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==Tasting the food in preparation of Shabbat==
==Tasting the food in preparation of Shabbat==
# It is considered a great a mitzva to taste the [[Shabbat]] food every Friday afternoon<ref>Torat Menachem (Rav Menachem Mendel Shneerson, vol 18, pg 104) discusses the importance of this minhag as a symbol for the coming of Mashiach. </ref> in order to ensure that it is tasty and fit to be served at the [[Shabbat]] meal.<ref>Magen Avraham 250:1 writes that there's a righteous practice to taste the food for [[Shabbat]] on Friday in order to know whether it's spiced and tasty. This is quoted by the achronim including Menuchat Ahava (vol 1, 2:3), Aruch Hashulchan, OC 250:4; Kaf Hachaim, OC 250:8; Mishna Brurah 250:2; Rivevot Ephraim 2:115:37. Mishna Brurah 250:2 writes that one should taste the [[Shabbat]] food on Friday in order to ensure that the is is tasty and fit for [[Shabbat]]. There's a number of source of this custom:  
# It is considered a great a mitzva to taste the [[Shabbat]] food every Friday afternoon<ref>Torat Menachem (Rav Menachem Mendel Shneerson, vol 18, pg 104) discusses the importance of this minhag as a symbol for the coming of Mashiach. </ref> in order to ensure that it is tasty and fit to be served at the [[Shabbat]] meal.<ref>Magen Avraham 250:1 writes that there's a righteous practice to taste the food for [[Shabbat]] on Friday in order to know whether it's spiced and tasty. This is quoted by the achronim including Menuchat Ahava (vol 1, 2:3), Aruch Hashulchan, OC 250:4; Kaf Hachaim, OC 250:8; Mishna Brurah 250:2; Rivevot Ephraim 2:115:37. Mishna Brurah 250:2 writes that one should taste the [[Shabbat]] food on Friday in order to ensure that the is is tasty and fit for [[Shabbat]]. There's a number of source of this custom:  
* A hint for this custom can be found in the [[Shabbat]] [[Mussaf]] [[prayers]] which include the words "Those who taste it will merit long life". Although "taste it" in this context refers to [[Shabbat]] observance, poetic license allows these words to be interpreted as referring to the [[Shabbat]] foods, as well. There are those who take this teaching quite literally and insist that those who taste the [[Shabbat]] foods are assured a long life! (Machzor Vitri 181; Shibolei Haleket 82; Beit Yosef, OC 286, Elya Rabba 250:6)
* A hint for this custom can be found in the [[Shabbat]] [[Mussaf]] [[prayers]] which include the words "Those who taste it will merit long life". Although "taste it" in this context refers to [[Shabbat]] observance, poetic license allows these words to be interpreted as referring to the [[Shabbat]] foods, as well. There are those who take this teaching quite literally and insist that those who taste the [[Shabbat]] foods are assured a long life! (Machzor Vitri 181; Shibolei Haleket 82; Beit Yosef, OC 286, Elya Rabba 250:6)
* Others suggest that the source for this custom derives from a mishna which enigmatically records that "Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai was given from the foods to taste". Some commentators suggest that this is a reference to the [[Shabbat]] foods which Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai would taste every Friday afternoon. (Torah Chaim 250:2 based on Mishna Sukka 26b)
* Others suggest that the source for this custom derives from a mishna which enigmatically records that "Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai was given from the foods to taste". Some commentators suggest that this is a reference to the [[Shabbat]] foods which Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai would taste every Friday afternoon. (Torah Chaim 250:2 based on Mishna Sukka 26b)
* It is interesting to note that according to the Zohar, the mitzva of tasting the [[Shabbat]] food applies on Friday night and not prior to [[Shabbat]], as most are accustomed to.  According to this approach, the reason for tasting the food Friday night is to ensure that the daytime [[Shabbat]] foods are tasty.(Zohar, Bereishit 48b.) This opinion is puzzling, however, since once [[Shabbat]] has begun all further [[cooking]] is forbidden. In most cases it is not even permissible to add spices or do anything else to a food which is [[cooking]] on the fire. ([[Amot]] Shel Halacha by Rabbi  Ari Enkin)
* It is interesting to note that according to the Zohar, the mitzva of tasting the [[Shabbat]] food applies on Friday night and not prior to [[Shabbat]], as most are accustomed to.  According to this approach, the reason for tasting the food Friday night is to ensure that the daytime [[Shabbat]] foods are tasty.(Zohar, Bereishit 48b.) This opinion is puzzling, however, since once [[Shabbat]] has begun all further [[cooking]] is forbidden. In most cases it is not even permissible to add spices or do anything else to a food which is [[cooking]] on the fire. ([[Amot]] Shel Halacha by Rabbi  Ari Enkin)
* There is another, somewhat unfamiliar, explanation for the custom of tasting the [[Shabbat]] foods, as well. There are those who suggest that the custom derives from an ancient practice to fast every Friday until shortly before the arrival of [[Shabbat]]. As fasting on a Friday is generally forbidden, the custom of tasting the [[Shabbat]] foods close to the onset of [[Shabbat]] was born. In this way, through the requirement to taste the [[Shabbat]] foods Friday afternoon, those who were fasting could rest assured that their fast didn’t accidentally extend into [[Shabbat]], which would be forbidden. So too, it ensures that one will not enter [[Shabbat]] in a state of discomfort or outright hunger. In fact, in some communities this tasting ritual was known as the "boi kalla" meal. (Aseh Lecha Rav 3:14)</ref>It is noted that the custom of tasting the [[Shabbat]] foods on Friday afternoons is one which is quite widespread. <ref> Mateh Moshe 408. The kabbalists were especially diligent to taste the [[Shabbat]] food on Erev [[Shabbat]], comparing it to the exacting preparations one undertakes in order to properly prepare for the arrival of an important guest.(Shulchan Aruch Ha'arizal 260:5; Pri Eitz Chaim, Shaar 18:3; Shaar Hakavanot, Tevilat Erev [[Shabbat]])</ref>
