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=== Shema and Shemona Esrei ===
=== Shema and Shemona Esrei ===
#The ''bracha'' of ''yotzer ohr'' may not be said before ''misheyakir''. If one is ''davening'' before ''misheyakir'' he should say ''krias shema'' with the ''brachot'', skip over the ''bracha'' of ''yotzer ohr'', and say it after ''shemoneh esrei'', in the proper ''zman.''<sup>[10]</sup> One who accidentally said ''yotzer ohr'' before ''misheyakir'' should not repeat it.<sup>[11]</sup>
#The ''bracha'' of ''yotzer ohr'' may not be said before ''misheyakir''. If one is ''davening'' before ''misheyakir'' he should say ''krias shema'' with the ''brachot'', skip over the ''bracha'' of ''yotzer ohr'', and say it after ''shemoneh esrei'', in the proper ''zman.'' One who accidentally said ''yotzer ohr'' before ''misheyakir'' should not repeat it.
#One who will be unable to recite ''shema'' after ''misheyakir'' may do so from ''alot hashachar''.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 58:3</ref>  
#One who will be unable to recite ''shema'' after ''misheyakir'' may do so from ''alot hashachar''.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 58:3</ref>  
#''Shemoneh esrei'' should be recited after ''hanetz.''<ref>Shulchan Aruch 89:1</ref> If it was recited from ''alot hashachar'' one has fulfilled his obligation. In a case of need, like for one who is traveling, it is even considered ideal to say ''shemoneh esrei'' from ''alot hashachar.''<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 89:1; Mishna Berura ibid. 4</ref>
#''Shemoneh esrei'' should be recited after ''hanetz.''<ref>Shulchan Aruch 89:1</ref> If it was recited from ''alot hashachar'' one has fulfilled his obligation. In a case of need, like for one who is traveling, it is even considered ideal to say ''shemoneh esrei'' from ''alot hashachar.''<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 89:1, Mishna Brurah 89:4</ref>

=== '''Ideal Time for Shacharit''' ===
=== Ideal Time for Shacharit ===
# The ideal     mitzvah is to start praying [[Shmoneh Esrei|''shmoneh esrei'']]     of [[Shacharit|''shacharit'']] at [[Netz HaChama|''netz hachama'']]     (sunrise). The practice of those who say ''shemoneh esrei'' of     shacharit at Netz is called ''Vatikin''.<sup>[12]</sup>
# The ideal mitzvah is to start praying [[Shmoneh Esrei|''shmoneh esrei'']] of [[Shacharit|''shacharit'']] at [[Netz HaChama|''netz hachama'']] (sunrise). The practice of those who say ''shemoneh esrei'' of shacharit at Netz is called ''Vatikin''.<sup>[12]</sup>
# If a person can     either daven at Netz without a minyan or later with a minyan, according to     Ashkenazim one may daven at Netz if one regularly davens at Netz.<sup>[13]</sup>     According to Sephardim one should daven with a minyan later unless one     will pray with kavana.<sup>[14]</sup> '''After Alot Hashachar'''
# If a person can either daven at Netz without a minyan or later with a minyan, according to Ashkenazim one may daven at Netz if one regularly davens at Netz.<sup>[13]</sup> According to Sephardim one should daven with a minyan later unless one will pray with kavana.<sup>[14]</sup>  


#Ideally one should pray after Netz. If one did pray anytime after [[Olot HaShachar]] (dawn, about 72 minutes before sunrise) one has fulfilled one’s obligation.<ref>The Rosh ([[Brachot]] 4:1) writes that even though ideally one should pray at [[HaNetz]] (sunrise) if one prayed after [[Olot HaShachar]] one would have fulfilled one’s obligation. This is also the opinion of many Rishonim including Tosfot 30a (s.v. Avuha), Rambam ([[Tefillah]] 3:7, Sh”t Rambam 27), Rabbenu Yerucham (according to Bet Yosef 89:1) and the Tur 89:1. This is codified in Shulchan Aruch 89:1. </ref>
#Ideally one should pray after Netz. If one did pray anytime after [[Olot HaShachar]] one has fulfilled one’s obligation.<ref>The Rosh ([[Brachot]] 4:1) writes that even though ideally one should pray at [[HaNetz]] (sunrise) if one prayed after [[Olot HaShachar]] one would have fulfilled one’s obligation. This is also the opinion of many Rishonim including Tosfot 30a (s.v. Avuha), Rambam ([[Tefillah]] 3:7, Sh”t Rambam 27), Rabbenu Yerucham (according to Bet Yosef 89:1) and the Tur 89:1. This is codified in Shulchan Aruch 89:1. </ref>

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