
When Is the Earliest and Latest Time to Pray?: Difference between revisions

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→‎Early Maariv on Friday Night: What does the second half of footnote 68 have to do with the text?
(→‎Early Maariv on Friday Night: What does the second half of footnote 68 have to do with the text?)
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*[ Rav Yitzchak Yosef (Motzei Shabbat Emor 5778 min 28)] said that since the minhag is that we follow the geonim for zmanim, the minhag is to pray mincha before Plag of the geonim and arvit after Plag of the geonim, even though according to Rabbenu Tam it is a bracha levatala since it is day.</ref> Thereby, the Sephardi ''plag hamincha'' is generally between 10 and 20 minutes after the Gra ''plag''. See the [ CalJ App] for calculation of this ''zman''. Others say that even Sephardim can calculate ''plag hamincha'' according to the Gra.<ref>Kaf Hachaim 233:7, Halacha Brurah v. 14 teshuva 7. Halacha Brurah writes that there's no safek brachot to light candles after plag of the gra or daven arvit after that plag since that is the minhag and there's no safek brachot where there is a minhag. He rejects the position of Ben Ish Chai that we calculate from Olot to Tzet of Geonim because that is definitely not the view of the Geonim. Rather the Geonim would calculate their zmanim in accordance with Gra.</ref>
*[ Rav Yitzchak Yosef (Motzei Shabbat Emor 5778 min 28)] said that since the minhag is that we follow the geonim for zmanim, the minhag is to pray mincha before Plag of the geonim and arvit after Plag of the geonim, even though according to Rabbenu Tam it is a bracha levatala since it is day.</ref> Thereby, the Sephardi ''plag hamincha'' is generally between 10 and 20 minutes after the Gra ''plag''. See the [ CalJ App] for calculation of this ''zman''. Others say that even Sephardim can calculate ''plag hamincha'' according to the Gra.<ref>Kaf Hachaim 233:7, Halacha Brurah v. 14 teshuva 7. Halacha Brurah writes that there's no safek brachot to light candles after plag of the gra or daven arvit after that plag since that is the minhag and there's no safek brachot where there is a minhag. He rejects the position of Ben Ish Chai that we calculate from Olot to Tzet of Geonim because that is definitely not the view of the Geonim. Rather the Geonim would calculate their zmanim in accordance with Gra.</ref>

===Early Maariv on Friday Night===
===Early Arvit on Friday Night===

#Regarding praying [[Arvit]] early on Friday night see [[Making early Shabbat]].
#Regarding praying [[Arvit|''arvit'']] early on Friday night see [[Making early Shabbat|Making Early Shabbat]].

===Maariv Before Sunset If One Davened Mincha after Plag===
===Arvit Before Sunset If One Davened Mincha after Plag===

#An individual may not pray before mincha after plag mincha and maariv before sunset in one day under any circumstance.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 233:1, Mishna Brurah 233:11</ref>
#An individual may not ''daven mincha'' after ''plag hamincha'' and ''arvit'' before sunset on the same day.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 233:1, Mishna Brurah 233:11</ref>
#A [[minyan]] may be lenient to pray both [[Mincha]] and [[Arvit]] between plag hamincha and sunset, even though it is a self-contradictory practice following both Rabbanan and Rabbi Yehuda.<ref>Mishna Brurah 233:11 writes that in a minyan where there is an excessive effort to get everyone back to shul for [[maariv]] (and people cannot wait in shul), it is permissible for a [[minyan]] to say [[maariv]] right after [[Mincha]] (between Plag [[Mincha]] and nighttime). Shulchan Aruch 233:1 says the minhag is like Rabbanan and Rama 233:1 says the minhag is like Rabbi Yehuda. Nowadays, Piskei Teshuvot 233:4 writes that the Ashkenazic minhag is also like Rabbanan. </ref> If the only minyan available is such a minyan an individual shouldn't join such a minyan for both mincha and maariv, but only for one of them.<ref>Mishna Brurah 235:14</ref> If they need you to complete the minyan you can join them.
#A [[minyan]] may be lenient to pray both [[Mincha]] and [[Arvit]] between plag hamincha and sunset, even though it is a self-contradictory practice following both Rabbanan and Rabbi Yehuda.<ref>Mishna Brurah 233:11 writes that in a minyan where there is an excessive effort to get everyone back to shul for [[maariv]] (and people cannot wait in shul), it is permissible for a [[minyan]] to say [[maariv]] right after [[Mincha]] (between Plag [[Mincha]] and nighttime). Shulchan Aruch 233:1 says the minhag is like Rabbanan and Rama 233:1 says the minhag is like Rabbi Yehuda. Nowadays, Piskei Teshuvot 233:4 writes that the Ashkenazic minhag is also like Rabbanan. </ref> If the only minyan available is such a minyan an individual shouldn't join such a minyan for both mincha and maariv, but only for one of them.<ref>Mishna Brurah 235:14</ref> If they need you to complete the minyan you can join them.

