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#The text of [[Kiddish]] during the day is just Borei Pri Hagefen.<ref>The Gemara Pesachim 106a states that the primary [[Kiddish]] is at night, but there's also a [[Kiddish]] of the day. Even though it seems to be Deorittah as the gemara learns it from a pasuk, the Rishonim agree that the pasuk is only an asmachta (Ravad and Magid Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10), quoted by Bear Heitiv 289:2) and the obligation of [[Kiddish]] during the day is only Rabbinic. The gemara concludes that the text of such a [[Kiddish]] is just Borei Pri [[HaGefen]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10) and Shulchan Aruch 289:1 rule this as halacha. </ref> However, many have the minhag to say Pesukim before saying the Bracha. Some say two paragraphs<ref>Siddur </ref>, "Veshamaroo" and "Zachor" and others have the minhag to add another paragraph before these starting with "Im tashiv Mishabbos Raglecha" which are the Pesukim in Yeshaya which inlude the Pasuk from which the obligation of making Kiddush is derived. Many skip to the last sentence of "Zachor" starting with "Al cen berach" before saying the bracha on the wine.
#The text of [[Kiddish]] during the day is just Borei Pri Hagefen.<ref>The Gemara Pesachim 106a states that the primary [[Kiddish]] is at night, but there's also a [[Kiddish]] of the day. Even though it seems to be Deorittah as the gemara learns it from a pasuk, the Rishonim agree that the pasuk is only an asmachta (Ravad and Magid Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10), quoted by Bear Heitiv 289:2) and the obligation of [[Kiddish]] during the day is only Rabbinic. The gemara concludes that the text of such a [[Kiddish]] is just Borei Pri [[HaGefen]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10) and Shulchan Aruch 289:1 rule this as halacha. </ref> However, many have the minhag to say Pesukim before saying the Bracha. Some say two paragraphs<ref>Siddur </ref>, "Veshamaroo" and "Zachor" and others have the minhag to add another paragraph before these starting with "Im tashiv Mishabbos Raglecha" which are the Pesukim in Yeshaya which inlude the Pasuk from which the obligation of making Kiddush is derived. Many skip to the last sentence of "Zachor" starting with "Al cen berach" before saying the bracha on the wine.
#It's forbidden to taste anything before [[Kiddish]].<ref>Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10) and Shulchan Aruch 289:1 rule that since there's an obligation to make [[Kiddish]] it's forbidden to eat anything before [[Kiddish]] just like the [[Kiddish]] of Friday night. </ref>
#If one is thirsty it is permissible to drink water before [[Shacharit]] on [[Shabbat]] day since the obligation of [[Kiddish]] doesn't apply until one prayed.<ref>Tur writes in the name of his father, the Rosh, and Shulchan Aruch 289:1 </ref>
#Someone who is sick and needs to eat before davening on Shabbat, according to Ashkenazim should recite Kiddush beforehand unless one doesn't eat a kezayit of mezonot within a kdei achilat pras,<ref>Mishna Brurah (Biur Halacha 289:1 s.v. chovat) and Igrot Moshe OC 2:26:2 write that someone who is sick and needs to eat before davening on Shabbat should make kiddush unless he doesn't need to eat pat haba bekisnin. Piskei Teshuvot 289:8 note 63 writes that the best option is for the sick person not to have a kezayit of pat haba bekisnin within a kedi achilat pras which wouldn't obligate kiddush.</ref> while according to Sephardim it isn't necessary.<ref>Yabia Omer OC 8:31 and Or Letzion 2:20:14 write that someone who is sick and needs to eat before davening on Shabbat does not need to make kiddush. See also Kaf Hachaim 276:28 who is lenient in extenuating circumstances. See Chazon Ovadia (Shabbat v. 2 p. 149) where Rav Ovadia recommends that a sick person who needs to eat bread or pat haba bekisnin before davening should recite kiddush.</ref>

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==Eating before Kiddish==
==Eating before Kiddish==

