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# If water is flowing into a mikveh but water isn’t flowing out there’s a dispute whether that is considered zochlin. <ref>Divrei Chayim Mikvaot 201:5 and Maharam Shik YD 205 hold that if there's water going into the mikveh it is invalid because of zochlin. However, the Lechem Vsimla 15 quoting the Mey Shiloach 2:8 holds that it isn't considered zochlin at all as long as there's 40 seah in the mikveh besides the water coming in. Arugat Habosem YD 211-2 is lenient even to include the water coming in towards the 40 seah.</ref>
# If water is flowing into a mikveh but water isn’t flowing out there’s a dispute whether that is considered zochlin. <ref>Divrei Chayim Mikvaot 201:5 and Maharam Shik YD 205 hold that if there's water going into the mikveh it is invalid because of zochlin. However, the Lechem Vsimla 15 quoting the Mey Shiloach 2:8 holds that it isn't considered zochlin at all as long as there's 40 seah in the mikveh besides the water coming in. Arugat Habosem YD 211-2 is lenient even to include the water coming in towards the 40 seah.</ref>
===Zochlin from Mikveh to Mikveh===
===Zochlin from Mikveh to Mikveh===
# If the water is filled up to where the hashaka hole and when the woman dips in the mikveh, some water is displaced and spills out of the mikveh into the bor zeriya or bor hashaka. That movement of water could be considered zochlin and invalidate the mikveh.<ref>Chazon Ish (Likkutim 6:2 s.v. haya, YD 127:2 s.v. haya) himself raised the issue but limited it to where the water would be pouring out of the hole from bor tevila into the bor zeriya or bor hashaka and the water is arched. However, if the water is just dribbling down the side of the walls and not arched then it isn't considered zochlin. He leaves it with tzarich iyun, indicating that he wasn't certain about this point. Rav Chaim Kanievsky (Igrot Vereshimot Kehilat Yakov v. 4 siman 10 p. 26) writes that this leniency of the Chazon Ish is difficult to accept and should not be relied upon. </ref> What are the solutions?
Igrot Kehilat Yakov v. 4 siman 10 p. 26 is machmir against Chazon Ish 127:2 s.v. haya
# If the water is filled up to where the hashaka hole and when the woman dips in the mikveh, some water is displaced and spills out of the mikveh into the bor zeriya or bor hashaka. That movement of water could be considered zochlin and invalidate the mikveh.<ref>Chazon Ish (Likkutim 6:2 s.v. haya) himself raised the issue but limited it to where the water would be pouring out of the hole from bor tevila into the bor zeriya or bor hashaka and the water is arched. However, if the water is just dribbling down the side of the walls and not arched then it isn't considered zochlin. He leaves it with tzarich iyun, indicating that he wasn't certain about this point.</ref> What are the solutions?
## Chazon Ish YD 123:1 has solution to put the pipe where water comes in lower down. Chelkat Yakov 10:3:53:2, 58:2 and Minchat Yitzchak 2:23 accept this Chazon Ish and actually implemented it in their mikvaot. However, Mikveh Mayim v. 1 p. 27 quotes Rav Greenwald from Papo who holds that this solution is worse. The water coming in from the pipe below makes it zochlin since all of the water can be seen rising and overflowing. Also, it is worse since the zechila is from below 40 seah. Mey Hashilo'ach p. 27.
## Chazon Ish YD 123:1 has solution to put the pipe where water comes in lower down. Chelkat Yakov 10:3:53:2, 58:2 and Minchat Yitzchak 2:23 accept this Chazon Ish and actually implemented it in their mikvaot. However, Mikveh Mayim v. 1 p. 27 quotes Rav Greenwald from Papo who holds that this solution is worse. The water coming in from the pipe below makes it zochlin since all of the water can be seen rising and overflowing. Also, it is worse since the zechila is from below 40 seah. Mey Hashilo'ach p. 27.
## Rav Aharon Kotler (mishnat rebbe aharon 24:8, 25:1) held that this isn't an issue at all since zochlin can create hashaka. Rav Moshe agrees. Chazon Ish kama 3:2, igrot 1:112. however, maharsham 1:122 machmir
## Rav Moshe (Igrot Moshe  YD 1:112) held that this isn't an issue at all since zochlin can create hashaka. Rav Aharon Kotler (mishnat rebbe aharon 24:8, 25:1) agrees. Chazon Ish kama 3:2, however, Maharsham 1:122 is machmir about this.
#Chelkat Yakov 3:54:6 writes that there's no issue of zochlin from one mikveh to another mikveh if there is a bor al gabi bor with water that is stationary one on top of the other.
#Chelkat Yakov 3:54:6 writes that there's no issue of zochlin from one mikveh to another mikveh if there is a bor al gabi bor with water that is stationary one on top of the other.

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