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#If a Jew has to have a lawsuit with a non-Jew, he should avoid having it with him in Av, as this is a time of ill fortune for a Jew.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 551:1, Taanit 29b. Mishna Brurah 551:2 based on the Magen Avraham 551:2 says that this applies throughout the month of av until [[rosh chodesh]] [[elul]], but at the minimum until [[Tisha BeAv]]. This is the ruling of the Chayei Adam 133:9, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:7. Ben Ish Chai Devarim Halacha 1 says one should preferably wait until the fifteenth of av but really one has to wait until the tenth. </ref>
#If a Jew has to have a lawsuit with a non-Jew, he should avoid having it with him in Av, as this is a time of ill fortune for a Jew.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 551:1, Taanit 29b. Mishna Brurah 551:2 based on the Magen Avraham 551:2 says that this applies throughout the month of av until [[rosh chodesh]] [[elul]], but at the minimum until [[Tisha BeAv]]. This is the ruling of the Chayei Adam 133:9, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:7. Ben Ish Chai Devarim Halacha 1 says one should preferably wait until the fifteenth of av but really one has to wait until the tenth. </ref>
===Fasting During the Three Weeks===
===Fasting During the Three Weeks===
#Although some have the custom to fast during every day between the seventeenth of tammuz until the ninth of av, this should not be kept by a teacher of torah or somebody who is learning.<ref>Tur 551 and S”A 551:16 as well as the Chayei Adam 133:8 raise this minhag, but Birkei Yosef 551:7, Shaare Teshuva on S”A 551:16, Kaf Hachayim 551:191 and Mishna Brurah 90 say that this should not be done by a talmid chacham because he will not be able to focus on learning. </ref>
#Although some have the custom to fast every day between the seventeenth of tammuz until the ninth of av, this should not be kept by a teacher of torah or somebody who is learning.<ref>Tur 551 and S”A 551:16 as well as the Chayei Adam 133:8 raise this minhag, but Birkei Yosef 551:7, Shaare Teshuva on S”A 551:16, Kaf Hachayim 551:191 and Mishna Brurah 90 say that this should not be done by a talmid chacham because he will not be able to focus on learning. </ref>
#One is permitted to recite the bracha of [[Hagomel]] at any point during the Three Weeks, including [[Shiva Asar BeTamuz]] and [[Tisha BeAv]].<ref>[ Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref>
#One is permitted to recite the bracha of [[Hagomel]] at any point during the Three Weeks, including [[Shiva Asar BeTamuz]] and [[Tisha BeAv]].<ref>[ Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref>
===Tikkun Chatzot===
===Tikkun Chatzot===
#It is a praiseworthy minhag to recite "tikkun Rachel" after chatzot of the day during the Three Weeks. This is in addition to the praiseworthy minhag to recite "[[tikkun chatzot]]" every night after chatzot. "Tikkun Rachel" should not be recited after chatzot of the day on Tish'a Bi'av itself. On Erev Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Chodesh, Erev Shabbat, and Shabbat, "tikkun Rachel" is also not recited during the day. This applies to any day that tachanun is not recited as well, for example a mohel, sandak, and avi haben, should not recite "tikkun Rachel" on the day of the berit milah. "Tikkun Chatzot" is not recited at night during a shemittah year, but a person may nevertheless recite "tikkun Rachel" during the day during the Three Weeks.<ref>Chazon Ovadia Arba Ta'aniyot page 128-129 </ref>
#It is praiseworthy to recite "tikkun Rachel" after chatzot (of the day), each day during the Three Weeks. This is in addition to the praiseworthy minhag to recite "[[tikkun chatzot]]" every night after chatzot. "Tikkun Rachel" should not be recited after chatzot of the day on Tish'a Bi'av itself. On Erev Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Chodesh, Erev Shabbat, and Shabbat, "tikkun Rachel" is not recited during the day. This applies to any day that tachanun is not recited as well.  For example, the mohel, sandak, and avi haben, should not recite "tikkun Rachel" on the day of the berit milah. "Tikkun Chatzot" is not recited at night during a shemittah year, but a person may nevertheless recite "tikkun Rachel" during the day during the Three Weeks.<ref>Chazon Ovadia Arba Ta'aniyot page 128-129 </ref>

===Travel and Recreation===
===Travel and Recreation===
# One shouldn't schedule trips and recreational activities for the Three Weeks.<ref>Mikraei Kodesh 5:1 quoting the Masa Chaim of Rav Chaim Palagi that the rabbis of his generation established that people shouldn't go on trips during the Three Weeks. He also writes that this is cited by the Sdei Chemed Ben Hametzarim 1:10 and Nitai Gavriel Ben Hametzarim 23 fnt. 7. He also quotes that he heard from Rav Shaul Yisraeli that one shoudln't go on recreational trips during the Three Weeks. </ref> Some say that if that is the only time a person has to take these trips with his family or it is for medical reasons it is permitted until the Nine Days.<reF>Mikraei Kodesh 5:1 citing Rav Mordechai Eliyahu</ref>
# One shouldn't schedule trips and recreational activities for the Three Weeks.<ref>Mikraei Kodesh 5:1 quoting the Masa Chaim of Rav Chaim Palagi that the rabbis of his generation established that people shouldn't go on trips during the Three Weeks. He also writes that this is cited by the Sdei Chemed Ben Hametzarim 1:10 and Nitai Gavriel Ben Hametzarim 23 fnt. 7. He also quotes that he heard from Rav Shaul Yisraeli that one shoudln't go on recreational trips during the Three Weeks. </ref> Some say that if that is the only time a person has to take trips with his family, or it is for medical reasons, it is permitted until the Nine Days.<reF>Mikraei Kodesh 5:1 citing Rav Mordechai Eliyahu</ref>
#During the Three Weeks one should refrain from going to dangerous places and should be even more careful during the [[Nine Days]].<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 551:1, 46. Also see [ Rabbi Eli Mansour on]. </ref>
#During the Three Weeks one should refrain from going to dangerous places and should be even more careful during the [[Nine Days]].<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 551:1, 46. Also see [ Rabbi Eli Mansour on]. </ref>
#If possible, one should avoid flying on an airplane during the Nine Days.<ref>Halichot Shlomo 14:24</ref>
#If possible, one should avoid flying on an airplane during the Nine Days.<ref>Halichot Shlomo 14:24</ref>