
Dancing, Clapping, and Making Music on Shabbat: Difference between revisions

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# It's forbidden to make music (a rhythm) using any tool or even one's hand. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 338:1. The Gemara Eiruvin 104a has a dispute between Rav Menashe who forbids any production of sound and Rava who only forbids making music (קול של שיר). The Bet Yosef 338:1 quotes the Rif and Rambam 23:4 who hold like Rava and infers from the Rosh 10:20 that he also holds like Rava. However, the Rosh and Tur 338:1 quote the Rabbanu Chananel who holds like Rav Menashe. The reason of Rava isn’t clear from the Gemara, Rashi, or Tosfot. However, the Rambam 23:4 writes that the reason of the prohibition is the same as in the Mishna in Beitzah, so that one doesn’t come to fix an instrument. The Magen Avraham 338:1 clearly understands like the Rambam as he even writes that really there is room for being lenient as the Rama writes in 339:3. This is also codified in Mishna Brurah 338:1. The Mishna Brurah adds that the prohibition is not limited to a musical instrument and also applies to one's hand. </ref>
# It's forbidden to make music (a rhythm) using any tool or even one's hand. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 338:1. The Gemara Eiruvin 104a has a dispute between Rav Menashe who forbids any production of sound and Rava who only forbids making music (קול של שיר). The Bet Yosef 338:1 quotes the Rif and Rambam 23:4 who hold like Rava and infers from the Rosh 10:20 that he also holds like Rava. However, the Rosh and Tur 338:1 quote the Rabbanu Chananel who holds like Rav Menashe. The reason of Rava isn’t clear from the Gemara, Rashi, or Tosfot. However, the Rambam 23:4 writes that the reason of the prohibition is the same as in the Mishna in Beitzah, so that one doesn’t come to fix an instrument. The Magen Avraham 338:1 clearly understands like the Rambam as he even writes that really there is room for being lenient as the Rama writes in 339:3. This is also codified in Mishna Brurah 338:1. The Mishna Brurah adds that the prohibition is not limited to a musical instrument and also applies to one's hand. </ref>
# Therefore, one may not knock on a door with one’s fist in a rhythm. <ref>39 Melachos (Rabbi Ribiat, vol 4, pg 1160) based on Mishna Brurah 338:1 (see previous footnote for background). See Orchot [[Shabbat]] 2:21(21) who agrees with this. </ref>
# Therefore, one may not knock on a door with one’s fist in a rhythm. <ref>39 Melachos (Rabbi Ribiat, vol 4, pg 1160) based on Mishna Brurah 338:1 (see previous footnote for background). See Orchot [[Shabbat]] 2:21(21) who agrees with this. </ref>
# One may not use a door knocker to knock on the door as it is considered an instrument designated for making sound. <ref>Rama 338:1 writes that tone may not knock on the door with a knocker even though one doesn't intend to make music because the knocker is designated to make noise. 39 Melachos (Rabbi Ribiat, vol 4, pg 1161), Shemirat [[Shabbat]] KeHilchata 23:55, The [[Shabbos]] Home (Rabbi Simcha Cohen, vol 2, pg 535) quote this as halacha. Based on Beiur Halacha 338:1 s.v. Hoil, the [[Shabbos]] Home writes that in cases of great need one is permitted to use the door knocker. </ref>
# According to Ashkenazim, one may not use a door knocker to knock on the door even without a rythm as it is considered an instrument designated for making sound. <ref>Rama 338:1 writes that tone may not knock on the door with a knocker even though one doesn't intend to make music because the knocker is designated to make noise. This is based on the Maharil 38:4. 39 Melachos (Rabbi Ribiat, vol 4, pg 1161), Shemirat [[Shabbat]] KeHilchata 23:55, The [[Shabbos]] Home (Rabbi Simcha Cohen, vol 2, pg 535) quote this as halacha. Based on Beiur Halacha 338:1 s.v. Hoil, the [[Shabbos]] Home writes that in cases of great need one is permitted to use the door knocker. </ref>
# If there is no other entrance available and one needs to enter it is permitted to open a door on [[Shabbat]] which has bells attached to it. It is preferable to remove the bells before [[Shabbat]]. <ref>39 Melachos (Rabbi Ribiat, vol 4, pg 1161), Shemirat [[Shabbat]] KeHilchata 23:54 </ref>
# If there is no other entrance available and one needs to enter it is permitted to open a door on [[Shabbat]] which has bells attached to it. It is preferable to remove the bells before [[Shabbat]]. <ref>39 Melachos (Rabbi Ribiat, vol 4, pg 1161), Shemirat [[Shabbat]] KeHilchata 23:54 </ref>
# It is permissible to use a object not designed for producing sound that are not rhythmic. For example, it's permissible to tap on a glass (cup) to get the audience's attention or knock on the door with a key. <ref>39 Melachos (Rabbi Ribiat, vol 4, pg 1160) </ref>
# It is permissible to use a object not designed for producing sound that are not rhythmic. For example, it's permissible to tap on a glass (cup) to get the audience's attention or knock on the door with a key. <ref>39 Melachos (Rabbi Ribiat, vol 4, pg 1160) </ref>