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==Marital Relations==
==Marital Relations==

#It is prohibited to have marital relations on Tisha B'av.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 554:1, Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 577. </ref>
#It is prohibited to have marital relations on Tisha B'av.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 554:1, Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 577. </ref>  
#Some poskim say that a husband and wife should be careful not to touch each other.<ref>Mishna Brurah 554:37 raises this possibility but allows for one to be lenient at least during the day. Nitai Gavriel (Ben Hametzarim v. 1 p. 311) is strict. Aruch Hashulchan 554:17 and Taz 615:16 write that one need not be stringent about this at all. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 124:12 forbids physical contact both in the day and at night. Rav Ovadia (Halichot Olam v. 2 p. 153) permits all harchakot including touching and handing items to your wife on Tisha B'av, as long as she isn't a nidda.</ref> Some say that a husband and wife should even be careful not to pass things Tisha B'av night.<ref>Nitai Gavriel (Ben Hametzarim v. 1 p. 311) </ref>
#It is proper not to sleep in the same bed as one's wife on Tisha B'Av.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 554:18</ref> 
#Some poskim say that a husband and wife should be careful not to touch each other.<ref>Mishna Brurah 554:37 raises this possibility but allows for one to be lenient at least during the day. Nitai Gavriel (Ben Hametzarim v. 1 p. 311) is strict. Aruch Hashulchan 554:17 and Taz 615:16 write that one need not be stringent about this at all. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 124:12 forbids physical contact both in the day and at night. Rav Ovadia (Halichot Olam v. 2 p. 153) permits all harchakot including touching and handing items to your wife on Tisha B'av, as long as she isn't a nidda.</ref> Some say that a husband and wife should even be careful not to pass things on Tisha B'av night.<ref>Nitai Gavriel (Ben Hametzarim v. 1 p. 311) </ref>

==Working on Tisha B'Av==
==Working on Tisha B'Av==

#The minhag is not to engage in any work which takes time to do during the night of Tisha B'av or the morning until midday so as not to divert one's attention from the mourning. This includes housework like sweeping.<ref>Halachos of the Three Weeks p. 25, [ Halachically Speaking v. 11 Issue 7]</ref>
#The minhag is not to engage in any work which takes time to do during the night of Tisha B'av nor the morning until midday, so as not to divert one's attention from the mourning. This includes housework like sweeping.<ref>Halachos of the Three Weeks p. 25, [ Halachically Speaking v. 11 Issue 7]</ref>
#It is permitted to have a non-Jew work for you on Tisha B'av as long as it isn't something public like building or painting a house.<ref>Halachos of the Three Weeks p. 25</ref>
#It is permitted to have a non-Jew work for you on Tisha B'av as long as it isn't something public like building or painting a house.<ref>Halachos of the Three Weeks p. 25</ref>
#If the nature of the work is that not doing it on Tisha B'av will cause one a financial loss he may do it on Tisha B'av. When possible he should have a non-Jew do it or at least postponed until midday.<ref>Halachos of the Three Weeks p. 25</ref>
#If the nature of the work is that not doing it on Tisha B'av will cause one a financial loss, one may do it on Tisha B'av. When possible one should have a non-Jew do it or at least postponed until midday.<ref>Halachos of the Three Weeks p. 25</ref>

==Learning Torah==
==Learning Torah==
===What one may learn on Tisha BeAv===
===What one may learn on Tisha BeAv===

