
When Is the Earliest and Latest Time to Pray?: Difference between revisions

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→‎After Sunset: Do you like how it's shaping up?
(→‎After Sunset: I hope I am not draining your resources by spending all my time here. I hope it will be very clear and informative by the time I'm done)
(→‎After Sunset: Do you like how it's shaping up?)
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*Notable exceptions to this were Rav Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar and Rav Yekusiel Yehuda Halberstam of Tzanz-Klausenburg who wrote that the halacha is in accordance with Rabbenu Tam. See Divrei Yoel 18, Shefa Chaim - Kovetz Igros Kodesh I:11-20
*Notable exceptions to this were Rav Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar and Rav Yekusiel Yehuda Halberstam of Tzanz-Klausenburg who wrote that the halacha is in accordance with Rabbenu Tam. See Divrei Yoel 18, Shefa Chaim - Kovetz Igros Kodesh I:11-20

*Hazmanim B'halacha Chap.44:5 writes that regarding the start of Shabbat even the Satmar Rav and the Tzanz-Klausenburger Rav went in accordance with the ''geonim.''  </ref>
*Hazmanim B'halacha Chap.44:5 writes that regarding the start of Shabbat even the Satmar Rav and the Tzanz-Klausenburger Rav went in accordance with the ''geonim.''  </ref> Rabbenu Tam was of the opinion that ''bein hashmashot'' begins 3.25 ''mil'' after sunset and lasts for 0.75 ''mil'' at which time it is ''tzet hakochavim''.<ref>Sefer HaYashar New Edition 221, Tosfot Shabbat 35a ''s.v''. trei, Tosfot Pesachim 94a ''s.v.'' Rabbi Yehudah. Many other ''rishonim'' agreed with Rabbenu Tam, see Hazmanim B'halacha Chap 42:6-10 for a complete list.</ref><ref>There are additional opinions as well; yet they are not the accepted halacha.
#One should ''daven'' ''mincha'' before sunset. After the fact, opinions differ regarding how late one can still ''daven'', and at what point should instead say [[Tashlumin|''tashlumin'']] at [[Maariv|''maariv'']].<ref>Rav Nevinsal on Mishna Brurah 233:14 writes that someone who doesn't always follow Rabbenu Tam on ending Shabbat can not daven mincha after sunset even after the fact. Also, Avnei Darech 8:200 quotes Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach as holding that one may not daven mincha after sunset. [ Bmarah Habazek 3:14] writes that one shouldn't daven after sunset and just daven tashlumin. [ Rav Belsky] held that it is possible to daven up to 9 minutes after sunset based on Rav Moshe. See Igrot Moshe 1:24 who writes that one shouldn't pray mincha after sunset. See further Igrot Moshe 4:62. Piskei Teshuvot 233:8 writes that the Minhag in Eretz Yisrael is that one may lenient to Daven mincha during Bein Hashmashot (according to the opinion of the Ge'onim) which is up to 13 and one half  minutes after shkia'ah.</ref>
*Sefer Yeraim 274 writes that ''bein hashmashos'' begins 0.75 ''mil'' before sunset and lasts until sunset at which time it is night. Biur Halacha 261:2 ''s.v. mitchilas'' writes that it is worthwhile to start ''Shabbat'' before that time.
*Sefer Raavan 2 writes that ''bein hashmashot'' begins at sunset and lasts 5 ''mil'' until ''tzet hakochavim.''
*See Hazmanim B'halacha Chap 41 for a complete discussion.</ref>
#Some ''poskim'' write, that even according to Rabbenu Tam, in areas of a lower latitude where three medium-sized stars are visible earlier, ''tzet hakochavim'' would be at the time when the stars are visible.<ref>Minchas Kohen 2:5 ''s.v.'' ''she'im'', Biur Halacha 261:2 ''s.v. kodem'' and Igros Moshe O.C. IV:62 agree. Rav Moshe writes that in New York the time for ''tzet'' according to Rabbenu Tam is 50 minutes after ''shkiya''; however, he writes that it is proper for G-d fearing Jews to wait 72 minutes to end Shabbat, as was the custom in Europe. See Hazmanim B'halacha Chap. 42 for a complete discussion.</ref>
#One must ''daven mincha'' during the daytime. Since ''bein hashmashot'' begins at sunset according to the ''geonim'', one should ''daven mincha'' before sunset. After the fact, opinions differ regarding how late one can still ''daven'', and at what point should instead say [[Tashlumin|''tashlumin'']] at [[Maariv|''maariv'']].<ref>Rav Nevinsal on Mishna Brurah 233:14 writes that someone who doesn't always follow Rabbenu Tam on ending Shabbat can not daven mincha after sunset even after the fact. Also, Avnei Darech 8:200 quotes Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach as holding that one may not daven mincha after sunset. [ Bmarah Habazek 3:14] writes that one shouldn't daven after sunset and just daven tashlumin. [ Rav Belsky] held that it is possible to daven up to 9 minutes after sunset based on Rav Moshe. See Igrot Moshe 1:24 who writes that one shouldn't pray mincha after sunset. See further Igrot Moshe 4:62. Piskei Teshuvot 233:8 writes that the Minhag in Eretz Yisrael is that one may lenient to Daven mincha during Bein Hashmashot (according to the opinion of the Ge'onim) which is up to 13 and one half  minutes after shkia'ah.</ref>
