
Lighting Chanukah Candles: Difference between revisions

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# One who has forbidden oil should burn it and not keep it around until next Chanuka. Some have the Minhag to keep it until the burning of Chametz. <ref> Tur 677 in name of Maharam MeRotenburg says not to keep it until next Chanuka because someone may come to use the forbidden oil. Brought down by the Achronim including Mishna Brurah 677:19, and Torat HaMoadim 5:27. Halichot Yosef pg 499 writes that the Minhag Balza is to use it for burning chametz. </ref>
# One who has forbidden oil should burn it and not keep it around until next Chanuka. Some have the Minhag to keep it until the burning of Chametz. <ref> Tur 677 in name of Maharam MeRotenburg says not to keep it until next Chanuka because someone may come to use the forbidden oil. Brought down by the Achronim including Mishna Brurah 677:19, and Torat HaMoadim 5:27. Halichot Yosef pg 499 writes that the Minhag Balza is to use it for burning chametz. </ref>
# Even though one isn’t allowed to nullify a forbidden object Lechatchila, after the fact if forbidden oil was mixed with 60 times that amount of permitted oil, the forbidden oil is nullified. If some oil was already added, then one is permitted to add more permitted oil to nullify it. Some say that even in that case one can’t nullify a forbidden object Lechatchila. <ref> See Chazon Ovadyah (Chanuka pg 160-6) and Torat HaMoadim 5:28 at length. </ref>
# Even though one isn’t allowed to nullify a forbidden object Lechatchila, after the fact if forbidden oil was mixed with 60 times that amount of permitted oil, the forbidden oil is nullified. If some oil was already added, then one is permitted to add more permitted oil to nullify it. Some say that even in that case one can’t nullify a forbidden object Lechatchila. <ref> See Chazon Ovadyah (Chanuka pg 160-6) and Torat HaMoadim 5:28 at length. </ref>
# Oil that was leftover after the 8th day of Chanuka can’t be used and must be burnt in a separate fire <ref> S”A 677:4 </ref>or can be thrown out. <Ref>Piskei Shemuot pg 135 in name of Rav Chaim Kanievsky <ref> Some have the minhag to or together with one’s Biyur Chametz. <Ref>Piskei Teshuvot 677:9 </ref>
# This only applies if the amount of oil was placed in the cup and it turned out that there was extra, however, if one originally filled the cups with extra oil it’s permissible. However, some are strict unless one made a stipulation that the extra oil is permissible. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 677:18 </ref>
# Oil left in the container is totally permissible. <Ref>Biur Halacha D”H HaTzarich </ref>
# The wicks have the same halacha as the oil. <Ref>Piskei Teshuvot 677:9 </ref>
# Oil leftover from one day and only the precise amount of oil was put in one may use it the next day even for only the additional candles. <Ref>Piskei Shemuot pg 134 in name of Rav Nassim Karlitz </ref>

==Lighting Chanuka candles in a non-Jewish city==
==Lighting Chanuka candles in a non-Jewish city==