
Shnayim Mikra V'Echad Targum: Difference between revisions

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==Who is obligated?==
# There’s an obligation on every person to read the parsha the Tzibbur is up to twice and targum once called Shenayim Mikrash VeEchad Targum. <ref> Brachot 8a records the obligation and tells us that Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Levi commanded his sons to fulfill it, Mechilta Parshat Bo quoted by Shibolei HaLeket 75 and Bet Yosef 285 tells us Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi commanded his sons to fulfill this obligation before Shabbat lunch, Rashbetz (Brachot 8a) this in name of the Yerushalmi, and the Tosfot and Rosh (Brachot 8b) quote a Midrash. Rambam Tefilah 13:25, S’A 285:1 rules that it’s an obligation. </ref>
# Even someone who is learned and wants to learn Talmud is also obligated<Ref> Chazon Ovadya (Shabbat 1 pg 300) quotes Teshuvot HaGeonim 7 in name of Rabbenu Matatya.</ref>
# Even someone who doesn’t understand what he’s reading is obligated.<Ref> Sh”t Yechava Daat 2:37</ref>
# Even someone who doesn’t understand what he’s reading is obligated.<Ref> Sh”t Yechava Daat 2:37</ref>
# Women are exempt since many hold it’s included in Limud Torah.<Ref> Sh”t Mishna Halachot 6:60.</ref>
# Women are exempt since many hold it’s included in Limud Torah.<Ref> Sh”t Mishna Halachot 6:60.</ref>
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# A mourner within the first 7 days can read it but not with Rashi.<Ref> Sh”t Habit HaYehudi 3:36(15), SH”t Orchot Yosher Y”D 1:28.</ref>
# A mourner within the first 7 days can read it but not with Rashi.<Ref> Sh”t Habit HaYehudi 3:36(15), SH”t Orchot Yosher Y”D 1:28.</ref>
# A teacher who teaches children the parsha and goes over the pesukim a few times he only needs to read targum to fulfill his obligation.<Ref> S”A 285:6, Mishna Brurah 285:16, Kaf Hachiam 285:32 adds that according Kabbalah it’s better to read it again all together without a break</ref>
# A teacher who teaches children the parsha and goes over the pesukim a few times he only needs to read targum to fulfill his obligation.<Ref> S”A 285:6, Mishna Brurah 285:16, Kaf Hachiam 285:32 adds that according Kabbalah it’s better to read it again all together without a break</ref>
==What pesukim and what Targum?==
# The Targum Unkelos we have which includes a Targum of every pasuk can be used even for pesukim that are just names or places.<Ref>chot 8a says that one should also read the pesukim of just names  such as “Atarot VeDevon”. Rashi explains that the pasuk chosen by the gemara has a targum but isn’t so well know, the targum Yerushalmi. On these pesukim one should still read it twice with targum rather than reading it three times without targum. So writes the Talmedei Rabbenu Yonah, Ravyah (Brachot 22), Mordechai (Brachot 1:17), Tashbetz 184, Orchot Chaim pg 64b:3, Kol Bo 37, and Leket Yosher pg 55. Since nowadays our Targum is the Mechlalta UMalbusta which is a derivative of Targum Yerushalmi one should read the Targum for the third time. so holds the Badei Shulchan 10b:1, Rabbenu BeChay (end of Matot), and Elfasi Zuta (Brachot 8b).</ref>
# The Targum Unkelos we have which includes a Targum of every pasuk can be used even for pesukim that are just names or places.<Ref>chot 8a says that one should also read the pesukim of just names  such as “Atarot VeDevon”. Rashi explains that the pasuk chosen by the gemara has a targum but isn’t so well know, the targum Yerushalmi. On these pesukim one should still read it twice with targum rather than reading it three times without targum. So writes the Talmedei Rabbenu Yonah, Ravyah (Brachot 22), Mordechai (Brachot 1:17), Tashbetz 184, Orchot Chaim pg 64b:3, Kol Bo 37, and Leket Yosher pg 55. Since nowadays our Targum is the Mechlalta UMalbusta which is a derivative of Targum Yerushalmi one should read the Targum for the third time. so holds the Badei Shulchan 10b:1, Rabbenu BeChay (end of Matot), and Elfasi Zuta (Brachot 8b).</ref>
# Rashi’s commentary also counts as Targum. A Yaare Shamayim should read also Targum Unkelos and Rashi<Ref> S”A 285:2, Mishna Brurah 285:6 says reading Unkelos is important since it was the targum of Torah given at har Sinai, and Rashi is also important since he includes the comments of Chazal. Sh”T Kinyan Torah 6:146 in name of Meharash that someone who learns Rashi on the Parsha everyweek is deserving of a portion of Olam Haba in Rashi’s Yeshiva. See Sh”t Shelmat Chaim 171.