
When Is the Earliest and Latest Time to Pray?: Difference between revisions

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===After the Fact===
===After the Fact===

#If one prayed before [[Olot HaShachar|''alot hashachar'']], one has not fulfilled one’s obligation. Nonetheless, one should pray again on condition that if one is exempt then one is praying voluntarily. <ref>*What is the earliest time for [[Shacharit]]? The Rosh 4:1 writes that even though ideally one should pray at [[HaNetz]] (sunrise) if one prayed after [[Olot HaShachar]] one would have fulfilled one’s obligation. This is also the opinion of many Rishonim including Tosfot 30a (D”H Avuha), Rambam ([[Tefillah]] 3:7, Sh”t Rambam 27), Rabbenu Yerucham (according to Bet Yosef 89:1) and the Tur 89:1. This is codified in Shulchan Aruch 89:1.
#If one prayed before [[Olot HaShachar|''alot hashachar'']], one has not fulfilled their obligation. Nonetheless, one should pray again on condition that if one is exempt then they are praying voluntarily. <ref>*What is the earliest time for [[Shacharit]]? The Rosh 4:1 writes that even though ideally one should pray at [[HaNetz|hanetz]] (sunrise) if one prayed after [[Olot HaShachar|alot hashachar]] one would have fulfilled one’s obligation. This is also the opinion of many rishonim including Tosfot 30a (s.v. Avuha), Rambam ([[Tefillah]] 3:7, Sh”t Rambam 27), Rabbeinu Yerucham (according to Bet Yosef 89:1) and the Tur 89:1. This is codified in Shulchan Aruch 89:1.
*There is a minority of rishonim who hold that in extenuating circumstances one is permitted to pray [[Shacharit]] before [[Olot HaShachar]]. The basis of this approach is Rashi ([[Brachot]] 30a s.v. VeLayaved), Sh”t Raavan (176), and Raavad (quoted by the Sefer Hashlamah).
*There is a minority of rishonim who hold that in extenuating circumstances one is permitted to pray [[Shacharit]] before [[Olot HaShachar|alot hashachar]]. The basis of this approach is Rashi ([[Brachot]] 30a s.v. VeLayaved), Sh”t Raavan (176), and Raavad (quoted by the Sefer Hashlamah).
*[Interestingly, the Derisha argues that the Rabbenu Yerucham holds that there are three levels, ideally one should pray at [[HaNetz]], it is permissible to pray after [[MeSheYakir]] and it is only effective, after the fact, after [[Olot HaShachar]].]
*[Interestingly, the Derisha argues that Rabbeinu Yerucham holds that there are three levels, ideally one should pray at [[HaNetz|hanetz]], it is permissible to pray after [[MeSheYakir|misheyakir]] and it is only effective, after the fact, after [[Olot HaShachar|alot hashachar]].]
*Mishna Brurah 89:2 writes that based on Shulchan Aruch, if one prayed before [[Olot HaShachar]] one has not fulfilled one’s obligation.
*Mishna Brurah 89:2 writes that based on Shulchan Aruch, if one prayed before [[Olot HaShachar|alot hashachar]] one has not fulfilled one’s obligation.
*Yalkut Yosef ([[Tefillah]] pg 136, see also Sh”t Yechave Daat 2:8) writes that even if one prayed altogether before [[Olot HaShachar]] one should still pray again at the proper time with a stipulation that if one is not obligated that it should be a voluntary [[prayer]]. So writes Sh”t Otzrot Yosef 5:3.</ref>
*Yalkut Yosef ([[Tefillah]] pg. 136, see also Sh”t Yechave Daat 2:8) writes that even if one prayed before [[Olot HaShachar|alot hashachar]] one should still pray again at the proper time with a stipulation that if one is not obligated that it should be a voluntary [[prayer]]. So writes Sh”t Otzrot Yosef 5:3.</ref>

===Latest Time===
===Latest Time===

#The latest time to say [[Shmoneh Esrei]] of [[Shacharit]] is the end of the fourth hour (in [[Shaot Zmaniot]]). <ref>The Mishna (Brachot 26a) writes that the latest time [[Shacharit]] could be said according to Rabbi Yehuda is the fourth hour and according to the Rabbis is the sixth hour. The Gemara (27a) writes that we hold like Rabbi Yehuda because there is a Mishna in Ediyot that supports Rabbi Yehuda. This is codified by the Rif 18a, Rosh 4:1, and Rambam ([[Tefillah]] 3:1). The halacha is brought in Tur and Shulchan Aruch 89:1 </ref>
#The latest time to say [[Shmoneh Esrei|''shemoneh esrei'']] of [[Shacharit|''shacharit'']] is the end of the fourth hour (in [[Shaot Zmaniot]]). <ref>The Mishna (Brachot 26a) writes that the latest time [[Shacharit]] could be said according to Rabbi Yehuda is the fourth hour and according to the Rabbis is the sixth hour. The Gemara (27a) writes that we hold like Rabbi Yehuda because there is a Mishna in Ediyot that supports Rabbi Yehuda. This is codified by the Rif 18a, Rosh 4:1, and Rambam ([[Tefillah]] 3:1). The halacha is brought in Tur and Shulchan Aruch 89:1 </ref>
#If one has not prayed until the end of the fourth hour, one should pray [[Shacharit]] before the end of the sixth hour (midday, in [[Shaot Zmaniot]]). If one intentionally did not pray in the first four hours one should still pray before midday but one should stipulate that if one is exempt that one is praying a voluntary [[prayer]]. <ref>*The Rif 18a originates that even though we hold like Rabbi Yehuda that the latest time for [[Shacharit]] is the fourth hour one could still pray after the fourth hour and receive the reward for praying (albeit having lost the reward for praying in the proper time). The Rosh 4:1, Rambam (Hilchot [[Tefillah]] 3:1), and Tur 89:1 hold like the Rif.
#If one has not prayed until the end of the fourth hour, one should pray [[Shacharit]] before the end of the sixth hour (midday, in [[Shaot Zmaniot]]). If one intentionally did not pray in the first four hours one should still pray before midday but one should stipulate that if one is exempt that one is praying a voluntary [[prayer]]. <ref>*The Rif 18a originates that even though we hold like Rabbi Yehuda that the latest time for [[Shacharit]] is the fourth hour one could still pray after the fourth hour and receive the reward for praying (albeit having lost the reward for praying in the proper time). The Rosh 4:1, Rambam (Hilchot [[Tefillah]] 3:1), and Tur 89:1 hold like the Rif.
*The Bet Yosef 89:1 writes that it seems as though the Rosh and Rif base their halacha on the general language of the Gemara (Brachot 26a) “one could pray all day and receive reward for [[prayer]] but would loose the reward for [[prayer]] in its proper time.” Because this phrase was the Gemara’s way of explaining the halacha of [[Tashlumin]], the Bet Yosef, rules that according to the Rif and Rosh one would not be able to pray after the fourth hour if a person intentionally did not pray in the first four hours.
*The Bet Yosef 89:1 writes that it seems as though the Rosh and Rif base their halacha on the general language of the Gemara (Brachot 26a) “one could pray all day and receive reward for [[prayer]] but would loose the reward for [[prayer]] in its proper time.” Because this phrase was the Gemara’s way of explaining the halacha of [[Tashlumin]], the Bet Yosef, rules that according to the Rif and Rosh one would not be able to pray after the fourth hour if a person intentionally did not pray in the first four hours.