* There is another, somewhat unfamiliar, explanation for the custom of tasting the [[Shabbat]] foods, as well. There are those who suggest that the custom derives from an ancient practice to fast every Friday until shortly before the arrival of [[Shabbat]]. As fasting on a Friday is generally forbidden, the custom of tasting the [[Shabbat]] foods close to the onset of [[Shabbat]] was born. In this way, through the requirement to taste the [[Shabbat]] foods Friday afternoon, those who were fasting could rest assured that their fast didn’t accidentally extend into [[Shabbat]], which would be forbidden. So too, it ensures that one will not enter [[Shabbat]] in a state of discomfort or outright hunger. In fact, in some communities this tasting ritual was known as the "boi kalla" meal. (Aseh Lecha Rav 3:14)</ref> It is noted that the custom of tasting the [[Shabbat]] foods on Friday afternoons is one which is quite widespread. <ref> Mateh Moshe 408. The kabbalists were especially diligent to taste the [[Shabbat]] food on Erev [[Shabbat]], comparing it to the exacting preparations one undertakes in order to properly prepare for the arrival of an important guest.(Shulchan Aruch Ha'arizal 260:5; Pri Eitz Chaim, Shaar 18:3; Shaar Hakavanot, Tevilat Erev [[Shabbat]])</ref>
# Similarly, there are those who suggest that in the event that one knows exactly how the [[Shabbat]] foods taste (i.e. the same recipe and results week after week) there is no obligation to do so. <ref> In fact, it might be a greater display of honor to [[Shabbat]] not to taste such food beforehand and to rather save the gastronomic pleasure exclusively for [[Shabbat]] itself. </ref> Nevertheless, in order to satisfy most opinions one should be sure to taste at least one dish in honor of [[Shabbat]] every Friday afternoon.<ref> Nimukei Orach Chaim 250 </ref>
# Similarly, there are those who suggest that in the event that one knows exactly how the [[Shabbat]] foods taste (i.e. the same recipe and results week after week) there is no obligation to do so.<ref> In fact, it might be a greater display of honor to [[Shabbat]] not to taste such food beforehand and to rather save the gastronomic pleasure exclusively for [[Shabbat]] itself. </ref> Nevertheless, in order to satisfy most opinions one should be sure to taste at least one dish in honor of [[Shabbat]] every Friday afternoon.<ref> Nimukei Orach Chaim 250 </ref>
# On Friday of [[Shabbat Chazon]], one shouldn’t taste the food. <Ref>Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 42:61 </ref> According to Sephardim, if someone always tastes from the food before Shabbat to see if it needs more spices it is permitted to do so even before Shabbat chazon even though it is in the nine days. One who is strict not to do so will be blessed.<ref>Yalkut Yosef Moadim (Dinei Yemey Tisha Bav no. 30)</ref>
# If [[Asara BeTevet]] falls out to be on Friday one may taste the food if one spits it out and doesn’t swallow. <Ref>Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 42:61 </ref>

==Which foods should be tasted?==
==== Tasting Meat on Friday in the Nine Days or a Fast Day ====
# On Friday of [[Shabbat Chazon]], one shouldn’t taste the food.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 42:61 </ref> According to Sephardim, if someone always tastes from the food before Shabbat to see if it needs more spices it is permitted to do so even before [[Shabbat Chazon]] even though it is in the [[Nine Days|nine days]]. One who is strict not to do so will be blessed.<ref>Yalkut Yosef Moadim (Dinei Yemey Tisha Bav no. 30)</ref>
# If [[Asara BeTevet]] falls out to be on Friday one may taste the food if one spits it out and doesn’t swallow.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 42:61 </ref>
==== Which Foods Should be Tasted? ====
# Some authorities suggest that the mitzva of tasting the [[Shabbat]] food pertains specifically to the chulent<ref> Yosef Ometz, Minhagei Frankfurt 576  </ref> though most others insist that it applies equally to all the foods which one will be eating throughout [[Shabbat]].<ref>  Magen Avraham, OC 250:1; Shulchan Aruch Harav, OC 250:8 </ref>  
# Some authorities suggest that the mitzva of tasting the [[Shabbat]] food pertains specifically to the chulent<ref> Yosef Ometz, Minhagei Frankfurt 576  </ref> though most others insist that it applies equally to all the foods which one will be eating throughout [[Shabbat]].<ref>  Magen Avraham, OC 250:1; Shulchan Aruch Harav, OC 250:8 </ref>  
==Who should taste the food?==
==== Who Should Taste the Food? ====
# There are a number of authorities who maintain that one is not obligated to taste every single [[Shabbat]] dish.  It suffices for the lady of the house to taste the food in the course of her [[cooking]] to ensure that all the [[Shabbat]] foods are tasty.<ref>  Piskei Teshuvot 250:1 </ref>
# There are a number of authorities who maintain that one is not obligated to taste every single [[Shabbat]] dish.  It suffices for the lady of the house to taste the food in the course of her [[cooking]] to ensure that all the [[Shabbat]] foods are tasty.<ref>  Piskei Teshuvot 250:1 </ref>

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