.<ref>Mishna Brurah 554:4 </ref>
#It is permitted to pray the normal [[prayers]] even though it contains Divrai Torah such as az yashir, eizehu mikoman, the [[korbanot]] etc. <ref>Sh"t Yabia Omer YD 4:32 </ref>
#It is permitted to pray the normal [[prayers]] even though it contains Divrai Torah such as az yashir, eizehu mikoman, the [[korbanot]] etc.<ref>Sh"t Yabia Omer YD 4:32 </ref>


#Although leather is not worn, some have the custom to say the beracha in birkot hashachar of "sheasa li ko tzorki." <ref>Mishna Brurah 554:31,  Chazon Ovadyah (Yamim Noraim pg 320),  [ Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref> Some say to omit it. <ref>Halachot and History of The [[Three Weeks]], The Akkad Edition, Congregation Shaare Rahamim Halachot Series page 62; Ben Ish Hai Vayeshev: 9; Kaf Hachaim 46:17 </ref>
#Although leather is not worn, some have the custom to say the beracha in birkot hashachar of "sheasa li ko tzorki."<ref>Mishna Brurah 554:31,  Chazon Ovadyah (Yamim Noraim pg 320),  [ Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref> Some say to omit it.<ref>Halachot and History of The [[Three Weeks]], The Akkad Edition, Congregation Shaare Rahamim Halachot Series page 62; Ben Ish Hai Vayeshev: 9; Kaf Hachaim 46:17 </ref>
#[[Tachanun]] is not recited on Tisha B'av. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 559:4, because Tisha B'Av is considered like a moed. Mishna Brurah 559:17 points out that this is based on the pasuk in Lamentations 1:15 קָרָא עָלַי מוֹעֵד </ref>
#[[Tachanun]] is not recited on Tisha B'av.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 559:4, because Tisha B'Av is considered like a moed. Mishna Brurah 559:17 points out that this is based on the pasuk in Lamentations 1:15 קָרָא עָלַי מוֹעֵד </ref>
#One may recite keriat shema al hamita on Tisha B'av<ref>Rivivos Ephraim 1:380:4</ref>
#One may recite [[Kriyat Shema Al HaMitah|kriat shema al hamita]] on Tisha B'av.<ref>Rivivos Ephraim 1:380:4</ref>


#The custom is to read the Megillat Eicha, Lamentations, on Tisha B'av. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 559:2, Masechet Sofrim 18:5, and Eicha Rabbah Parsha 3. Mishna Brurah 559:2 notes that although the prevalent tradition is read to Eicha at night, it is preferable to read Eicha privately during the daytime as well. </ref> Most recite it without a beracha.<ref>Rama 490:9, Teshuvot Harama 35. Beit Yosef 559, notes that common practice is to refrain from reciting the beracha of Al Mikra Megillah on all of the megillot except for Megillat Esther. Magen Avraham 490:9, rules that one should recite a beracha on all of the megillot (except Kohelet).  Mishna Berurah 490:19 adopts the opinion of Rama that one should not recite a beracha on the megillot.  However, he notes that one can justify the practice of reciting a beracha if the megillah is read from parchment. Maaseh Rav 175 records that the practice of the Gra was to read all of the megillot from parchment and to recite a beracha.  See Piskei Teshuvot 559:1 </ref>
#The custom is to read the Megillat Eicha, Lamentations, on Tisha B'av.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 559:2, Masechet Sofrim 18:5, and Eicha Rabbah Parsha 3. Mishna Brurah 559:2 notes that although the prevalent tradition is read to Eicha at night, it is preferable to read Eicha privately during the daytime as well. </ref> Most recite it without a beracha.<ref>Rama 490:9, Teshuvot Harama 35. Beit Yosef 559, notes that common practice is to refrain from reciting the beracha of Al Mikra Megillah on all of the megillot except for Megillat Esther. Magen Avraham 490:9, rules that one should recite a beracha on all of the megillot (except Kohelet).  Mishna Berurah 490:19 adopts the opinion of Rama that one should not recite a beracha on the megillot.  However, he notes that one can justify the practice of reciting a beracha if the megillah is read from parchment. Maaseh Rav 175 records that the practice of the Gra was to read all of the megillot from parchment and to recite a beracha.  See Piskei Teshuvot 559:1 </ref>
#Even one who cannot attend shul, should read Eicha and the kinot alone. <ref>Chayei Adam 135:19; Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 124:1; Mishna Berura 559:5. </ref>
#Even one who cannot attend shul, should read Eicha and the kinot alone.<ref>Chayei Adam 135:19; Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 124:1; Mishna Berura 559:5. </ref>
#Women are required to read the Megillat Eicha as well. <ref>Masechet Soferim 18:5. Teshuvot Vihanhagot 2:250 says that since women are obligated in all other halachot of [[mourning]] on tisha b'av, they are also required to hear Eicha. He says that if they cannot make it to shul, they may read it on the floor in their own homes. </ref>
#Women are required to read the Megillat Eicha as well.<ref>Masechet Soferim 18:5. Teshuvot Vihanhagot 2:250 says that since women are obligated in all other halachot of [[mourning]] on tisha b'av, they are also required to hear Eicha. He says that if they cannot make it to shul, they may read it on the floor in their own homes. </ref>


#According to Sephardim, one recites aneinu at night on tisha b’av. <ref>Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 536, [ Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref>
#According to Sephardim, one recites aneinu at night on tisha b’av.<ref>Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 536, [ Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref>

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