#It is forbidden to eat before Kiddush. Some explain that it is because generally it is forbidden to eat before performing a mitzvah that one is obligated in.<ref>Levush 271:4, Ateret Tzvi 271:3, Mishna Brurah 271:11</ref> Others contend that it is based on [[kavod Shabbat]], honoring Shabbat, to not eat before acknowledging and declaring the sanctity of the day.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan 271:12</ref> A third suggestion is that Kiddush has to be the rabbis derive from "VeKarasa LiShabbos Oneg" <ref>Isiah </ref> "And you shall call to the [[Shabbos]] a delight", that there has to be a "calling" to the [[Shabbos]], meaning saying Kiddush, in the same place and also prior to it being "a delight", referring to eating/drinking.<ref>Igrot Moshe OC 4:63 s.v. aval af explained based on the Rashbam and Tosfot Pesachim 101a the prohibition to eat before kiddush would be based on the idea of וקראת לשבת עונג - במקום קריאה שם תהא עונג that the meal may only be had where kiddush is recited and not elsewhere or beforehand.</ref>
#It is forbidden to eat anything before [[Kiddish]]. Some explain that it is because generally it is forbidden to eat before performing a mitzvah that one is obligated in.<ref>Levush 271:4, Ateret Tzvi 271:3, Mishna Brurah 271:11</ref> Others contend that it is based on [[kavod Shabbat]], honoring Shabbat, to not eat before acknowledging and declaring the sanctity of the day.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan 271:12</ref> A third suggestion is that Kiddush has to be the rabbis derive from "VeKarasa LiShabbos Oneg" <ref>Isiah </ref> "And you shall call to the [[Shabbos]] a delight", that there has to be a "calling" to the [[Shabbos]], meaning saying Kiddush, in the same place and also prior to it being "a delight", referring to eating/drinking.<ref>Igrot Moshe OC 4:63 s.v. aval af explained based on the Rashbam and Tosfot Pesachim 101a the prohibition to eat before kiddush would be based on the idea of וקראת לשבת עונג - במקום קריאה שם תהא עונג that the meal may only be had where kiddush is recited and not elsewhere or beforehand.</ref>
#It's Rabbinically<ref>Mishna Brurah 271:11 writes that the prohibition is only Rabbinic. </ref> forbidden to eat anything even water <ref>[[Maggid]] Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:5) explains that the Rambam holds drinking water before [[Kiddish]] is permitted, while the Rashba (Sh"t 3:264) forbids it. Hagahot Maimon 29:5 in name of Maharam as well as the Tur 271:4 also forbid. Bet Yosef says that the Rambam is unclear and may hold that even water is forbidden. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 271:4 rules that even water is forbidden. </ref> before making [[Kiddish]] once the time for [[Kiddish]] has come.<ref>Pesachim 106b records a dispute whether one who tasted food before [[Kiddish]] can still make [[Kiddish]]. Bet Yosef 271:4 implies from there that initially it is forbidden to eat or drink before [[Kiddish]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:5), Tur and Shulchan Aruch 271:4 all rule that it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish]]. </ref> This applies to the nighttime and daytime Kiddush.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:13</ref>
#It's Rabbinically<ref>Mishna Brurah 271:11 writes that the prohibition is only Rabbinic. </ref> forbidden to eat anything even water<ref>[[Maggid]] Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:5) explains that the Rambam holds drinking water before [[Kiddish]] is permitted, while the Rashba (Sh"t 3:264) forbids it. Hagahot Maimon 29:5 in name of Maharam as well as the Tur 271:4 also forbid. Bet Yosef says that the Rambam is unclear and may hold that even water is forbidden. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 271:4 rules that even water is forbidden. </ref> before making [[Kiddish]] once the time for [[Kiddish]] has come.<ref>Pesachim 106b records a dispute whether one who tasted food before [[Kiddish]] can still make [[Kiddish]]. Bet Yosef 271:4 implies from there that initially it is forbidden to eat or drink before [[Kiddish]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:5), Tur and Shulchan Aruch 271:4 all rule that it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish]]. </ref> This applies to the nighttime and daytime Kiddush.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:13</ref>
=== When is it forbidden to eat before Kiddish ===
#If one takes [[Shabbat]] upon oneself early, it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish]].<ref>Magen Avraham 271:5 in name of the Bach writes that it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish]] if one accepted [[Shabbat]] early. Mishna Brurah 271:11 agrees.</ref>
#If one takes [[Shabbat]] upon oneself early, it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish]].<ref>Magen Avraham 271:5 in name of the Bach writes that it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish]] if one accepted [[Shabbat]] early. Mishna Brurah 271:11 agrees.</ref>
