
When Is the Earliest and Latest Time to Pray?: Difference between revisions

From Halachipedia
(→‎Pre-Netz: consolidating...there is a lot of repetition. It makes it hard to follow because each time it is said slightly differently. I'm thinking hard on how to clear it up and consolidate.)
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#If one needs to travel or in a cases of difficulty one may pray [[Shacharit]] after ''[[Olot HaShachar|alot hashachar]]'' before [[HaNetz|hanetz]], but nonetheless one may not make the bracha on [[Tallit]] and [[Tefillin]] or say [[Kriyat Shema]] until [[MeSheYakir]]. <ref>*The Rosh (Brachot 4:1) writes that even though ideally one should pray at [[HaNetz]] (sunrise) if one prayed after [[Olot HaShachar]] one would have fulfilled one’s obligation. This is also the opinion of many rishonim including Tosfot 30a (D”H Avuha), Rambam ([[Tefillah]] 3:7, Sh”t Rambam 27), Rabbenu Yerucham (according to Bet Yosef 89:1) and the Tur 89:1. This is codified in Shulchan Aruch 89:1.
#If one needs to travel or in a case of difficulty one may pray [[Shacharit|''shacharit'']] after ''[[Olot HaShachar|alot hashachar]]'' before [[HaNetz|hanetz]], but nonetheless one may not make the ''bracha'' on [[Tallit|''tallit'']] and [[Tefillin|''tefillin'']] or say [[Kriyat Shema|kriyat shema]] until [[MeSheYakir|misheyakir]]. <ref>*The Rosh (Brachot 4:1) writes that even though ideally one should pray at [[HaNetz]] (sunrise) if one prayed after [[Olot HaShachar]] one would have fulfilled one’s obligation. This is also the opinion of many rishonim including Tosfot 30a (D”H Avuha), Rambam ([[Tefillah]] 3:7, Sh”t Rambam 27), Rabbenu Yerucham (according to Bet Yosef 89:1) and the Tur 89:1. This is codified in Shulchan Aruch 89:1.
*There is a minority of Rishonim who hold that in extenuating circumstances one is permitted to pray [[Shacharit]] before [[Olot HaShachar]]. The basis of this approach is Rashi (Brachot 30a s.v. VeLayaved), Sh”t Raavan (176), and Raavad (quoted by the Sefer Hashlamah).
*There is a minority of Rishonim who hold that in extenuating circumstances one is permitted to pray [[Shacharit]] before [[Olot HaShachar]]. The basis of this approach is Rashi (Brachot 30a s.v. VeLayaved), Sh”t Raavan (176), and Raavad (quoted by the Sefer Hashlamah).
*Shulchan Aruch 89:8 rules that in cases of extenuating circumstances such as where one has to travel early one may pray [[Shacharit]] [[Shmoneh Esrei]] immediately after [[Olot HaShachar]] and then say Shema while traveling if one is able to have kavana (proper intent) while traveling. This is also mentioned in Mishna Brurah 89:1.</ref>
*Shulchan Aruch 89:8 rules that in cases of extenuating circumstances such as where one has to travel early one may pray [[Shacharit]] [[Shmoneh Esrei]] immediately after [[Olot HaShachar]] and then say Shema while traveling if one is able to have kavana (proper intent) while traveling. This is also mentioned in Mishna Brurah 89:1.</ref>