#One should not learn Torah on Tisha BeAv whether it’s Tanach, Midrash, Mishna, Gemara, Halacha, or Aggadata because Torah brings happiness to a person. <ref>S”A 554:1-2 based on the pasuk in tehillim 19:9 פִּקּוּדֵי ה יְשָׁרִים, מְשַׂמְּחֵי-לֵב</ref> This applies to women as well. <ref>Sh"t Rivivot Ephraim 2:155:14 </ref>
#One should not learn Torah on Tisha BeAv whether it’s Tanach, Midrash, Mishna, Gemara, Halacha, or Aggadata because Torah brings happiness to a person. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 554:1-2 based on the pasuk in Tehillim 19:9פִּקּוּדֵי ה יְשָׁרִים, מְשַׂמְּחֵי-לֵב</ref> This applies to women as well. <ref>Sh"t Rivivot Ephraim 2:155:14 </ref>
#Nevertheless, the obligation to set some time in the day for learning torah still exists. <ref>Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 580 </ref> It is permissible to read Iyov, an explanation of Iyov, the sad parts of Yirmiyahu (prophesy about destruction and rebuke but not consolation or about destruction of the other nations), Midrash Eicha, an explanation of Eicha, the Gemara in the third perek of Moed Katan (which deals with the laws of [[mourning]], excluding the happy parts), <ref>S”A 554:1-2, Mishna Brurah 554:2 </ref> the Gemara in Gittin and Sanhedrin which deal with the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash. <ref>Mishna Brurah 554:3 </ref>
#Nevertheless, the obligation to set some time in the day for learning torah still exists. <ref>Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 580 </ref> It is permissible to read Iyov, an explanation of Iyov, the sad parts of Yirmiyahu (the prophecies about the destruction and rebuke of the Jewish people, but not consolation nor about the destruction of the other nations), Midrash Eicha, an explanation of Eicha, the Gemara in the third perek of Moed Katan (which deals with the laws of [[mourning]], excluding the happy parts), <ref>S”A 554:1-2, Mishna Brurah 554:2 </ref> the Gemara in Gittin and Sanhedrin which deal with the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash. <ref>Mishna Brurah 554:3 </ref>
#When learning the laws of [[mourning]] one may not go into the depth of halacha (with questions and answers). <ref>Mishna Brurah 554:4. On the other hand, Aruch Hashulchan 554:4 permits going into it deeply. </ref>
#When learning the laws of [[mourning]] one may not go into the depth of halacha (with questions and answers). <ref>Mishna Brurah 554:4. On the other hand, Aruch Hashulchan 554:4 permits going into it deeply. </ref>
#One may not even think of how to answer a serious difficulty in learning because one will feel satisfied when the matter is settled. <ref>Mishna Brurah 554:4 </ref>
#One may not even think of how to answer a serious difficulty in learning because one will feel satisfied when the matter is settled. <ref>Mishna Brurah 554:4 </ref>
#It is permitted to pray the normal [[prayers]] even though it contains torah such as az yashir, eizehu mikoman, the [[korbanot]] etc. <ref>Sh"t Yabia Omer YD 4:32 </ref>
#It is permitted to pray the normal [[prayers]] even though it contains Divrai Torah such as az yashir, eizehu mikoman, the [[korbanot]] etc. <ref>Sh"t Yabia Omer YD 4:32 </ref>


#Although leather is not worn, some have the custom to say the beracha in birkot hashachar of "sheasa li ko tzorki." <ref>Mishna Brurah 554:31,  Chazon Ovadyah (Yamim Noraim pg 320),  [ Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref> Some say to omit it. <ref>Halachot and History of The [[Three Weeks]], The Akkad Edition, Congregation Shaare Rahamim Halachot Series page 62; Ben Ish Hai Vayeshev: 9; Kaf Hachaim 46:17 </ref>
#Although leather is not worn, some have the custom to say the beracha in birkot hashachar of "sheasa li ko tzorki." <ref>Mishna Brurah 554:31,  Chazon Ovadyah (Yamim Noraim pg 320),  [ Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref> Some say to omit it. <ref>Halachot and History of The [[Three Weeks]], The Akkad Edition, Congregation Shaare Rahamim Halachot Series page 62; Ben Ish Hai Vayeshev: 9; Kaf Hachaim 46:17 </ref>
#[[Tachanun]] is not recited on Tisha B'av. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 559:4 since Tisha B'Av is considered like a moed. Mishna Brurah 559:17 points out that this is based on the pasuk in Lamentations 1:15 קָרָא עָלַי מוֹעֵד </ref>
#[[Tachanun]] is not recited on Tisha B'av. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 559:4, because Tisha B'Av is considered like a moed. Mishna Brurah 559:17 points out that this is based on the pasuk in Lamentations 1:15 קָרָא עָלַי מוֹעֵד </ref>
#One may recite keriat shema al hamita on Tisha B'av<ref>Rivivos Ephraim 1:380:4</ref>
#One may recite keriat shema al hamita on Tisha B'av<ref>Rivivos Ephraim 1:380:4</ref>


