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==Preparing for Shavuot==
==Preparing for Shavuot==
# Some say that thirty days before Shavuot one should start learning the halachot of Shavuot, whereas others say that one should start from [[Rosh Chodesh]] Sivan. <ref>In Gemara Pesachim 6a, Rabbanan hold that one should begin to learn Hilchot [[Pesach]] thirty days in advance of [[Pesach]], whereas Rabban Shimon Ben Gamliel holds only 2 weeks. Rabbanan learn this idea from Moshe who taught the laws of [[Pesach Sheni]] thirty days in advance which was [[Pesach]] in Nissan. Shulchan Aruch 429:1 rules like the opinion of the Rabbanan. Mishna Brurah 429:1 quotes some who extend this to other Yamim Tovim such as Shavuot, whereas the Gra held that it does not apply to Shavuot and it is sufficient to begin learning the halachot of shavuot from Rosh Chodesh Sivan.</ref> All agree that on the holiday itself one should learn the halachot of Shavuot. <ref>Gemara [[Megillah]] 32b states that one should learn the halachot of Shavuot on Shavuot. Mishna Brurah 429:1 quotes this as halacha.</ref>
# Some say that thirty days before Shavuot one should start learning the halachot of Shavuot, whereas others say that one should start from [[Rosh Chodesh]] Sivan.<ref>In Gemara Pesachim 6a, Rabbanan hold that one should begin to learn Hilchot [[Pesach]] thirty days in advance of [[Pesach]], whereas Rabban Shimon Ben Gamliel holds only 2 weeks. Rabbanan learn this idea from Moshe who taught the laws of [[Pesach Sheni]] thirty days in advance which was [[Pesach]] in Nissan. Shulchan Aruch 429:1 rules like the opinion of the Rabbanan. Mishna Brurah 429:1 quotes some who extend this to other Yamim Tovim such as Shavuot, whereas the Gra held that it does not apply to Shavuot and it is sufficient to begin learning the halachot of shavuot from Rosh Chodesh Sivan.</ref> All agree that on the holiday itself one should learn the halachot of Shavuot. <ref>Gemara [[Megillah]] 32b states that one should learn the halachot of Shavuot on Shavuot. Mishna Brurah 429:1 quotes this as halacha.</ref>
# The notion that one should learn in preparation for the holiday doesn't mean that a talmid chacham should stop his regular learning in order to learn halacha of the upcoming holiday, rather it means that a question about hilchot shavuot is given precedence to questions not about shavuot.<ref>Chazon Ovadyah ([[Pesach]] pg 1) explains that the halacha in Gemara Pesachim 6a is relevant in regards to the laws established in Tosefta Sanhedrin 7:5 which state that a person should ask relevant questions and a relevant question has precedence over the irrelevant questions.</ref> Some, however, dispute this point.<ref>See Beiur Halacha 429 s.v. Shoalin</ref>
# The notion that one should learn in preparation for the holiday doesn't mean that a talmid chacham should stop his regular learning in order to learn halacha of the upcoming holiday, rather it means that a question about hilchot shavuot is given precedence to questions not about shavuot.<ref>Chazon Ovadyah ([[Pesach]] pg 1) explains that the halacha in Gemara Pesachim 6a is relevant in regards to the laws established in Tosefta Sanhedrin 7:5 which state that a person should ask relevant questions and a relevant question has precedence over the irrelevant questions.</ref> Some, however, dispute this point.<ref>See Beiur Halacha 429 s.v. Shoalin</ref>

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