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== Showering after Going to the Mikveh ==
== Showering after Going to the Mikveh ==
#Ashkenazim hold that the women shouldn't bathe or shower immediately after going to the mikveh.<ref>The Mordechai Mikvaot n. 750 cites the Ravyah who says that the minhag is not to bathe or shower after going to the mikveh because of the gezerah that showering in drawn water makes a person tameh (Shabbat 14a). The Mordechai completely rejects this stringency considering that the gezerah was stated only for taharot and not niddah and it was only a tumah going forward but didn't invalidate going to the mikveh. He adds that the Maharam was lenient. The Rama 201:50 cites the minhag to be strict.</ref> Sephardim are lenient.<ref>Shaarei Mikvaot 201:307 writes that since Shulchan Aruch holds mikveh for niddah doesn't need a kavana since it is chullin he wouldn't hold of the stringent minhag not to bathing or showering afterwards.</ref>
#Ashkenazim hold that the women shouldn't bathe or shower immediately after going to the mikveh.<ref>The Mordechai Mikvaot n. 750 cites the Ravyah who says that the minhag is not to bathe or shower after going to the mikveh because of the gezerah that showering in drawn water makes a person tameh (Shabbat 14a). The Mordechai completely rejects this stringency considering that the gezerah was stated only for taharot and not niddah and it was only a tumah going forward but didn't invalidate going to the mikveh. He adds that the Maharam was lenient. The Rama 201:50 cites the minhag to be strict.</ref> Sephardim are lenient.<ref>Shaarei Mikvaot 201:307 writes that since Shulchan Aruch holds mikveh for niddah doesn't need a kavana since it is chullin he wouldn't hold of the stringent minhag not to bathing or showering afterwards.</ref>
#How long does the prohibition apply according to Ashkenazim? Some say it is for an entire day until the next night.<ref>Igrot Moshe YD 2:96. Rav Schachter</ref> Some are lenient once she came home and touched her husband.<ref>Shevet Halevi 5:125 writes that even though the Or Zaruah 755 sounds like she can't bathe for the entire day since the others don't mention that it is enough to be strict immediately after tevilah. Once she went home and touched her husband her tevilah was effective and it is impossible for a later bath to undo the tevilah.</ref> Some allow once he gets home even if they didn't touch.<ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Mareh Kohen p. 108) and Tzitz Eliezer 11:64:13-14. Tzitz Eliezer adds that she shouldn't shower her entire body at once.</ref>
#How long does the prohibition apply according to Ashkenazim? Some say it is for an entire day until the next night.<ref>Igrot Moshe YD 2:96. Rav Schachter</ref> Some are lenient once she came home and touched her husband.<ref>Shevet Halevi 5:125 writes that even though the Or Zaruah 755 sounds like she can't bathe for the entire day since the others don't mention that it is enough to be strict immediately after tevilah. Once she went home and touched her husband her tevilah was effective and it is impossible for a later bath to undo the tevilah. Similarly, Rav Elyashiv (Ashrei Haish 34:43) permits a woman to shower after she went to mikveh once the couple was together.</ref> Some allow once he gets home even if they didn't touch.<ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Mareh Kohen p. 108) and Tzitz Eliezer 11:64:13-14. Tzitz Eliezer adds that she shouldn't shower her entire body at once.</ref>
##Some distinguish between a shower and a bath and allow a shower but not a bath.<ref>Tzitz Eliezer 11:64:13 quotes the Lechem Vsimla 201:122 who permits a shower but not a bath. He also quotes Meishiv Devarim who agrees. Tzitz Eliezer seems to accept this. Chelkat Binyamin 201:972 quotes this but also quotes who don't make such a distinction. However, Or Zaruah 755:3 writes the opposite that a bath is allowed but not a shower. See also Igrot Moshe YD 2:96 who raises such a distinction. </ref>
##Some distinguish between a shower and a bath and allow a shower but not a bath.<ref>Tzitz Eliezer 11:64:13 quotes the Lechem Vsimla 201:122 who permits a shower but not a bath. He also quotes Meishiv Devarim who agrees. Tzitz Eliezer seems to accept this. Chelkat Binyamin 201:972 quotes this but also quotes who don't make such a distinction. Rav Elyashiv (Ashrei Haish 34:43) is lenient to take a shower if there's a need. However, Or Zaruah 755:3 writes the opposite that a bath is allowed but not a shower. See also Igrot Moshe YD 2:96 who raises such a distinction. </ref>
##If a woman is not feeling well for some reason and needs to take a shower or bath after the tevilah she may do so. If possible she should try to wash her head and then the rest of her body separately.<ref>Tzitz Eliezer 11:64:14, Chelkat Binyamin 201:972. Similarly, Igrot Moshe 2:96 writes that a woman who is an istanis (fastidious) can bathe after tevilah if necessary.</ref>
##If a woman is not feeling well for some reason and needs to take a shower or bath after the tevilah she may do so. If possible she should try to wash her head and then the rest of her body separately.<ref>Tzitz Eliezer 11:64:14, Chelkat Binyamin 201:972. Similarly, Igrot Moshe 2:96 writes that a woman who is an istanis (fastidious) can bathe after tevilah if necessary.</ref>
#The minhag of not bathing or showering after going to mikveh doesn't apply to a man going to mikveh for keri.<ref>Tzitz Eliezer 11:64:15, Shaarei Mikvaot 201:307 citing Yabia Omer YD 8:19:2</ref> A baal keri can go in a mikveh of 40 seah of drawn water.<ref>Tzitz Eliezer 11:64:15, Shaarei Mikvaot 201:307</ref>
#The minhag of not bathing or showering after going to mikveh doesn't apply to a man going to mikveh for keri.<ref>Tzitz Eliezer 11:64:15, Shaarei Mikvaot 201:307 citing Yabia Omer YD 8:19:2</ref> A baal keri can go in a mikveh of 40 seah of drawn water.<ref>Tzitz Eliezer 11:64:15, Shaarei Mikvaot 201:307</ref>
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