#The custom is to read the megilla of Eicha, Lamentations, on Tisha B'av. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 559:2, Masechet Sofrim 18:5, and Eicha Rabbah Parsha 3. Mishna Brurah 559:2 notes that although the prevalent tradition is read to Eicha at night, it is preferable to read Eicha privately during the daytime as well. </ref> Most recite it without a beracha.<ref>Rama 490:9, Teshuvot Harama 35. Beit Yosef 559, notes that common practice is to refrain from reciting the beracha of Al Mikra Megillah on all of the megillot with the exception of Megillat Esther. Magen Avraham 490:9, rules that one should recite a beracha on the reading any of the megillot (except Kohelet).  Mishna Berurah 490:19 however, sides with the opinion of Rama that one should not recite a beracha on the megillot.  However, he notes that one can justify the practice of reciting a beracha if the megillah is read from parchment. Maaseh Rav 175 records that the practice of the Gra was to read all of the megillot from parchment and to recite a beracha. see See Piskei Teshuvot 559:1 </ref>
#The custom is to read the Megillat Eicha, Lamentations, on Tisha B'av. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 559:2, Masechet Sofrim 18:5, and Eicha Rabbah Parsha 3. Mishna Brurah 559:2 notes that although the prevalent tradition is read to Eicha at night, it is preferable to read Eicha privately during the daytime as well. </ref> Most recite it without a beracha.<ref>Rama 490:9, Teshuvot Harama 35. Beit Yosef 559, notes that common practice is to refrain from reciting the beracha of Al Mikra Megillah on all of the megillot except for Megillat Esther. Magen Avraham 490:9, rules that one should recite a beracha on all of the megillot (except Kohelet).  Mishna Berurah 490:19 adopts the opinion of Rama that one should not recite a beracha on the megillot.  However, he notes that one can justify the practice of reciting a beracha if the megillah is read from parchment. Maaseh Rav 175 records that the practice of the Gra was to read all of the megillot from parchment and to recite a beracha. See Piskei Teshuvot 559:1 </ref>
#Even one who cannot attend shul, should read Eicha and the kinot alone. <ref>Chayei Adam 135:19; Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 124:1; Mishna Berura 559:5. </ref>
#Even one who cannot attend shul, should read Eicha and the kinot alone. <ref>Chayei Adam 135:19; Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 124:1; Mishna Berura 559:5. </ref>
#Women are required to read the megilla of eicha as well. <ref>Masechet Soferim 18:5. Teshuvot Vihanhagot 2:250 says that since women are obligated in all other halachot of [[mourning]] on tisha b'av, they are also obligated halachos of aveilus of Tisha B'Av, they are also required to hear Eicha. He says that if they cannot make it to shul, they may read it on the floor in their own homes. </ref>
#Women are required to read the Megillat Eicha as well. <ref>Masechet Soferim 18:5. Teshuvot Vihanhagot 2:250 says that since women are obligated in all other halachot of [[mourning]] on tisha b'av, they are also required to hear Eicha. He says that if they cannot make it to shul, they may read it on the floor in their own homes. </ref>

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#If one forgot to recite nachem during the amida and only remembered after finishing, he should not go back and recite the amida again. <ref>[ Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref>
#If one forgot to recite nachem during the amida and only remembered after finishing, he should not go back and recite the amida again. <ref>[ Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref>
#Despite the continued construction of the city of Yerushalayim, the text of Nachem may not be changed because the Makom Hamikdash is still in ruins and the spirituality of the city is still lacking <ref>Sh"t Yechave Daat 1:43, Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik (Mesorah Journal vol. 7, pg. 19 and Nefesh Harav pg. 79). see also [ Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb] </ref>
#Despite the continued construction of the city of Yerushalayim, the text of Nachem may not be changed because the Makom Hamikdash is still in ruins and the spirituality of the city is still lacking <ref>Sh"t Yechave Daat 1:43, Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik (Mesorah Journal vol. 7, pg. 19 and Nefesh Harav pg. 79). see also [ Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb] </ref>
#Everyone says Nachem even someone who isn't fasting.<ref>Nitai Gavriel Ben Hametzarim v. 2 85:17,</ref>
#Everybody says Nachem, even someone who isn't fasting.<ref>Nitai Gavriel Ben Hametzarim v. 2 85:17,</ref>

