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===Washing Machines===
===Washing Machines===
# The poskim hold that the prohibition against doing laundry on chol hamoed applies today even though it is easy to do laundry in a washing machine. The reason is that the prohibition wasn't because of working on chol hamoed. It was enacted in order to ensure that a person prepares for the holiday properly and has clean clothing and doesn't save the laundry for chol hamoed.<ref>[ Peninei Halacha (Moadim 11:11:4)]</ref>
# The poskim hold that the prohibition against doing laundry on chol hamoed applies today even though it is easy to do laundry in a washing machine. The reason is that the prohibition wasn't because of working on chol hamoed. It was enacted in order to ensure that a person prepares for the holiday properly and has clean clothing and doesn't save the laundry for chol hamoed.<ref>Yabia Omer 7:48, [ Peninei Halacha (Moadim 11:11:4)]</ref>
# If someone did all of their laundry before the holiday and now they don't have clean clothing a minority opinion in the poskim allows doing laundry in a washing machine, while most forbid it.<ref>[ Peninei Halacha (Moadim 11:11:4)] quotes several who hold that if one cleaned all of one's clothing before chol hamoed and now they're dirty to be able to launder them on chol hamoed. These poskim include Chemda Genuza of R' Shalosh 2:55, Migdal Sofim 3:30, and Chevel Nachalato 11:19. He also quotes Rav Liyor in Dvar Chevron OC 545 who held this approach but is hesistant to rule like that without the approval of the gedolei hador. Peninei Halacha concludes that majority of the poskim do not allow it.</ref>
# If someone did all of their laundry before the holiday and now they don't have clean clothing a minority opinion in the poskim allows doing laundry in a washing machine, while most forbid it.<ref>[ Peninei Halacha (Moadim 11:11:4)] quotes several who hold that if one cleaned all of one's clothing before chol hamoed and now they're dirty to be able to launder them on chol hamoed. These poskim include [ Chemda Genuza of R' Shalosh 2:55], Migdal Sofim 3:30, and Chevel Nachalato 11:19. He also quotes Rav Liyor in Dvar Chevron OC 545 who held this approach but is hesistant to rule like that without the approval of the gedolei hador. Peninei Halacha concludes that majority of the poskim do not allow it.</ref>
===Adding to the Load===
===Adding to the Load===
# If someone is running a load of permitted clothing such as children clothing one may not add to the load more clothing that otherwise would be forbidden to clean.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 32) citing Rav Moshe Feinstein, Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata ch. 66 fnt. 254, [ Peninei Halacha (Moadim 11:11:5)]. Peninei Halacha cites this from Rav Elyashiv in Mivakshei Torah p. 471, Or Letzion 3:24:2, Chazon Ovadia p. 199, Tefilla Lmoshe 2:24, Chut Shani p. 237, Piskei Teshuvot 534:32, and Chol Hamoed Khilchato 5:18. The only lenient opinion he quotes is Shevivei Esh Moadim v. 2 p. 294.</ref>
# If someone is running a load of permitted clothing such as children clothing one may not add to the load more clothing that otherwise would be forbidden to clean.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 32) citing Rav Moshe Feinstein, Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata ch. 66 fnt. 254, [ Peninei Halacha (Moadim 11:11:5)]. Peninei Halacha cites this from Rav Elyashiv in Mivakshei Torah p. 471, Or Letzion 3:24:2, Chazon Ovadia p. 199, Tefilla Lmoshe 2:24, Chut Shani p. 237, Piskei Teshuvot 534:32, and Chol Hamoed Khilchato 5:18. The only lenient opinion he quotes is Shevivei Esh Moadim v. 2 p. 294.</ref>
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