#If one doesn't pray or take [[Shabbat]] upon oneself early The time that the prohibition begins from [[Bein HaShemashot]].<ref>Magen Avraham 271, Mishna Brurah 271:11 and Ben Ish Chai Beresheet 17 write that the prohibition begins at [[Bein HaShemashot]]. </ref> Sephardim are lenient until the end of Ben Hashemashot (13.5 minutes).<ref>[ Rav Yitzchak Yosef (Motzei Shabbat Shemot 5779 min 12)] explained that there's many reasons why it is permitted to drink water after accepting Shabbat during Ben Hashemashot. 1) The acceptance of Shabbat of an individual isn't a full acceptance that would make everything forbidden. 2) Ben Hashemashot might be like the day, especially since we might follow Rabbi Yose who holds that it is day until the end of Ben Hashemashot. 3) According to Rabbenu Tam it is the day. 4) According to the Rambam one can drink anything besides wine before Kiddush.</ref>
#If one doesn't pray arvit or take [[Shabbat]] upon oneself early it is forbidden to eat before Kiddish once the sun sets.<ref>Magen Avraham 271, Mishna Brurah 271:11 and Ben Ish Chai Beresheet 17 write that the prohibition begins at [[Bein HaShemashot]]. </ref> Sephardim are lenient until the end of Ben Hashemashot (13.5 minutes after sunset).<ref>[ Rav Yitzchak Yosef (Motzei Shabbat Shemot 5779 min 12)] explained that there's many reasons why it is permitted to drink water after accepting Shabbat during Ben Hashemashot. 1) The acceptance of Shabbat of an individual isn't a full acceptance that would make everything forbidden. 2) Ben Hashemashot might be like the day, especially since we might follow Rabbi Yose who holds that it is day until the end of Ben Hashemashot. 3) According to Rabbenu Tam it is the day. 4) According to the Rambam one can drink anything besides wine before Kiddush.</ref>
#It is forbidden to eat anything before [[Kiddish]] of the day.<ref>Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10) and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 289:1 rule that since there's an obligation to make [[Kiddish]] it's forbidden to eat anything before [[Kiddish]] of the day just like the [[Kiddish]] of Friday night. </ref>
=== Drinking Water ===
#It is forbidden to drink water before Kiddish Friday night.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 271:4</ref>
#Rinsing out one's mouth is permitted since one doesn't intend to get benefit from the water.<ref>Magen Avraham 271:5 writes that rinsing out one's mouth is permitted as it isn't called drinking. Bear Hetiev 271:4 and Mishna Brurah 271:11 agree. However, Ben Ish Chai Beresheet 17 is more stringent and only permits if one was fasting and only during [[Bein HaShemashot]]. </ref>
#Rinsing out one's mouth is permitted since one doesn't intend to get benefit from the water.<ref>Magen Avraham 271:5 writes that rinsing out one's mouth is permitted as it isn't called drinking. Bear Hetiev 271:4 and Mishna Brurah 271:11 agree. However, Ben Ish Chai Beresheet 17 is more stringent and only permits if one was fasting and only during [[Bein HaShemashot]]. </ref>
#If one is thirsty it is permissible to drink water before [[Shacharit]] on [[Shabbat]] day since the obligation of [[Kiddish]] doesn't apply until one prayed.<ref>Tur writes in the name of his father, the Rosh, and Shulchan Aruch 289:1 </ref>
=== Someone who is Sick ===
#Someone who is sick and needs to eat before davening on Shabbat, according to Ashkenazim should recite Kiddush beforehand unless one doesn't eat a kezayit of mezonot within a kdei achilat pras,<ref>Mishna Brurah (Biur Halacha 289:1 s.v. chovat) and Igrot Moshe OC 2:26:2 write that someone who is sick and needs to eat before davening on Shabbat should make kiddush unless he doesn't need to eat pat haba bekisnin. Piskei Teshuvot 289:8 note 63 writes that the best option is for the sick person not to have a kezayit of pat haba bekisnin within a kedi achilat pras which wouldn't obligate kiddush.</ref> while according to Sephardim it isn't necessary.<ref>Yabia Omer OC 8:31 and Or Letzion 2:20:14 write that someone who is sick and needs to eat before davening on Shabbat does not need to make kiddush. See also Kaf Hachaim 276:28 who is lenient in extenuating circumstances. See Chazon Ovadia (Shabbat v. 2 p. 149) where Rav Ovadia recommends that a sick person who needs to eat bread or pat haba bekisnin before davening should recite kiddush.</ref>

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