===Tallit and Tefillin===
===Tallit and Tefillin===
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==Sitting on the Floor==
==Sitting on the Floor==

#During the evening of Tisha B'Av and the morning until chatzot (midday) sitting on a bench or chair is prohibited if it is three tefachim or higher.<ref>Rama 559:3, Rav Shimon Eider (Halachos of The Three Weeks) pg. 24. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 559:3 writes that the minhag is not to sit in a chair applies at night and the morning until the time of mincha (a half hour after chatzot). Yalkut Yosef (Tisha BeAv n. 15) agrees.</ref> One may sit on a cushion or a low bench or chair for someone for whom sitting on the floor is hard.<ref>Mishna Brurah 559:11. Yalkut Yosef Tisha BeAv n. 15 writes that someone old and weak can sit on a chair lower than 3 tefachim. </ref>
#During the evening of Tisha B'Av and the morning until chatzot (midday) it's prohibited to sit on a bench or chair if it's three tefachim or higher.<ref>Rama 559:3, Rav Shimon Eider (Halachos of The Three Weeks) pg. 24. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 559:3 writes that the minhag is not to sit in a chair applies at night and the morning until the time of mincha (a half hour after chatzot). Yalkut Yosef (Tisha BeAv n. 15) agrees.</ref> Someone who finds sitting on the floor to be difficult may sit on a cushion or a low bench or chair<ref>Mishna Brurah 559:11. Yalkut Yosef Tisha BeAv n. 15 writes that someone old and weak can sit on a chair lower than 3 tefachim. </ref>
#After midday, one should not sit on the floor unless he is reciting kinnot in which case he would still be permitted to sit on the floor.<ref>Nitei Gavriel pg. 393 </ref>
#After midday, one should not sit on the floor unless he is reciting kinnot.<ref>Nitei Gavriel pg. 393 </ref>

===Elderly or Pregnant===
===Elderly or Pregnant===

#The elderly and pregnant women who have a difficult time sitting on the ground may sit on a regular chair. Since sitting on the chair for these people is not due to pleasure but rather avoiding pain. <ref>Nitei Gavriel pg. 391</ref>
#Elderly individuals as well as pregnant women who have a difficult time sitting on the ground may sit on a regular chair. Because they are sitting on the chair to avoid pain but not for pleasure , it is permitted. <ref>Nitei Gavriel pg. 391</ref>

===[[Standing for a Talmid Chacham]]===
===[[Standing for a Talmid Chacham|Standing for Parents or for a Talmid Chacham]]===

#Although we sit on the floor like mourners, one must nevertheless stand for his parents or for a talmid chacham. <ref>[ Rabbi Eli Mansour], Yabea Omer YD 3:27:3 </ref>
#Although we sit on the floor like mourners, one must nevertheless stand for his parents or for a talmid chacham. <ref>[ Rabbi Eli Mansour], Yabea Omer YD 3:27:3 </ref>
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===Cars and Trains===
===Cars and Trains===

#It is permitted to sit on a chair when travelling in a car or train. If possible he should try to stand on the train.<ref>[ Halachically Speaking v. 11 issue 7]. Regarding cars, he cites Moadei Yeshurun 1:141, Ohalecha Bamisecha 36:22, Chut Shani Shabbat 2:327, Rivevot Efraim 1:382, and Orchot Rabbenu 2:138:12. Mikraei Kodesh by Rabbi Moshe Harari 7:48 is also lenient to sit normally when driving. Regarding trains he cites Rivevot Efraim 1:382, Ohelecha Bamisecha 36:23, Chut Shani Shabbat 2:327, and Mikadesh Yisrael Ben Hametzarim 269.</ref>
#It is permitted to sit down when traveling in a car or train. If possible, one should try to stand on the train.<ref>[ Halachically Speaking v. 11 issue 7]. Regarding cars, he cites Moadei Yeshurun 1:141, Ohalecha Bamisecha 36:22, Chut Shani Shabbat 2:327, Rivevot Efraim 1:382, and Orchot Rabbenu 2:138:12 who are lenient. Mikraei Kodesh by Rabbi Moshe Harari 7:48 is also lenient to sit normally when driving. Regarding trains he cites Rivevot Efraim 1:382, Ohelecha Bamisecha 36:23, Chut Shani Shabbat 2:327, and Mikadesh Yisrael Ben Hametzarim 269 who are lenient.</ref>

