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*'''Rambam''' holds that '''one''' string out of eight are techelet.<ref>[ Rambam Halachot Tzitzit 1:6]</ref> Maggid Meisharim, Mabit, Maharam Ibn Gabay, Sefer Charedim, Levush, Gra,<ref>Ptil Tekhelet 6:15-16 based on the Gra's commentary to Zohar Pinchas 228, Sifra Ditzineuta Trumah 179b end of ch. 5, Raya Mehemna Shlach 175, and Biur Hagra O.C. 12:5.</ref> Sefer Hakaneh, and Arizal agree with the Rambam. Radziner in Petil Techelet ch. 6 ends up following the Rambam but says one has what to rely upon to follow either of the other opinions. Ben Ish Chai (Noach n. 17) and in [ Od Yosef Chay (Vaera n. 3)] holds like the Rambam. [ Rav Meir Mazuz] and [ Rav Yonatan Mazuz] agree.
*'''Rambam''' holds that '''one''' string out of eight are techelet.<ref>[ Rambam Halachot Tzitzit 1:6]</ref> Maggid Meisharim, Mabit, Maharam Ibn Gabay, Sefer Charedim, Levush, Gra,<ref>Ptil Tekhelet 6:15-16 based on the Gra's commentary to Zohar Pinchas 228, Sifra Ditzineuta Trumah 179b end of ch. 5, Raya Mehemna Shlach 175, and Biur Hagra O.C. 12:5.</ref> Sefer Hakaneh, and Arizal agree with the Rambam. Radziner in Petil Techelet ch. 6 ends up following the Rambam but says one has what to rely upon to follow either of the other opinions. Ben Ish Chai (Noach n. 17) and in [ Od Yosef Chay (Vaera n. 3)] holds like the Rambam. [ Rav Meir Mazuz] and [ Rav Yonatan Mazuz] agree.
*'''Raavad''' holds that two out of the eight strings are techelet.<ref>[ Raavad on Rambam Halachot Tzitzit 1:6]</ref> Sefer Hachinuch<ref>Sefer Hachinuch 386 writes that the techelet string (singular) needs to be died lishma. This implies that he holds like Raavad that one out of the four strings is techelet. Also he writes that you wrap the techelet string (singular) upon the others. He certainly seems not to hold like Rashi and Tosfot. Also, he seems to hold like Raavad since he does not specify that only half of one of the strings is techelet, like Rambam. </ref> and Aruch<ref>Erech Techelet</ref> agree with the Raavad. Smag has safek like Tosfot or Raavad. Some achronim hold like the Raavad.<ref>Birurei Halacha Bmitzvat Techelet Shebetzitzit p. 63 n. 106 learns from the Rambam Tzitzit 1:5 that even if one uses more strings of techelet than are necessary one fulfills the mitzvah. p. 72 n. 117 he concludes to follow the Raavad since it is the opinion of many rishonim and the Rambam would agree. </ref>
*'''Raavad''' holds that '''two''' out of the eight strings are techelet.<ref>[ Raavad on Rambam Halachot Tzitzit 1:6]</ref> Sefer Hachinuch<ref>Sefer Hachinuch 386 writes that the techelet string (singular) needs to be died lishma. This implies that he holds like Raavad that one out of the four strings is techelet. Also he writes that you wrap the techelet string (singular) upon the others. He certainly seems not to hold like Rashi and Tosfot. Also, he seems to hold like Raavad since he does not specify that only half of one of the strings is techelet, like Rambam. </ref> and Aruch<ref>Erech Techelet</ref> agree with the Raavad. Smag has safek like Tosfot or Raavad. Some achronim hold like the Raavad.<ref>Birurei Halacha Bmitzvat Techelet Shebetzitzit p. 63 n. 106 learns from the Rambam Tzitzit 1:5 that even if one uses more strings of techelet than are necessary one fulfills the mitzvah. p. 72 n. 117 he concludes to follow the Raavad since it is the opinion of many rishonim and the Rambam would agree. </ref>
*'''Rashi''' and '''Tosfot''' hold that '''four''' strings out of eight are techelet.<ref>[ Rashi on Mishna of Menachot 38a]. Rosh Hilchot Tzitzit n. 6 seems to agree.</ref> [ Rav Schachter] <ref>Rav Schachter [ (YUTorah "Hilchos Tzitzis," at the beginning)]</ref> holds like Rashi and Tosfot and recommends all Ashkenazim to follow this method due to the plethora of sources advocating it (Baal haIttur, Tur, Shulchan Aruch, etc.).
*'''Rashi''' and '''Tosfot''' hold that '''four''' strings out of eight are techelet.<ref>[ Rashi on Mishna of Menachot 38a]. Rosh Hilchot Tzitzit n. 6 seems to agree.</ref> [ Rav Schachter] <ref>Rav Schachter [ (YUTorah "Hilchos Tzitzis," at the beginning)]</ref> holds like Rashi and Tosfot and recommends all Ashkenazim to follow this method due to the plethora of sources advocating it (Baal haIttur, Tur, Shulchan Aruch, etc.).

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