
Mishloach Manot: Difference between revisions

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==Who is obligated?==
==Who is obligated?==

#Women are obligated to fulfill Mishloach Manot. <ref>Rama 695:4 writes that women are obligated in Mishloach Manot against the Pri [[Chadash]] (end of 695). The Pri Megadim (695 A”A 14), Aruch HaShulchan 695:18, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 142:4, Ben Ish Chai (Parshat Titsaveh #17), Chaye Adam (Vol 3 155:33), Kaf HaChaim 695:53, Mishna Brurah 695:25, and Chazon Ovadyah (pg 140) all hold like the Rama. </ref> However, if she’s married she may fulfill her obligation if her husband sends more than one. <ref>Magen Avraham 695:14 writes some women rely on their husband to send Mishloach Manot for them however he concludes that women should be strict and fulfill the mitzvah themselves. The Magen Avraham is quoted by the achronim including Chaye Adam (Moadim 155:33), Kitzur S”A 142:4, Mishna Brurah 695:25 </ref>
#Women are obligated to fulfill Mishloach Manot.<ref>Rama 695:4 writes that women are obligated in Mishloach Manot against the Pri [[Chadash]] (end of 695). The Pri Megadim (695 A”A 14), Aruch HaShulchan 695:18, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 142:4, Ben Ish Chai (Parshat Titsaveh #17), Chaye Adam (Vol 3 155:33), Kaf HaChaim 695:53, Mishna Brurah 695:25, and Chazon Ovadyah (pg 140) all hold like the Rama. </ref> However, if she’s married she may fulfill her obligation if her husband sends more than one.<ref>Magen Avraham 695:14 writes some women rely on their husband to send Mishloach Manot for them, however, he concludes that women should be strict and fulfill the mitzvah themselves. The Magen Avraham is quoted by the achronim including Chaye Adam (Moadim 155:33), Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 142:4, Mishna Brurah 695:25, and Kaf Hachaim 695:53. Rav Shlomo Zalman (Halichot Shlomo ch. 19 fnt. 27) writes that Magen Avraham means that they should be strict to send for her specifically, that is, to tell her that it is her mishloach manot and the recipient should know that it is from her. Rav Shlomo Zalman explains that Magen Avraham does not mean that she needs to own the Mishloach Manot herself. Kaf Hachaim implies that she needs to own it herself or at least send it herself and not have her husband do it for her.  </ref>
#If partners or a community send Mishloach Manot together, some say that each partner must contribute the value of 2 portions, whereas others hold that even if altogether the Mishloach Manot is complete, each person fulfilled their obligation. <ref>Halichot Baytah 24:25 (also quoted in Halichot Shlomo 19:15 and 19:17 pg 337-8) in name of Rav Shlomo Auerbach writes that a women can fulfill her obligation by a joint gift with her husband to someone else if there’s a contribution of 2 Manot per person, whereas Chazon Ovadyah (pg 137-8) writes that it’s sufficient if altogether there’s a proper Mishloach Manot. </ref>
#If partners or a community send Mishloach Manot together, some poskim hold that each partner must contribute the value of two portions, whereas other authorities hold that even if altogether the Mishloach Manot is complete, each person fulfilled their obligation.<ref>Halichot Baytah 24:25 (also quoted in Halichot Shlomo 19:15 and 19:17 pg 337-8) in name of Rav Shlomo Auerbach writes that a women can fulfill her obligation by a joint gift with her husband to someone else if there’s a contribution of 2 Manot per person, whereas Chazon Ovadyah (pg 137-8) writes that it’s sufficient if altogether there’s a proper Mishloach Manot. </ref>
#If a Mishloach Manot is addressed to a group of people such as a family one should make sure that there’s 2 separate foods per person of the group. <ref>Halichot Shlomo 19:15 </ref>
#If a Mishloach Manot is addressed to a group of people, such as a family, one should make sure that there’s two separate foods per person of the group.<ref>Halichot Shlomo 19:15 </ref>
#A Yeshiva student who receives a portion of food in the cafeteria can fulfill Mishloach Manot by giving it to a friend.<ref>Halichot Shlomo 19:16 </ref>
#A Yeshiva student who receives a portion of food in the cafeteria can fulfill Mishloach Manot by giving it to a friend.<ref>Halichot Shlomo 19:16 </ref>
#Children who have reached the age of [[chinuch]], should be taught to give Mishloach Manot.<ref>Pri Megadim 695:14 </ref>  
#Children who have reached the age of [[chinuch]], should be taught to give Mishloach Manot.<ref>Pri Megadim 695:14 </ref>  
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==To whom is the gift sent?==
==To whom is the gift sent?==

#Some say that one doesn’t fulfill the obligation if someone who celebrate [[purim]] of the 14th sends Mishloach Manot to someone celebrating on the 15th and visa versa. <ref>Moadim UZmanim (vol 2 siman 186) </ref>
#Some say that one doesn’t fulfill the obligation if someone who celebrate [[purim]] of the 14th sends Mishloach Manot to someone celebrating on the 15th and visa versa.<ref>Moadim UZmanim (vol 2 siman 186) </ref>
#Some poskim say that one shouldn't send mishloach manot to a child who isn't at the age of bar mitzvah. <ref>Ben Ish Chai Parashat Tetzaveh Halacha 16 and Kaf Hachaim 694:12. Aruch HaShulchan 695 on the other hand permits it </ref>
#Some poskim say that one shouldn't send mishloach manot to a child who isn't at the age of bar mitzvah. <ref>Ben Ish Chai Parashat Tetzaveh Halacha 16 and Kaf Hachaim 694:12. Aruch HaShulchan 695 on the other hand permits it </ref>

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