===Sleeping on a Bed===
===Sleeping on a Bed===

#If someone is able to they should place a mattress one the floor to sleep. If a person can't, they should use one less pillow than they usually do unless they can't fall asleep that way.<ref>Or Letzion 3:29:19</ref>
#If possible, one should place his mattress on the floor and sleep on it. If a person can't, they should use one less pillow than they usually do, unless they can't fall asleep that way.<ref>Or Letzion 3:29:19</ref>

==Saying Hello==
==Greeting on Tisha B'Av==

#As part of the mourning of Tisha B'av, one should refrain from greeting others on Tisha B'av. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 554:20, Mikraei Kodesh Hilchot Tisha B’av 7:38. see also [ Rabbi Ari Enkin] </ref> If someone else says hello to you, you may respond, but should do so with a lower voice and your head bent downward.<ref>Mikraei Kodesh by Rabbi Moshe Harari 7:40 </ref>
#As part of the mourning of Tisha B'av, one should refrain from greeting others. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 554:20, Mikraei Kodesh Hilchot Tisha B’av 7:38. see also [ Rabbi Ari Enkin] </ref> If someone else says hello to you, it is permitted to respond, but you should do so with a lowered voice and with your head bent downward.<ref>Mikraei Kodesh by Rabbi Moshe Harari 7:40 </ref>
#Mazal Tov for a recent Simcha may be said on Tisha B’Av since it is considered a blessing and not a greeting <ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (cited in Dirshu M.B. Beiurim and Musofim 554:63 citing Halichos Shlomo Bein HaMitzorim Vol. 15 Orchos Halacha 30)</ref>. However, if at all possible, one should wait for a different day to express this Mazal Tov<ref>Chut Shani Vol. 2 p. 327</ref>
#It is permitted to say Mazal Tov for a recent Simcha on Tisha B’Av, as it's considered a blessing and not a greeting <ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (cited in Dirshu M.B. Beiurim and Musofim 554:63 citing Halichos Shlomo Bein HaMitzorim Vol. 15 Orchos Halacha 30)</ref>. However, if possible, one should wait for a different day to express Mazal Tov<ref>Chut Shani Vol. 2 p. 327</ref>
#It is permitted on Tisha B’Av to wish a “Refuah Shleima” to a person who is ill.<ref>Dirshu M.B. Beiurim and Musofim 554:63</ref>
#It is permitted to wish a “Refuah Shleima” to a person who is ill on Tisha B'Av.<ref>Dirshu M.B. Beiurim and Musofim 554:63</ref>


#One should not smoke on Tisha b'av. However, if someone really needs to and it will cause them great pain if they don't then they may smoke at home in private, but shouldn't do so in public. <ref>Sh"t Yabia Omer 1:31, Yechave Daat 5:39 </ref> Regarding the permissibility of smoking in general, see [[Hygiene_%26_Health#Smoking|Smoking]]
#One should not smoke on Tisha b'av. However, if someone really needs to and it will cause them great pain if they don't, then they may smoke at home in private, but shouldn't do so in public. <ref>Sh"t Yabia Omer 1:31, Yechave Daat 5:39 </ref> Regarding the permissibility of smoking in general, see [[Hygiene_%26_Health#Smoking|Smoking]]

==Mourning Practices on the Tenth of Av==
==Mourning Practices on the Tenth of Av==