#Many Chassidim maintain that it is optimal to ''daven'' ''mincha'' up until the ''bein hashmashot'' of Rabbenu Tam, which is 58.5 minutes after ''shkiya''. There are some who hold that it is even optimal to ''daven'' during ''bein hashmashot'' of Rabbenu Tam.<ref>For a discussion on this see Piskei Teshuva 233:6-8.</ref>
#Many Chassidim maintain that it is optimal to ''daven'' ''mincha'' up until the ''bein hashmashot'' of Rabbenu Tam, which is 58.5 minutes after ''shkiya''. There are some who hold that it is even optimal to ''daven'' during ''bein hashmashot'' of Rabbenu Tam.<ref>For a discussion on this see Piskei Teshuva 233:6-8.</ref>
#If one's only options are to either to ''daven'' ''mincha'' before sunset himself or to ''daven'' with a ''minyan'' after sunset, it will depend on if he is Ashkenazi or Sephardi. Ashkenazim hold that one should ''daven'' oneself on time before sunset,<ref>Mishna Brurah 233:14 writes that it is better to pray Mincha before shkiyah without a minyan than to pray with a minyan after shkiyah. In an extenuating circumstance he allows davening mincha until 3.25 mil after shekiya based on the Shulchan Aruch. [ Peninei Halacha (Tefillah 24:4)] holds that one can follow the Mishna Brurah who is based on Rabbenu Tam and even though we do not follow Rabbenu Tam since many agree with him. However, Kuntres Seyda Lderech p. 39 quotes Chazon Ish that one should not daven mincha after sunset even in extenuating circumstances or after the fact. Dirshu 233:22 cites this as well from Ishrei Yosher (Nezikin n. 94). Rav Nevinsal on Mishna Brurah 233:14 writes that someone who doesn't always follow Rabbenu Tam on ending Shabbat can not daven mincha after sunset even after the fact. Also, Avnei Darech 8:200 quotes Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach as holding that one may not daven mincha after sunset. [ Bmarah Habazek 3:14] writes that one shouldn't daven after sunset and just daven tashlumin. [ Rav Belsky] held that it is possible to daven up to 9 minutes after sunset based on Rav Moshe. See Igrot Moshe 1:24 who writes that one shouldn't pray mincha after sunset. See further Igrot Moshe 4:62.</ref> while Sephardim hold that one can wait to ''daven'' with the ''minyan'' as long as it is within 13.5 minutes after sunset.<ref> Chacham Ben Zion Abba Shaul (cited in Ishei Yisroel page 296) and Chacham Ovadia Yosef (Yechave Daat 5:22) write that it is preferable to pray with a minyan as long as they are praying within the first thirteen and a half minutes after sunset. Rabbi Meir Mazuz in Bayit Neeman 1:25 p. 146 s.v. miyhu agrees even though we don't accept Rabbeinu Tam since this case is an minhag to pray during Ben Hashemashot. Yalkut Yosef 233:3 and Halacha Brurah 233:6 agree. </ref>
#If one's only options are to either to ''daven'' ''mincha'' before sunset himself or to ''daven'' with a ''minyan'' after sunset, it will depend on if he is Ashkenazi or Sephardi. Ashkenazim hold that one should ''daven'' oneself on time before sunset,<ref>Mishna Brurah 233:14 writes that it is better to pray Mincha before shkiyah without a minyan than to pray with a minyan after shkiyah. In an extenuating circumstance he allows davening mincha until 3.25 mil after shekiya based on the Shulchan Aruch. [ Peninei Halacha (Tefillah 24:4)] holds that one can follow the Mishna Brurah who is based on Rabbenu Tam and even though we do not follow Rabbenu Tam since many agree with him. However, Kuntres Seyda Lderech p. 39 quotes Chazon Ish that one should not daven mincha after sunset even in extenuating circumstances or after the fact. Dirshu 233:22 cites this as well from Ishrei Yosher (Nezikin n. 94). Rav Nevinsal on Mishna Brurah 233:14 writes that someone who doesn't always follow Rabbenu Tam on ending Shabbat can not daven mincha after sunset even after the fact. Also, Avnei Darech 8:200 quotes Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach as holding that one may not daven mincha after sunset. [ Bmarah Habazek 3:14] writes that one shouldn't daven after sunset and just daven tashlumin. [ Rav Belsky] held that it is possible to daven up to 9 minutes after sunset based on Rav Moshe. See Igrot Moshe 1:24 who writes that one shouldn't pray mincha after sunset. See further Igrot Moshe 4:62.</ref> while Sephardim hold that one can wait to ''daven'' with the ''minyan'' as long as it is within 13.5 minutes after sunset.<ref> Chacham Ben Zion Abba Shaul (cited in Ishei Yisroel page 296) and Chacham Ovadia Yosef (Yechave Daat 5:22) write that it is preferable to pray with a minyan as long as they are praying within the first thirteen and a half minutes after sunset. Rabbi Meir Mazuz in Bayit Neeman 1:25 p. 146 s.v. miyhu agrees even though we don't accept Rabbeinu Tam since this case is an minhag to pray during Ben Hashemashot. Yalkut Yosef 233:3 and Halacha Brurah 233:6 agree. </ref>