</ref>
# Rashi’s commentary also counts as Targum. A Yaare Shamayim should read also Targum Unkelos and Rashi<Ref> S”A 285:2, Mishna Brurah 285:6 says reading Unkelos is important since it was the targum of Torah given at har Sinai, and Rashi is also important since he includes the comments of Chazal. Sh”T Kinyan Torah 6:146 in name of Meharash that someone who learns Rashi on the Parsha everyweek is deserving of a portion of Olam Haba in Rashi’s Yeshiva. See Sh”t Shelmat Chaim 171.</ref>
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# One doesn’t need to do it on the Yom Tov reading, Rosh Chodesh, or the four parshiot or any reading that’s not in the weekly parsha.<Ref> S”A 285:7, Mishna Brurah 285:18 and Kaf Hachaim 285: 35 explain that it’s because one is already completing the Torah by doing the weekly parsha. Kaf Hachaim 285:35, Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 3:40 extend this any time that’s not the regular weekly parsha.  </ref>
# One doesn’t need to do it on the Yom Tov reading, Rosh Chodesh, or the four parshiot or any reading that’s not in the weekly parsha.<Ref> S”A 285:7, Mishna Brurah 285:18 and Kaf Hachaim 285: 35 explain that it’s because one is already completing the Torah by doing the weekly parsha. Kaf Hachaim 285:35, Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 3:40 extend this any time that’s not the regular weekly parsha.  </ref>
# One should read the Haftorah of the weekly parsha even if the Haftorah read in shul is a special one for Rosh Chodesh or Zachor.<Ref> Kaf Hachaim 285:36, Chida in Moreh Etzbah 4:131-2, Ben Ish Chai Lech Lecha 11</ref>
# One should read the Haftorah of the weekly parsha even if the Haftorah read in shul is a special one for Rosh Chodesh or Zachor.<Ref> Kaf Hachaim 285:36, Chida in Moreh Etzbah 4:131-2, Ben Ish Chai Lech Lecha 11</ref>
# Lechatchila one should read a pasuk twice and it’s Targum but if one read the whole parsha then the Targum one has fulfilled his obligation.<Ref> Chazon Ovadya (Shabbat 1 pg 301-2). Sefer Itim pg 244 says one should read it pasuk by pasuk. Leket yosher pg 54 says if one doesn’t have targum he can read the whole parsha twice and do targum when he finds Targum. Shelah writes that some read it pasuk by pasuk and some read the whole parsha twice and then the Targum and he prefers reading one paragraph at a time and then doing the Targum on that. So was the practice of the Gra (HaMaaseh Rav 60). However the Arizal (Shaare Kavanot 62a) would read it pasuk by pasuk. So holds the Magan Avraham 285:1, Maharam MeRutenberg (Pesakim VeMinahgim, Mehura HaRav Kahana pg 217), Chida in Machzik Bracha 285:10.</ref>
==How should one read it?==
# Lechatchila, one should read a pasuk twice and it’s Targum but if one read the whole parsha then the Targum one has fulfilled his obligation.<Ref> Chazon Ovadya (Shabbat 1 pg 301-2). Sefer Itim pg 244 says one should read it pasuk by pasuk. Leket yosher pg 54 says if one doesn’t have targum he can read the whole parsha twice and do targum when he finds Targum. Shelah writes that some read it pasuk by pasuk and some read the whole parsha twice and then the Targum and he prefers reading one paragraph at a time and then doing the Targum on that. So was the practice of the Gra (HaMaaseh Rav 60). However the Arizal (Shaare Kavanot 62a) would read it pasuk by pasuk. So holds the Magan Avraham 285:1, Maharam MeRutenberg (Pesakim VeMinahgim, Mehura HaRav Kahana pg 217), Chida in Machzik Bracha 285:10.</ref>
# One shouldn’t read Targum and then the pasuk twice and not the pasuk, the Targum and then the pasuk, however bedieved if one did the pasuk, Targum and the pasuk he fulfills his obligation.<Ref> Mishna Brurah 285:6 says one shouldn’t say targum and then the pasuk twice. Kiseh Eliyahu 285:1, Kaf HaChaim 285:6 say one shouldn’t say the pasuk, targum, and then the pasuk. However bedieved one fulfills his requirement so holds Shaare Tzion 285:10, Sh”t Tzitz Eliezer 16:18, Sh”t Beir Moshe 8:3, Sh”t Rivivot Efraim 5:216</ref>
# One shouldn’t read Targum and then the pasuk twice and not the pasuk, the Targum and then the pasuk, however bedieved if one did the pasuk, Targum and the pasuk he fulfills his obligation.<Ref> Mishna Brurah 285:6 says one shouldn’t say targum and then the pasuk twice. Kiseh Eliyahu 285:1, Kaf HaChaim 285:6 say one shouldn’t say the pasuk, targum, and then the pasuk. However bedieved one fulfills his requirement so holds Shaare Tzion 285:10, Sh”t Tzitz Eliezer 16:18, Sh”t Beir Moshe 8:3, Sh”t Rivivot Efraim 5:216</ref>
# If one doesn’t have time to read it should read along with the Bal Koreh on Shabbat (which will count as one time of Mikrah) and then read it one more time with Targum<Ref> Sh”t Yechava Daat 2:37</ref>
# If one doesn’t have time to read it should read along with the Bal Koreh on Shabbat (which will count as one time of Mikrah) and then read it one more time with Targum<Ref> Sh”t Yechava Daat 2:37</ref>