#Some of the [[mourning]] for the beit hamikdash extends beyond tisha b'av until the tenth of av because although the fires started burning on tisha b'av, most of the burning actually took place on the tenth <ref>Gemara Taanit 29a, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 558:1 </ref>
#Some of the [[mourning]] practices of Tisha B'Av extend until the tenth of Av, because most of the burning of the Beit Ha'mikdash took place on the tenth of Av.<ref>Gemara Taanit 29a, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 558:1 </ref>
#According to Ashkenazim one may not eat meat, launder clothing, bathe, take haircuts, or listen to music<ref>Halachos of the Three Weeks p. 32</ref> until mid-day of the tenth of Av. <ref>Rama 558:1, Mishna Brurah 558:3 based on Shu"t Maharshal 92. Under extenuating circumstances, Shemirat Shabbat Kihilchata 42:16 and Piskei Teshuvot 558:2 allow one to do laundry immediately after the first. Additionally, Sh"t Teshuvot Vihanhagot 2:260 allows one to shower if necessary right after tisha b'av </ref> According to Sephardim one may not eat meat or drink wine until sunset of the tenth of Av.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 558:1, Kaf HaChaim 558:10, Shaare Teshuva 558:2. </ref> It is permitted for Sephardim to shower, do laundry, or take haircuts immediately after Tisha B'av.<ref>Halachot and History of The [[Three Weeks]], The Akkad Edition, Congregation Shaare Rahamim Halachot Series page 66, Sh"t Yechave Daat 5:41, Chazon Ovadia Arba Taniyot p. 415. However, it is important to note that the Kaf HaChaim 558:6 quotes the stringent opinion without arguing. This opinion is cited by HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu in Hilchot Chagim 29:3. See also [ Peninei Halakha] especially footnote 1 who makes the same observation that even among Sephardic poskim there are many different opinions. </ref>
#According to Ashkenazim, one may not eat meat, launder clothing, bathe, take haircuts, or listen to music<ref>Halachos of the Three Weeks p. 32</ref> until mid-day of the tenth of Av. <ref>Rama 558:1, Mishnah Berurah 558:3 based on Shu"t Maharshal 92. Under extenuating circumstances, Shemirat Shabbat Kihilchata 42:16 and Piskei Teshuvot 558:2 allow one to do laundry immediately after the fast. Additionally, Sh"t Teshuvot Vihanhagot 2:260 allows one to shower if necessary right after tisha b'av</ref> According to Sephardim, one may not eat meat or drink wine until sunset of the tenth of Av.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 558:1, Kaf HaChaim 558:10, Shaare Teshuva 558:2. </ref> It is permitted for Sephardim to shower, do laundry, and take haircuts immediately after Tisha B'av.<ref>Halachot and History of The [[Three Weeks]], The Akkad Edition, Congregation Shaare Rahamim Halachot Series page 66, Sh"t Yechave Daat 5:41, Chazon Ovadia Arba Taniyot p. 415. However, it is important to note that the Kaf HaChaim 558:6 quotes the stringent opinion without arguing. This opinion is cited by HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu in Hilchot Chagim 29:3. See also [ Peninei Halakha] especially footnote 1 who makes the same observation that even among Sephardic poskim there are many different opinions. </ref>
#It is permitted to recite [[Shehechiyanu]] immediately after Tisha B'av is over.<ref>Chazon Ovadia Arba Taniyot p. 415 citing Maharashdam 4:148, Yafa Lelev 6:558, Hitorerut Teshuva 362, and Shevet Halevi 6:70:10.</ref>
#It is permitted to recite [[Shehechiyanu]] immediately after Tisha B'av is over.<ref>Chazon Ovadia Arba Taniyot p. 415 citing Maharashdam 4:148, Yafa Lelev 6:558, Hitorerut Teshuva 362, and Shevet Halevi 6:70:10.</ref>

