
Waiting between Meat and Milk: Difference between revisions

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# The requirement to clear off bread may also include other types of food that were on the table, depending on how they were eaten from. For instance, if people used their own utensils to take from the salad then the salad must also be removed.<ref> Badei HaShulchan 89:99 </ref>  
# The requirement to clear off bread may also include other types of food that were on the table, depending on how they were eaten from. For instance, if people used their own utensils to take from the salad then the salad must also be removed.<ref> Badei HaShulchan 89:99 </ref>  
# There is a dispute if we are still required to remove the tablecloth since we eat on plates and not on the table itself <ref> Pischei Teshuva ad loc. </ref> but our minhag is to still require a separate tablecloth or placemat. <ref> Badei HaShulchan 89:102 </ref>
# There is a dispute if we are still required to remove the tablecloth since we eat on plates and not on the table itself <ref> Pischei Teshuva ad loc. </ref> but our minhag is to still require a separate tablecloth or placemat. <ref> Badei HaShulchan 89:102 </ref>
# A woman who gave birth within 30 days only needs to wait 1 hour between eating meat and milk. <ref> Halichot Olam, 7, page 42 </ref> However, only essential foods are permissible, as opposed to candy. <ref> Yabia Omer, 3, 3 </ref>
