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===Requirements for Hearing Kiddush===
===Requirements for Hearing Kiddush===
# One who hears kiddush must understand the words of the one making the blessing.<ref> Hacham Ovadia (Hazon Ovadia, Volume 2, Page 18) writes that a Sepharadi who does not understand kiddush in an Ashkenazic or Yemenite accent can not fulfill the obligation via shomea ke'one in such a way. </ref>
# One who hears kiddush must understand the words of the one making the blessing.<ref> Hacham Ovadia (Hazon Ovadia, Volume 2, Page 18) writes that a Sepharadi who does not understand kiddush in an Ashkenazic or Yemenite accent can not fulfill the obligation via shomea ke'one in such a way. </ref>
==Eating before Mussaf==
#Once the time for [[Mussaf]] (from [[Olot HaShachar]]) it’s forbidden to eat a meal (more than a [[KeBaytzah]] of bread) before praying [[Mussaf]], however, it’s permissible to have a [[KeBaytzah]] of bread or a lot of fruit.<ref>The Gemara [[Brachot]] 28b writes that the halacha doesn’t follow Rav Huna who says that it’s forbidden to taste any food before praying [[Mussaf]]. The Tur 286:3 writes that even though we don’t hold like Rav Huna we only permit have a snack but a meal is forbidden. The Bet Yosef quotes the Raavad, Rashba, and perhaps the Rabbenu Yerucham who agree. S”A 286:3 writes that it’s forbidden to eat a meal before praying [[Mussaf]] but it’s permissible to have a snack. The Magen Avraham 286:2 writes that the snack is the same as before [[Mincha]] where S”A 232:3 writes that one may have a [[KeBaytzah]] of bread and a lot of fruit but not more. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:15 agrees. See Rav Mordechai Eliyahu's comment on Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:15 where he writes that we only rely on this in situations of pressing need.</ref>
#The custom is to be lenient to permit eating even more than a Kabaytzah of baked [[Mezonot]] (cakes and cookies) before [[Mussaf]] after having made [[Kiddish|kiddush]].<ref>Shaar HaTziyun 286:7 writes that the measure for a meal before [[mussaf]] in regards to baked [[mezonot]] is the same as by [[Sukkah]]. Mishna Brurah 639:15-6 (regarding [[Sukkah]]) quotes some who say that if one establishes a meal out of the [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] certainly it requires a [[Sukkah]]. However, if one didn’t have it as a meal if one had more than a [[KeBaytzah]] then there’s a dispute whether one needs a [[Sukkah]] and if one eats less than a [[KeBaytzah]] then certainly it doesn’t require a [[Sukkah]]. Nonetheless, Halichot Shlomo ([[Tefillah]] 14:9, pg 179-80) writes that the minhag is to lenient to have even more than a Kabaytzah of baked [[mezonot]]. </ref>
#If one does eat before [[Mussaf]] one must first recite [[Kiddish|kiddush]] and have a [[Revi'it]] of wine or eat a [[Kezayit]] of baked [[mezonot]] (cakes and cookies) in order to fulfill [[Kiddish|kiddush]].<ref>Magen Avraham 286:1, Beiur Halacha 286:3 s.v. Achilat, Mishna Brurah 286:7, Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 52:17</ref> It is good practice to repeat kiddush at the bread meal if he recited kiddush the first time before Mussaf.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 52:16 citing Yabia Omer 5:22:4 relying on the opinion that the mitzvah of Kiddish doesn't apply until after Mussaf.</ref>

==The Cup for Kiddush==
==The Cup for Kiddush==
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#However, if she usually does not daven Shacharit at all, or if she usually davens after she eats (because she relies on the opinion that she only has to recite some request from Hashem in order to fulfill the mitzvah of davening), then she should recite kiddush before eating.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 52:13</ref>  
#However, if she usually does not daven Shacharit at all, or if she usually davens after she eats (because she relies on the opinion that she only has to recite some request from Hashem in order to fulfill the mitzvah of davening), then she should recite kiddush before eating.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 52:13</ref>  
##In an extenuating circumstance when she's weak and has no wine, she may eat without kiddush.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 52:13 quoting Minchat Yitzchak 4:28:3, who includes a factor of relying on Maharam Chalavah that women are not obligated in Kiddush during the day.</ref>  
##In an extenuating circumstance when she's weak and has no wine, she may eat without kiddush.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 52:13 quoting Minchat Yitzchak 4:28:3, who includes a factor of relying on Maharam Chalavah that women are not obligated in Kiddush during the day.</ref>  
==Eating before Mussaf==
