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== Practices of the Chazan during Kaddish ==
== Practices of the Chazan during Kaddish ==

# The minhag is that the Chazan bows during Kaddish when he says the words:
## תתקבל
## , יהא שמא רבא,
## יתברך,
## בריך הוא,
## אמן (אחר דאמירן בעלמא).<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 56:4</ref>
## Some don't have the minhag to bow during Kaddish.<ref>Biur Hagra 56:4</ref>
# Many poskim hold that the Chazan takes three steps back during oseh shalom for all kaddishim.<ref>Yabia Omer 5:9</ref>
# Many poskim hold that the Chazan takes three steps back during oseh shalom for all kaddishim.<ref>Yabia Omer 5:9</ref>
# Regarding bowing during oseh shalom, most poskim<ref>Peninei Halacha (Tefillah 23:11 p. 350) and Tikkun Derech Hachayim 28:10</ref> hold that the shaliach tzibbur should first bow to his left and then to his right, just like the practice is after Shemona Esrei. This is implied by the rishonim as well.<ref>Mordechai (Brachot 4:111) and Trumat Hadeshen 13 imply that these bows are left and then right like the end of shemona esrei.</ref> However, the Chabad and Moroccan minhag is to bow to the right first for these bows at the end of kaddish. The reason is that it isn't similar to the bows at the end of Shemona Esrei. Only at the end of Shemona Esrei he is taking leave of Hashem he first bows his left, the right side of Hashem, but for Kaddish this isn't necessary.<ref>Sefer Haminhagim (Minhagei Chabad p. 6) writes that the Chabad minhag is to bow to the right first. Piskei Teshuvot (56 fnt. 122) supports that practice because the bows at the end of kaddish aren't similar to the bows at the end of Shemona Esrei. Siddur Avoteynu (Nusach Morocco, p. 127) also writes that the Moroccan minhag is to bow to the right first.</ref> See the full topic: [[Turning to the Right and Left]].
# Regarding bowing during oseh shalom, most poskim<ref>Peninei Halacha (Tefillah 23:11 p. 350) and Tikkun Derech Hachayim 28:10</ref> hold that the shaliach tzibbur should first bow to his left and then to his right, just like the practice is after Shemona Esrei. This is implied by the rishonim as well.<ref>Mordechai (Brachot 4:111) and Trumat Hadeshen 13 imply that these bows are left and then right like the end of shemona esrei.</ref> However, the Chabad and Moroccan minhag is to bow to the right first for these bows at the end of kaddish. The reason is that it isn't similar to the bows at the end of Shemona Esrei. Only at the end of Shemona Esrei he is taking leave of Hashem he first bows his left, the right side of Hashem, but for Kaddish this isn't necessary.<ref>Sefer Haminhagim (Minhagei Chabad p. 6) writes that the Chabad minhag is to bow to the right first. Piskei Teshuvot (56 fnt. 122) supports that practice because the bows at the end of kaddish aren't similar to the bows at the end of Shemona Esrei. Siddur Avoteynu (Nusach Morocco, p. 127) also writes that the Moroccan minhag is to bow to the right first.</ref> See the full topic: [[Turning to the Right and Left]].
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