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#When Tisha B'av falls out on Thursday, it is permitted to launder clothing, shave, take hair cuts, bathe, and shower immediately after Tisha B'av in honor of Shabbat.<ref>Magen Avraham 558:1, Mishna Brurah 558:3, Aruch Hashulchan 558:2, and Kaf Hachaim 558:6.</ref>
#When Tisha B'av falls out on Thursday, it is permitted to launder clothing, shave, take hair cuts, bathe, and shower immediately after Tisha B'av in honor of Shabbat.<ref>Magen Avraham 558:1, Mishna Brurah 558:3, Aruch Hashulchan 558:2, and Kaf Hachaim 558:6.</ref>
#When Tisha B'av falls out on Thursday, one should not have meat or wine on Friday until Chatzot, like other years.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan 558:2, Chazon Ovadia (Arba Taniyot p. 419), and Piskei Teshuvot 558:4. Chazon Ovadia permits only for tasting the Shabbat food to check if it is prepared properly. Piskei Teshuvot fnt. 20 quotes Rabbi Levi Yitzchak from Barditchiv and Mechzeh Eliyahu who permitted even eating meat immediately after Tisha B'av when Tisha B'av falls out on Thursday.</ref>
#When Tisha B'av falls out on Thursday, one should not have meat or wine on Friday until Chatzot, like other years.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan 558:2, Chazon Ovadia (Arba Taniyot p. 419), and Piskei Teshuvot 558:4. Chazon Ovadia permits only for tasting the Shabbat food to check if it is prepared properly. Piskei Teshuvot footnote 20 quotes Rabbi Levi Yitzchak from Barditchiv and Mechzeh Eliyahu who permitted even eating meat immediately after Tisha B'av when Tisha B'av falls out on Thursday.</ref>
#Some poskim hold that one may only shower or bathe immediately after Tisha B'av when it falls out on Thursday if he's doing so to honor Shabbat. However, if he's going to shower or bathe again anyway before Shabbat then he may not shower or bathe immediately after Tisha B'av since that shower or bath isn't to honor Shabbat.<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558:4 quoting Az Nidbaru 8:40. See Chazon Ovadia (Arba Taniyot p. 417-8) who quotes many who are lenient even for Ashkenazim to shower or shave Friday morning or even immediately after Tisha B'av when it falls out on Thursday in honor of Shabbat. He cites Shelat Yavetz 1:96 who permits Thursday night and Eliya Rabba 559:31 and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch who permit Friday morning. See further in Mechezeh Eliyahu 86, Lhorot Natan 2:38, and Moria (5729 Av p. 69).</ref>
#Some poskim hold that one may only shower or bathe immediately after Tisha B'av when it falls out on Thursday if he's doing so to honor Shabbat. However, if he's going to shower or bathe again anyway before Shabbat, then he may not shower or bathe immediately after Tisha B'av, since that shower or bath isn't to honor Shabbat.<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558:4 quoting Az Nidbaru 8:40. See Chazon Ovadia (Arba Taniyot p. 417-8) who quotes many who are lenient even for Ashkenazim to shower or shave Friday morning or even immediately after Tisha B'av when it falls out on Thursday in honor of Shabbat. He cites Shelat Yavetz 1:96 who permits Thursday night and Eliya Rabba 559:31 and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch who permit Friday morning. See further in Mechezeh Eliyahu 86, Lhorot Natan 2:38, and Moria (5729 Av p. 69).</ref>
#One shouldn't do laundry on Friday except for clothing that is needed for Shabbat.<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558:4</ref> Once he's running a load he can add more clothing even ones that aren't necessary for Shabbat.<Ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558 fnt. 19 quoting Shevet Hakehati 3:182</ref>
#One shouldn't do laundry on Friday except for clothing that is needed for Shabbat.<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558:4</ref> Once he's running a load then he can add more clothing, even ones that aren't necessary for Shabbat.<Ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558 fnt. 19 quoting Shevet Hakehati 3:182</ref>

===Tisha B'av that Falls Out on Shabbat===
===Tisha B'av that Falls Out on Shabbat===

#If Tisha B'av falls out on [[shabbat]] and is pushed to Sunday everything including shaving, doing laundry, and bathing is permitted right after the fast except for eating meat and drinking wine.<ref>Rama OC 558:1. Mishna Brurah 558:4 and Kaf Hachaim OC 558:7 add that some refrain from marital relations on that night unless it is the night of tevila.</ref> It is also permitted to listen to music right after the fast on Motzei Tisha B’av when it is delayed.<Ref>Shaar Hatziyun (558:4), Piskei Teshuvot 558:3, [ OU Halacha Yomi quoting Rav Schachter]</ref>
#If Tisha B'av falls out on [[shabbat]] and is pushed to Sunday, everything including shaving, doing laundry, and bathing is permitted right after the fast, except for eating meat and drinking wine.<ref>Rama OC 558:1. Mishna Brurah 558:4 and Kaf Hachaim OC 558:7 add that some refrain from marital relations on that night unless it is the night of tevila.</ref> It is also permitted to listen to music right after the fast on Motzei Tisha B’av when it is delayed.<Ref>Shaar Hatziyun (558:4), Piskei Teshuvot 558:3, [ OU Halacha Yomi quoting Rav Schachter]</ref>

==When Tisha BeAv falls out on Shabbat or Sunday==
==When Tisha BeAv falls out on Shabbat or Sunday==