#Once the time for [[Mussaf]] (from [[Olot HaShachar]]) it’s forbidden to eat a meal (more than a [[KeBaytzah]] of bread) before praying [[Mussaf]], however, it’s permissible to have a [[KeBaytzah]] of bread or a lot of fruit.<ref>The Gemara [[Brachot]] 28b writes that the halacha doesn’t follow Rav Huna who says that it’s forbidden to taste any food before praying [[Mussaf]]. The Tur 286:3 writes that even though we don’t hold like Rav Huna we only permit have a snack but a meal is forbidden. The Bet Yosef quotes the Raavad, Rashba, and perhaps the Rabbenu Yerucham who agree. S”A 286:3 writes that it’s forbidden to eat a meal before praying [[Mussaf]] but it’s permissible to have a snack. The Magen Avraham 286:2 writes that the snack is the same as before [[Mincha]] where S”A 232:3 writes that one may have a [[KeBaytzah]] of bread and a lot of fruit but not more. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:15 agrees. See Rav Mordechai Eliyahu's comment on Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:15 where he writes that we only rely on this in situations of pressing need.</ref>
#The custom is to be lenient to permit eating even more than a Kabaytzah of baked [[Mezonot]] (cakes and cookies) before [[Mussaf]] after having made [[Kiddish|kiddush]].<ref>Shaar HaTziyun 286:7 writes that the measure for a meal before [[mussaf]] in regards to baked [[mezonot]] is the same as by [[Sukkah]]. Mishna Brurah 639:15-6 (regarding [[Sukkah]]) quotes some who say that if one establishes a meal out of the [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] certainly it requires a [[Sukkah]]. However, if one didn’t have it as a meal if one had more than a [[KeBaytzah]] then there’s a dispute whether one needs a [[Sukkah]] and if one eats less than a [[KeBaytzah]] then certainly it doesn’t require a [[Sukkah]]. Nonetheless, Halichot Shlomo ([[Tefillah]] 14:9, pg 179-80) writes that the minhag is to lenient to have even more than a Kabaytzah of baked [[mezonot]]. </ref>
#If one does eat before [[Mussaf]] one must first recite [[Kiddish|kiddush]] and have a [[Revi'it]] of wine or eat a [[Kezayit]] of baked [[mezonot]] (cakes and cookies) in order to fulfill [[Kiddish|kiddush]].<ref>Magen Avraham 286:1, Beiur Halacha 286:3 s.v. Achilat, Mishna Brurah 286:7, Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 52:17</ref> It is good practice to repeat kiddush at the bread meal if he recited kiddush the first time before Mussaf.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 52:16 citing Yabia Omer 5:22:4 relying on the opinion that the mitzvah of Kiddish doesn't apply until after Mussaf.</ref>


#Ideally, one should say Kiddush as soon as one gets home from Shul on Friday night.<ref>Pesachim 106a learns that the primary way to do [[Kiddish]], a remembrance of [[Shabbat]] is with wine on Friday night because that's the beginning of the day (in the Jewish calendar). Shulchan Aruch, O”C 271:1 </ref>
#Ideally, one should say Kiddush as soon as one gets home from Shul on Friday night.<ref>Pesachim 106a learns that the primary way to do [[Kiddish|Kiddush]], a remembrance of [[Shabbat]], is with wine on Friday night because that's the beginning of the day (in the Jewish calendar). Shulchan Aruch, O”C 271:1 </ref>
#One can say [[Kiddish|kiddush]] before nightfall if one accepts upon oneself [[Shabbat]] early.<ref>Magen Avraham writes that [[Kiddish]] can be made during the day if one accepts upon oneself [[Shabbat]] early. Many achronim including Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:2 and Mishna Brurah 271:11 concur. </ref> If one needs to make Kiddush for someone else before Shabbat and one can't accept Shabbat then, some poskim allow making Kiddush then.<ref>Minchat Shlomo 1:3 allowed it non-regularly. [ Rav Yitzchak Yosef (Motzei Shabbat Shemot 5779 min 43)] and Tzitz Eliezer 14:25 allowed it. They cite Rabbi Akiva Eiger who was unsure about this.</ref> See further on the [[Yatzah Motzei]] page.
#One can say [[Kiddish|kiddush]] before nightfall if one accepts upon oneself [[Shabbat]] early.<ref>Magen Avraham writes that [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] can be made during the day if one accepts upon oneself [[Shabbat]] early. Many achronim including Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:2 and Mishna Brurah 271:11 concur. </ref>  
#If one missed Kiddush on Friday night, it can and should be made up at any point during [[Shabbat]] day, which means that one would recite the longer Friday-night version of Kiddush on [[Shabbat]] day.<ref>The Gemara Pesachim 105a rules that if one missed saying [[Kiddish]] on Friday night one can make it up through the rest of [[Shabbat]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:4), Tur and Shulchan Aruch 271:8 rule like the gemara pesachim. This is agree upon by the achronim including Aruch HaShulchan 271:21, Ben Ish Hai (Bereshit 19), and Hacham Ovadia Yosef, in Halichot Olam. Aruch HaShulchan and Ben Ish Chai write that even if the person ate intentionally one should still make [[Kiddish]] the next day.</ref> Vayichulu is omitted when recited during the day.<ref>Orchot Chayim (Kiddush n. 3), Rama O.C. 271:8, Misna Brurah 271:40, Chaye Adam ([[Shabbat]] 6:2), Aruch HaShulchan 271:21, and Ben Ish Chai (Beresheet 19) hold that we don't say Vayichulu if the [[Kiddish]] is said during the day since Vayichulu was instituted for the incoming of [[Shabbat]]. [This finds it's source in the Magid Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:4).] </ref>
##If one needs to make Kiddush for someone else before Shabbat and one can't accept Shabbat then, some poskim allow making Kiddush then.<ref>Minchat Shlomo 1:3 allowed it non-regularly. [ Rav Yitzchak Yosef (Motzei Shabbat Shemot 5779 min 43)] and Tzitz Eliezer 14:25 allowed it. They cite Rabbi Akiva Eiger who was unsure about this.</ref> See further on the [[Yatzah Motzei]] page.
