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===Shemona Esrei===
===Shemona Esrei===
#Women are obligated in saying [[Shmoneh Esrei]] of [[Shacharit]] and [[Mincha]].<ref>S”A 106:1, Mishna Brurah 106:4. See also Sh”t Yechave Daat 3:7 who writes that women are obligated in one [[Shmoneh Esrei]] a day but if they say three a day it is praiseworthy. [[Tefillah]] KeHilchata (chapter 1 note 17) quotes Rav Ben Tzion Abba Shaul who says that women are obligated in all Tefillot except [[Arvit]]. </ref> It is proper for women to accept the yoke of heaven by saying at least the first pasuk of Shema. <ref>S”A and Rama 70:1, Mishna Brurah 70:5 </ref>
#Women are obligated in reciting [[Shmoneh Esrei]] of [[Shacharit]] and [[Mincha]].<ref>S”A 106:1, Mishna Brurah 106:4. See also Sh”t Yechave Daat 3:7 who writes that women are obligated in one [[Shmoneh Esrei]] a day but if they say three a day it is praiseworthy. [[Tefillah]] KeHilchata (chapter 1 note 17) quotes Rav Ben Tzion Abba Shaul who says that women are obligated in all Tefillot except [[Arvit]]. </ref> It is proper for women to accept the yoke of heaven by saying at least the first pasuk of Shema. <ref>S”A and Rama 70:1, Mishna Brurah 70:5 </ref>
#Women are not obligated in [[Arvit]]. If one wants to say it one should specify that it is done Bli Neder (so that it is not binding after 3 times of performing it). <ref>Mishna Brurah 106:4, [[Tefillah]] KeHilchata 1:11. [ Rabbi Hershel Schachter] in a shiur on ("Women at [[Prayer]]", min 10-16) agrees and explains that women are not obligated to say [[Arvit]] since according to the gemara, [[Arvit]] is optional and although men have accepted it upon themselves to say [[Arvit]], making it an obligation for men, the minhag however does not include women and therefore [[Arvit]] is not an obligation for them. </ref>
#Women are not obligated in [[Arvit]]. If one wants to say it one should specify that it is done Bli Neder (so that it is not binding after 3 times of performing it). <ref>Mishna Brurah 106:4, [[Tefillah]] KeHilchata 1:11. [ Rabbi Hershel Schachter] in a shiur on ("Women at [[Prayer]]", min 10-16) agrees and explains that women are not obligated to say [[Arvit]] since according to the gemara, [[Arvit]] is optional and although men have accepted it upon themselves to say [[Arvit]], making it an obligation for men, the minhag however does not include women and therefore [[Arvit]] is not an obligation for them. </ref>
#Many poskim hold that women are exempt from saying [[Mussaf]].<ref>Mishna Brurah 106:4 quotes the Tzlach (Brachot 26a s.v. VeShel Musafin) who says that women are exempt from [[Mussaf]], while the Magen Giborim disagrees. [ Rabbi Hershel Schachter] in a shiur on ("Women at [[Prayer]]", min 10-16) explains that the reason women are exempt, is that [[Mussaf]] is not about asking for mercy, which is the basis for women's obligation to pray (Gemara [[Brachot]] 20b). Additionally, [[Mussaf]] was instituted because of the [[korbanot]] Mussaf and women were not obligated in donating the Machasit HaShekel which was used for communal [[korbanot]] such as the Mussaf [[korbanot]]. </ref>
#Many poskim hold that women are exempt from saying [[Mussaf]].<ref>Mishna Brurah 106:4 quotes the Tzlach (Brachot 26a s.v. VeShel Musafin) who says that women are exempt from [[Mussaf]], while the Magen Giborim disagrees. [ Rabbi Hershel Schachter] in a shiur on ("Women at [[Prayer]]", min 10-16) explains that the reason women are exempt, is that [[Mussaf]] is not about asking for mercy, which is the basis for women's obligation to pray (Gemara [[Brachot]] 20b). Additionally, [[Mussaf]] was instituted because of the [[korbanot]] Mussaf and women were not obligated in donating the Machasit HaShekel which was used for communal [[korbanot]] such as the Mussaf [[korbanot]]. </ref>
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