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#Even in extenuating circumstances one may not make a Bracha upon putting on [[Tallit]] and [[Tefillin]] any time before [[MeSheyakir]]; rather one should put on [[Tallit]] and [[Tefillin]] without a Bracha and after [[MeSheyakir]] has arrived one may make the [[Brachot]].<ref>Mishna Brurah 58:16, Halacha Brurah 58:9 </ref>
#Even in extenuating circumstances one may not make a Bracha upon putting on [[Tallit]] and [[Tefillin]] any time before [[MeSheyakir]]; rather one should put on [[Tallit]] and [[Tefillin]] without a Bracha and after [[MeSheyakir]] has arrived one may make the [[Brachot]].<ref>Mishna Brurah 58:16, Halacha Brurah 58:9 </ref>
#If someone got up before netz and isn’t going to daven until after netz according to many poskim it is preferable to say shema even without brachot, tefillin, and semicha geulah ltefillah.<ref>If someone got up before netz and can recite Shema without a minyan, tefillin, and without Shemona Esrei immediately to follow should he recite it then? Rabbenu Yonah 13b s.v. Matniten writes that it is better to say shema before netz than it is to do semicha geulah to tefillah and therefore one should say it before one davens if it is before netz and one isn't going to daven until after netz. Do we hold like Rabbenu Yonah? Shulchan Aruch Harav 58:4 and Rav Schachter ([ Brachot Shiur 14 (min 68)] and [ Brachot Shiur 17 (min 3)]) hold yes. Rav Mordechai Willig (Am Mordechai p. 149-151) argues that we don't follow that opinion since we hold that it is lechatchila to say Shema until the end of the first three hours one shouldn’t say Shema without brachot and without semicha geulah ltefillah before netz. (There is a support for this in the Meiri Brachot 22b s.v. yarad that the mishna only meant if you can say Shema and Shemona Esrei should you say it before netz.)</ref>
#If someone got up before netz and isn’t going to daven until after netz according to many poskim it is preferable to say shema even without brachot, tefillin, and semicha geulah ltefillah.<ref>If someone got up before netz and can recite Shema without a minyan, tefillin, and without Shemona Esrei immediately to follow should he recite it then? Rabbenu Yonah 13b s.v. Matniten writes that it is better to say shema before netz than it is to do semicha geulah to tefillah and therefore one should say it before one davens if it is before netz and one isn't going to daven until after netz. Do we hold like Rabbenu Yonah? Shulchan Aruch Harav 58:4 and Rav Schachter ([ Brachot Shiur 14 (min 68)] and [ Brachot Shiur 17 (min 3)]) hold yes. Rav Mordechai Willig (Am Mordechai p. 149-151) argues that we don't follow that opinion since we hold that it is lechatchila to say Shema until the end of the first three hours one shouldn’t say Shema without brachot and without semicha geulah ltefillah before netz. (There is a support for this in the Meiri Brachot 22b s.v. yarad that the mishna only meant if you can say Shema and Shemona Esrei should you say it before netz.)</ref>
===Is shema before netz or shemona esrei after netz more important?===
# There is a dispute between the poskim whether juxtaposing shema and shemona esrei (semicha geulah l'tefillah) is more important than davening after netz or not. The simple ramification is if someone said Shema before netz and it is possible for him to wait, is it preferable for him to wait until netz to daven, or should he daven shemona esrei right then? Ramban<ref>Milchamot (Brachot 2a)</ref> and Rabbenu Yonah<ref>Brachot 13b s.v. matniten</ref> hold that he should wait until netz because davening shemona esrei after netz is more important than juxtaposing shema and shemona esrei. However, Pri Yitzchak<ref>1:2</ref> and Mishkenot Yakov<ref>77 s.v. vb'sugya</ref> argue just the opposite; it is more important to juxtapose shema and shemona esrei than daven after netz.
# If someone can't daven at netz, is it better to daven before netz or afterwards? Pri Yitzchak<ref>1:2</ref> writes that if one of them is with a minyan and one isn't, it is preferable to daven at the one with a minyan. Minchat Yitzchak<Ref>9:10</ref> writes that if both are with a minyan it is better to daven after netz.

==Can one say Shema at [[Olot HaShachar]]?==
==Can one say Shema at [[Olot HaShachar]]?==
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