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# Some say that if the filter in the mikveh was running when a woman went in the mikveh it is unfit since it is considered zochlin and others held it is fit.<ref>Taharat Habayit v. 3 p. 336 writes that even while the filter is running the mikveh is fit and it isn’t considered zochlin. (1) Firstly, the water that goes into the filter returns to the mikveh and regarding such a case the Rivash 292 and Rama 201:50 write that it isn’t considered zochlin. (2) Secondly, even if the water in the filter is considered zochlin that doesn’t affect the rest of the mikveh if it is still 40 seah. That idea is based on Rambam Mikvaot 8:8. (3) Lastly, the Mikveh Tahara p. 68 writes that movement within the water isn’t considered zochlin, only movement because of water entering and exiting the mikveh is zochlin. Igrot Moshe YD 110 and Shevet Halevi 9:187 and 11:213 are lenient about zochlin in a mikveh based on the first consideration. Rabbi Meir Posen (Or Meir v. 2 p. 542) is lenient for two reasons: (1) The water is coming from the mikveh and going back into the mikveh (Rivash 292). (2) The water is all within the mikveh and the water in the mikveh is considered part of the mikveh. Once that's the case there's no zochlin within the mikveh (Rivash). It is considered connected even without a shifoferet hanod because (a) it isn't a kli at all and the mikveh isn't a kli so it is connected and (b) the only way to access the water in the filter is through the mikveh. These are reasons why it is connected even with any size. (3) The water being drawn out from the mikveh and going back in are all underwater and it is like zochlin from mikveh to mikveh that's all underwater (Bet Shlomo 2:51, Chazon Ish Likkutim 6).  </ref> With regards to the question of sheuvim, it depends on whether the filter is a kli. It depends on the actual type of filter.<ref>Rav Moshe in Igrot Moshe YD 110 writes that the pool filters are a kli and therefore an issue of sheuvim. Even though the water is added back into a mikveh of 40 seah it is an issue of natal seah vnatan seah, which is removing some drawn water and replacing it, which is an issue (Shach 201:23). Taharat Habayit v. 3 p. 337 comes to the conclusion that the in-mikveh filters aren’t an issue of sheuvim since they essentially a straight pipe and not a kli. He cites the Shema Shlomo 5:14. However, see Betzel Hachachma 4:98.
# Some say that if the filter in the mikveh was running when a woman went in the mikveh it is unfit since it is considered zochlin and others held it is fit.<ref>Taharat Habayit v. 3 p. 336 writes that even while the filter is running the mikveh is fit and it isn’t considered zochlin. (1) Firstly, the water that goes into the filter returns to the mikveh and regarding such a case the Rivash 292 and Rama 201:50 write that it isn’t considered zochlin. (2) Secondly, even if the water in the filter is considered zochlin that doesn’t affect the rest of the mikveh if it is still 40 seah. That idea is based on Rambam Mikvaot 8:8. (3) Lastly, the Mikveh Tahara p. 68 writes that movement within the water isn’t considered zochlin, only movement because of water entering and exiting the mikveh is zochlin. Igrot Moshe YD 110 and Shevet Halevi 9:187 and 11:213 are lenient about zochlin in a mikveh based on the first consideration. Rabbi Meir Posen (Or Meir v. 2 p. 542) is lenient for two reasons: (1) The water is coming from the mikveh and going back into the mikveh (Rivash 292). (2) The water is all within the mikveh and the water in the mikveh is considered part of the mikveh. Once that's the case there's no zochlin within the mikveh (Rivash). It is considered connected even without a shifoferet hanod because (a) it isn't a kli at all and the mikveh isn't a kli so it is connected and (b) the only way to access the water in the filter is through the mikveh. These are reasons why it is connected even with any size. (3) The water being drawn out from the mikveh and going back in are all underwater and it is like zochlin from mikveh to mikveh that's all underwater (Bet Shlomo 2:51, Chazon Ish Likkutim 6).  </ref> With regards to the question of sheuvim, it depends on whether the filter is a kli. It depends on the actual type of filter.<ref>Rav Moshe in Igrot Moshe YD 110 writes that the pool filters are a kli and therefore an issue of sheuvim. Even though the water is added back into a mikveh of 40 seah it is an issue of natal seah vnatan seah, which is removing some drawn water and replacing it, which is an issue (Shach 201:23). Taharat Habayit v. 3 p. 337 comes to the conclusion that the in-mikveh filters aren’t an issue of sheuvim since they essentially a straight pipe and not a kli. He cites the Shema Shlomo 5:14. However, see Betzel Hachachma 4:98.
*Igrot Moshe writes that the filter is considered mekabel tumah if it could hold liquids had it not been attached to the ground and if it can’t then it isn’t mekabel tumah but it still creates sheuvim.
*Igrot Moshe writes that the filter is considered mekabel tumah if it could hold liquids had it not been attached to the ground and if it can’t then it isn’t mekabel tumah but it still creates sheuvim.
*Rabbi Meir Posen (Or Meir v. 2 p. 538) describes his filter at great length. He explains that it doesn't make sheuvim since there's several connections between it and the mikveh with a connection of a shifoferet hanod. Also, it doesn't make sheuvim since the filter can't hold any water.</ref> Rav Meir Posen's filter was agreed upon by Rabbi Wosner and Rav Nissim Karelitz.<ref>Or Meir v. 2 p. 530-549, Rav Wosner in Shevet Halevi 11:213. Rav Karelitz is quoted in Or Meir.</ref>
*Rabbi Meir Posen (Or Meir v. 2 p. 538) describes his filter at great length. He explains that it doesn't make sheuvim since there's several connections between it and the mikveh with a connection of a shifoferet hanod. Also, it doesn't make sheuvim since the filter can't hold any water.</ref> Rav Meir Posen's filter was agreed upon by Rabbi Wosner and Rav Nissim Karelitz. The filter should be off when someone is tovel.<ref>Or Meir v. 2 p. 530-549, Rav Wosner in Shevet Halevi 11:213. Rav Karelitz is quoted in Or Meir.</ref> Rav Elyashiv and Rav Shternbuch opposed using filters in a mikveh even if it is off while women are tovel.<ref>Birur Din Hafilterim (pp. 7-8 and p. 56) quotes Rav Dovid Aryeh Morgenstern that Rav Elyashiv opposed using filters in mikvaot since it is a new thing and could cause problems. Rav Shternbuch in Teshuvot Vehanhagot 5:270-272 strongly opposes the filters. </ref>

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