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*Rav Ovadia Yosef (Sh”t Yabia Omer 8:48:5) writes that typing on a computer is considered non-professional writing and would permit typing up divrei torah one might forget or sending greetings for a holiday need. Rav Elyashiv (cited by Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 288) agrees that it is permitted for any holiday need. Similarly, Igrot Moshe EH 4:73:4 implies that typing on a computer isn’t considered a melacha. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (ch. 66 n. 211) adds that typing is permitted because it isn’t permanent. He permits even if it isn't a need for the holiday. However, saving the information to the hard-drive is problematic because of boneh as the disk is improved when information is saved. That is only permitted for a holiday need or dvar aved. [[Shevet Halevi]] (6:37 s.v. VeAf) discusses whether typing is considered like writing for the purpose of Chol HaMoed because it is easy, but doesn't come to a conclusion.</ref>
*Rav Ovadia Yosef (Sh”t Yabia Omer 8:48:5) writes that typing on a computer is considered non-professional writing and would permit typing up divrei torah one might forget or sending greetings for a holiday need. Rav Elyashiv (cited by Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 288) agrees that it is permitted for any holiday need. Similarly, Igrot Moshe EH 4:73:4 implies that typing on a computer isn’t considered a melacha. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (ch. 66 n. 211) adds that typing is permitted because it isn’t permanent. He permits even if it isn't a need for the holiday. However, saving the information to the hard-drive is problematic because of boneh as the disk is improved when information is saved. That is only permitted for a holiday need or dvar aved. [[Shevet Halevi]] (6:37 s.v. VeAf) discusses whether typing is considered like writing for the purpose of Chol HaMoed because it is easy, but doesn't come to a conclusion.</ref>
#There is a dispute whether printing from a computer is considered like professional or ordinary writing. Most poskim are lenient. Therefore, they permit printing even for just a tzorech hamoed. The stringent poskim would only allow printing for a dvar haaved.<ref>Regarding printing, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 78) records a dispute between Rav Moshe Feinstein who considers printing to be non-professional writing and Rav Yacov Kamentsky who argues that printing is considered professional writing. Yabia Omer 8:48:3 holds that printing is considered maaseh hedyot. However, Beer Moshe 7:41 and Kinyan Torah Bhalacha 2:97 are stringent and hold it is a maaseh uman since the result is professional looking print.  </ref>  
#There is a dispute whether printing from a computer is considered like professional or ordinary writing. Most poskim are lenient. Therefore, they permit printing even for just a tzorech hamoed. The stringent poskim would only allow printing for a dvar haaved.<ref>Regarding printing, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 78) records a dispute between Rav Moshe Feinstein who considers printing to be non-professional writing and Rav Yacov Kamentsky who argues that printing is considered professional writing. Yabia Omer 8:48:3 holds that printing is considered maaseh hedyot. He quotes there Rav Elyashiv as also holding this way. However, Beer Moshe 7:41 and Kinyan Torah Bhalacha 2:97 are stringent and hold it is a maaseh uman since the result is professional looking print. [ Rabbi Willig (Chol Hamoed shiur 12 min 46-49)] seems to be lenient as he commented about polaroid that it isn't maaseh uman.  </ref>

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