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# If the hole might be the size of a shifoferet hanod but it is unclear it is an invalid connection between mikvaot.<ref>The Mishna Mikvaot 6:7 writes that a hole that isn’t clearly a shifoferet hanod is invalid because the size of a shifoferet hanod is biblical. Shulchan Aruch 201:52 codifies this.</ref>
# If the hole might be the size of a shifoferet hanod but it is unclear it is an invalid connection between mikvaot.<ref>The Mishna Mikvaot 6:7 writes that a hole that isn’t clearly a shifoferet hanod is invalid because the size of a shifoferet hanod is biblical. Shulchan Aruch 201:52 codifies this.</ref>
# If there’s something blocking the transference of water stuck in the hole it is invalid.<ref> The Mishna Mikvaot 6:7 establishes that if there’s something in the hole even something that grows in the water it would restrict using the hole to connect the mikvaot. Rambam Mikvaot 6:11 and Shulchan Aruch 201:52 codify this.</ref>
# If there’s something blocking the transference of water stuck in the hole it is invalid.<ref> The Mishna Mikvaot 6:7 establishes that if there’s something in the hole even something that grows in the water it would restrict using the hole to connect the mikvaot. Rambam Mikvaot 6:11 and Shulchan Aruch 201:52 codify this.</ref>
#  A lot of small holes don’t add up to be one hole that would connect mikvaot.<ref>Chagiga 22a implies that small holes do add up to constitute one large hole of a shifoferet hanod. The Mordechai Shevuot n. 646, however, explains that the holes only don’t add up to connect incomplete mikvaot but they can add up to validate drawn water. Shulchan Aruch 201:52 codifies the Mordechai, but the Pitchei Teshuva 201:38 quotes the Chacham Tzvi 40 and Levushei Sarad 206 who disagree. </ref>
#  A lot of small holes don’t add up to be one hole that would connect mikvaot.<ref>The Gemara Chagiga 22a implies that small holes do add up to constitute one large hole of a shifoferet hanod. Ravyah 988 and Mordechai Shevuot n. 646, however, explain that the holes only don’t add up to connect incomplete mikvaot but they can add up to validate drawn water. Shulchan Aruch and Rama Y.D. 201:52 codify the Mordechai, Chacham Tzvi 40, [ Levushei Sarad 206], Dagul Mirvava 201:53 and Mishkenaot Yaakov 45 disagree with Ravyah. Levushei Sarad proves from Rashi (Chagiga 22a), Rash (Mikvaot 6:8), Ri, and Rosh disagree with Ravyah. </ref>
#  A connection between drawn water and a mayan also requires a shifiret hanod.<ref>Rash and Rosh (Mikvaot 5:2), Chelkat Binyamin 201:173. Bet Yosef 201:9 infers from Rambam, Rosh, and Tur that they hold this as well. However, Rashba (Shaar Hamayim 3) holds that a hashaka to a mayan can be accomplished with a connection of any amount. However, Rashba (teshuva 3:228) also assumes shifoferet hanod is necessary for hashaka with a mayan. Chazon Ish (Tinyanya 3:3) questions why we don't pasken like this Rashba since there's a tosefta that supports his opinion.</ref>
#  A connection between drawn water and a mayan also requires a shifiret hanod.<ref>Rash and Rosh (Mikvaot 5:2), Chelkat Binyamin 201:173. Bet Yosef 201:9 infers from Rambam, Rosh, and Tur that they hold this as well. However, Rashba (Shaar Hamayim 3) holds that a hashaka to a mayan can be accomplished with a connection of any amount. However, Rashba (teshuva 3:228) also assumes shifoferet hanod is necessary for hashaka with a mayan. Chazon Ish (Tinyanya 3:3) questions why we don't pasken like this Rashba since there's a tosefta that supports his opinion.</ref>

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