#If one forgot to say [[Kiddish|kiddush]] on Friday night and only remembered during [[Bein HaShemashot]] of Saturday, one should say [[Kiddish|kiddush]] then with [[Shem UMalchut]], however, according to Ashkenazim as long as one davened any of the [[Shabbat]] [[prayers]], if one needs to make Kiddush during [[Bein HaShemashot]] it should be done without Shem Umalchut.<ref>Ben Ish Chai Beresheet 19 writes that one could argue that according to the Magen Avraham, once one prayed on [[Shabbat]] the obligation of [[Kiddish]] is only Derabbanan and whenever there is a doubt about a Derabbanan obligation one may be lenient (Safek Derabbanan Lekula). If this was the case, one should say that if it is [[Bein HaShemashot]] one no longer needs to say Kiddush. However, the Ben Ish Chai rejects such an argument because some commentators limit the Magen Avraham to a case where one doesn't have wine or one specifically had Kavana in [[davening]] to fulfill one's obligation. Therefore, the Ben Ish Chai rules that one can still make [[Kiddish]] during [[Bein HaShemashot]] with a Bracha because of the rule Safek Deorittah LeChumra just like if there's a doubt concerning [[Birkat HaMazon]]. Halichot Olam (vol 3, pg 25-7) agrees. However, the Mishna Brurah 271:39 (Shaar Hatziyun 47) rules that if one did say Tefillot [[Shabbat]] and it's [[Bein HaShemashot]], one should make the bracha without [[Shem UMalchut]]. See [ Rabbi Mansour on]. </ref>
#If one missed Kiddush on Friday night, it can and should be made up at any point during [[Shabbat]] day, which means that one would recite the longer Friday-night version of Kiddush on [[Shabbat]] day.<ref>The Gemara Pesachim 105a rules that if one missed saying [[Kiddish|Kiddiush]] on Friday night one can make it up through the rest of [[Shabbat]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:4), Tur and Shulchan Aruch 271:8 rule like this gemara. This is agreed upon by the achronim, including Aruch HaShulchan 271:21, Ben Ish Hai (Bereshit 19), and Hacham Ovadia Yosef, in Halichot Olam. Aruch HaShulchan and Ben Ish Chai write that even if the person ate intentionally, one can and should still make [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] the next day.</ref> Vayichulu is omitted when recited during the day.<ref>Orchot Chayim (Kiddush n. 3), Rama O.C. 271:8, Misna Brurah 271:40, Chaye Adam ([[Shabbat]] 6:2), Aruch HaShulchan 271:21, and Ben Ish Chai (Beresheet 19) hold that we don't say Vayichulu if the [[Kiddish]] is said during the day since Vayichulu was instituted for the incoming of [[Shabbat]]. [This finds it's source in the Magid Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:4).] </ref>
#If one forgot to say [[Kiddish|kiddush]] on Friday night and only remembered during [[Bein HaShemashot]] of Saturday, one should say [[Kiddish|kiddush]] then with [[Shem UMalchut]].
##However, according to Ashkenazim as long as one davenned any of the [[Shabbat]] [[prayers]], if one needs to make Kiddush during [[Bein HaShemashot]], it should be done without Shem Umalchut.<ref>Ben Ish Chai Bereshit 19 writes that one could argue that according to the Magen Avraham (271:1), once one prayed on [[Shabbat]] the obligation of [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] is only Derabbanan and whenever there is a doubt about a Derabbanan obligation one may be lenient (Safek Derabbanan Lekula). If this was the case, one should say that if it is [[Bein HaShemashot]] one no longer needs to say Kiddush. However, the Ben Ish Chai rejects such an argument because some commentators limit the Magen Avraham to a case where one doesn't have wine or one specifically had Kavana in [[davening]] to fulfill one's obligation. Therefore, the Ben Ish Chai rules that one can still make [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] during [[Bein HaShemashot]] with a Bracha because of the rule Safek Deoraitah LeChumra, just like if there's a doubt concerning [[Birkat HaMazon]]. Halichot Olam (vol 3, pg 25-7) agrees. However, the Mishna Brurah 271:39 (Shaar Hatziyun 47) rules that if one did say Tefillot [[Shabbat]] and it's [[Bein HaShemashot]], one should make the bracha without [[Shem UMalchut]]. See [ Rabbi Mansour on]. </ref>

==Washing before or after kiddush==
==Washing before or after kiddush==
