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#Some consider typing on a computer like non-professional writing and so it’s permissible if there’s a ‘need of the holiday’. However, some consider typing like professional writing which is only permissible is there’s a public need, a loss of money, or a passing mitzvah.<ref>The Mishna (Moed Katan 18b) establishes that in general one may not write on Chol HaMoed. Rambam (Chol HaMoed 7:13) and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 545:1 codify this. Just like other melachos on Chol HaMoed, there are two categories of writing. The Rama 545:1 quotes two opinions about whether ordinary writing is considered professional and says that the minhag is to be lenient. Based on this and other reasons, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (p. 87) writes that ordinary writing is maaseh hedyot. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 540:1 and Mishna Brurah 540:1 clarify that maaseh hedyot is muter for a tzorech hamoed. Mishna Brurah 545:4 writes that writing of a sofer is considered professional and would not be permitted even for a holiday need. A very practical question to ask is how this halacha translates to typing on a computer. Is that considered like regular writing or professional writing?
#Some consider typing on a computer like non-professional writing and so it’s permissible if there’s a ‘need of the holiday’. However, some consider typing like professional writing which is only permissible is there’s a public need, a loss of money, or a passing mitzvah.<ref>The Mishna (Moed Katan 18b) establishes that in general one may not write on Chol HaMoed. Rambam (Chol HaMoed 7:13) and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 545:1 codify this. Just like other melachos on Chol HaMoed, there are two categories of writing. The Rama 545:1 quotes two opinions about whether ordinary writing is considered professional and says that the minhag is to be lenient. Based on this and other reasons, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (p. 87) writes that ordinary writing is maaseh hedyot. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 540:1 and Mishna Brurah 540:1 clarify that maaseh hedyot is muter for a tzorech hamoed. Mishna Brurah 545:4 writes that writing of a sofer is considered professional and would not be permitted even for a holiday need. A very practical question to ask is how this halacha translates to typing on a computer. Is that considered like regular writing or professional writing?

*Rav Ovadia Yosef (Sh”t Yabia Omer 8:48:5) writes that typing on a computer is considered non-professional writing and would permit typing up divrei torah one might forget or sending greetings for a holiday need. Rav Elyashiv (cited by Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 288) agrees that it is permitted for any holiday need. Similarly, Igrot Moshe EH 4:73:4 implies that typing on a computer isn’t considered a melacha. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (ch. 66 n. 211) adds that typing is permitted because it isn’t permanent. He permits even if it isn't a need for the holiday. However, saving the information to the hard-drive is problematic because of boneh as the disk is improved when information is saved. That is only permitted for a holiday need or dvar aved. [[Shevet Halevi]] (6:37 s.v. VeAf) discusses whether typing is considered like writing for the purpose of Chol HaMoed because it is easy, but doesn't come to a conclusion.</ref>
*Rav Ovadia Yosef (Sh”t Yabia Omer 8:48:5) writes that typing on a computer is considered non-professional writing and would permit typing up divrei torah one might forget or sending greetings for a holiday need. Rav Elyashiv (cited by Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 288) agrees that it is permitted for any holiday need. Similarly, Igrot Moshe EH 4:73:4 implies that typing on a computer isn’t considered a melacha. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (ch. 66 n. 211) adds that typing is permitted because it isn’t permanent. He permits even if it isn't a need for the holiday. However, saving the information to the hard-drive is problematic because of boneh as the disk is improved when information is saved. That is only permitted for a holiday need or dvar aved. [[Shevet Halevi]] (6:37 s.v. VeAf) discusses whether typing is considered like writing for the purpose of Chol HaMoed because it is easy, but doesn't come to a conclusion.
*Shemirat Hamoed Kehilchato (ch. 3 fnt. 49) is lenient and quotes Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach as also holding that printing is maaseh hedyot. Some of his proofs that maaseh hedyot and uman depends on how it is done and not the result is from Mishna Brurah 540:8 and Eshel Avraham 545.</ref>
#There is a dispute whether printing from a computer is considered like professional or ordinary writing. Most poskim are lenient. Therefore, they permit printing even for just a tzorech hamoed. The stringent poskim would only allow printing for a dvar haaved.<ref>Regarding printing, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 78) records a dispute between Rav Moshe Feinstein who considers printing to be non-professional writing and Rav Yacov Kamentsky who argues that printing is considered professional writing. Yabia Omer 8:48:3 holds that printing is considered maaseh hedyot. He quotes there Rav Elyashiv as also holding this way. However, Beer Moshe 7:41 and Kinyan Torah Bhalacha 2:97 are stringent and hold it is a maaseh uman since the result is professional looking print. [ Rabbi Willig (Chol Hamoed shiur 12 min 46-49)] seems to be lenient as he commented about polaroid that it isn't maaseh uman.  </ref>
#There is a dispute whether printing from a computer is considered like professional or ordinary writing. Most poskim are lenient. Therefore, they permit printing even for just a tzorech hamoed. The stringent poskim would only allow printing for a dvar haaved.<ref>Regarding printing, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 78) records a dispute between Rav Moshe Feinstein who considers printing to be non-professional writing and Rav Yacov Kamentsky who argues that printing is considered professional writing. Yabia Omer 8:48:3 holds that printing is considered maaseh hedyot. He quotes there Rav Elyashiv as also holding this way. However, Beer Moshe 7:41 and Kinyan Torah Bhalacha 2:97 are stringent and hold it is a maaseh uman since the result is professional looking print. [ Rabbi Willig (Chol Hamoed shiur 12 min 46-49)] seems to be lenient as he commented about polaroid that it isn't maaseh uman.  </ref>

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