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##Regarding grape juice from concentrate see [[Grape_Juice_and_Wine#Beracha]].
##Regarding grape juice from concentrate see [[Grape_Juice_and_Wine#Beracha]].
#Red vs white
#Red vs white
##It is better to use red wine for kiddush.<ref>The discussion here revolves around how to understand two gemaras in bava batra. Towards the top of 97b the gemara says that wine which is "borak" is fit bdieved for the mizbeach, and thus fit lechatchila for kiddush. Rashbam there says that this refers to white wine. However, the gemara at the end of the daf asks whether wine which is "chavaryan" is fit for kiddush, and answers with the verse "אל תרא יין כי יתאדם" (lit: do not look at wine when it is red). The context of this verse from sefer mishlei is that Shlomo Hamelech is speaking of the ills of drinking, but the verse implies that red wine is considered better and more respectable. Thus, by answering with this pasuk, the gemara seems to be saying that one should not use white wine for kiddush. How do we resolve these two gemaras? The various approaches in the rishonim will help clarify our question of whether one may use white wine for kiddush.  
##It is better to use red wine for kiddush.<ref>The discussion here revolves around how to understand two gemaras in bava batra. Towards the top of 97b the gemara says that wine which is "borak" is fit bdieved for the mizbeach, and thus fit lechatchila for kiddush. Rashbam there says that this refers to white wine. However, the gemara at the end of the daf asks whether wine which is "chavaryan" is fit for kiddush, and answers with the verse "אל תרא יין כי יתאדם" (lit: do not look at wine when it is red). The context of this verse from sefer mishlei is that Shlomo Hamelech is speaking of the ills of drinking, but the verse implies that red wine is considered better and more respectable. Thus, by answering with this pasuk, the gemara seems to be saying that one should not use white wine for kiddush. How do we resolve these two gemaras? The various approaches in the rishonim will help clarify our question of whether one may use white wine for kiddush.

(1) Rashbam understands that really the latter gemara (regarding חמר חווריין) is asking only with respect to bringing it as a libation on the mizbeach. Thus there is no contradiction at all! The first gemara says that white wine is fit for kiddush, and the second gemara is simply saying that it is preferably not brought as nesachim (which the first gemara agrees to). Thus, white wine would be perfectly acceptable for kiddush.
(1) Rashbam understands that really the latter gemara (regarding חמר חווריין) is asking only with respect to bringing it as a libation on the mizbeach. Thus there is no contradiction at all! The first gemara says that white wine is fit for kiddush, and the second gemara is simply saying that it is preferably not brought as nesachim (which the first gemara agrees to). Thus, white wine would be perfectly acceptable for kiddush.

(2) Tosfot
(2) Ramban disagrees. He thinks that both gemaras are discussing kiddush. They are just talking about two different types of wine. The latter gemara rules that white wine ("חווריין") is not fit for kiddush. The first gemara is either talking about wine which is not as white (see Tosfot s.v. chamar who says something similar), or really the correct girsa is "יין בודק" which refers to wine that is so strong that it is "bodek" (lit: checks) one's entire body. Thus there is no contradiction between the two gemaras since they are just discussing different types of wine. According to the ramban then, white wine would be unfit for kiddush. 

Mishna Brurah 272:10; Chazon Ovadia, Hilchot Shabbat, Chelek 2, Page 82</ref>  
Mishna Brurah 272:10; Chazon Ovadia, Hilchot Shabbat, Chelek 2, Page 82</ref>
##If only white wine is available then one may make kiddush on it.<ref>Chazon Ovadia, Hilchot Shabbat, Chelek 2, Page 82 </ref>  
##If only white wine is available then one may make kiddush on it.<ref>Chazon Ovadia, Hilchot Shabbat, Chelek 2, Page 82 </ref>  
##If one does not have enough red wine, it is preferable to use the white wine for Shabbat day as opposed to Friday night.<ref>[ Rav Schachter ("Hilchos Shabbos 3" min 73)] quoting Rabbi Akiva Eiger</ref>
##If one does not have enough red wine, it is preferable to use the white wine for Shabbat day as opposed to Friday night.<ref>[ Rav Schachter ("Hilchos Shabbos 3" min 73)] quoting Rabbi Akiva Eiger</ref>
