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==Preparing for Shavuot==
==Preparing for Shavuot==
# Some say that thirty days before Shavuot one should start learning the halachot of Shavuot, whereas others say that one should start from [[Rosh Chodesh]] Sivan. <ref>In Gemara Pesachim 6a, Rabbanan hold that one should begin to learn Hilchot [[Pesach]] thirty days in advance of [[Pesach]], whereas Rabban Shimon Ben Gamliel holds only 2 weeks. Rabbanan learn this idea from Moshe who taught the laws of [[Pesach Sheni]] thirty days in advance which was [[Pesach]] in Nissan. Shulchan Aruch 429:1 rules like the opinion of the Rabbanan. Mishna Brurah 429:1 quotes some who extend this to other Yamim Tovim such as Shavuot, whereas the Gra held that it does not apply to Shavuot and it is sufficient to begin learning the halachot of shavuot from Rosh Chodesh Sivan.</ref> All agree that on the holiday itself one should learn the halachot of Shavuot. <ref>Gemara [[Megillah]] 32b states that one should learn the halachot of Shavuot on Shavuot. Mishna Brurah 429:1 quotes this as halacha.</ref>
# Some say that thirty days before Shavuot one should start learning the halachot of Shavuot, whereas others say that one should start from [[Rosh Chodesh]] Sivan.<ref>In Gemara Pesachim 6a, Rabbanan hold that one should begin to learn Hilchot [[Pesach]] thirty days in advance of [[Pesach]], whereas Rabban Shimon Ben Gamliel holds only 2 weeks. Rabbanan learn this idea from Moshe who taught the laws of [[Pesach Sheni]] thirty days in advance which was [[Pesach]] in Nissan. Shulchan Aruch 429:1 rules like the opinion of the Rabbanan. Mishna Brurah 429:1 quotes some who extend this to other Yamim Tovim such as Shavuot, whereas the Gra held that it does not apply to Shavuot and it is sufficient to begin learning the halachot of shavuot from Rosh Chodesh Sivan.</ref> All agree that on the holiday itself one should learn the halachot of Shavuot. <ref>Gemara [[Megillah]] 32b states that one should learn the halachot of Shavuot on Shavuot. Mishna Brurah 429:1 quotes this as halacha.</ref>
# The notion that one should learn in preparation for the holiday doesn't mean that a talmid chacham should stop his regular learning in order to learn halacha of the upcoming holiday, rather it means that a question about hilchot shavuot is given precedence to questions not about shavuot.<ref>Chazon Ovadyah ([[Pesach]] pg 1) explains that the halacha in Gemara Pesachim 6a is relevant in regards to the laws established in Tosefta Sanhedrin 7:5 which state that a person should ask relevant questions and a relevant question has precedence over the irrelevant questions.</ref> Some, however, dispute this point.<ref>See Beiur Halacha 429 s.v. Shoalin</ref>
# The notion that one should learn in preparation for the holiday doesn't mean that a talmid chacham should stop his regular learning in order to learn halacha of the upcoming holiday, rather it means that a question about hilchot shavuot is given precedence to questions not about shavuot.<ref>Chazon Ovadyah ([[Pesach]] pg 1) explains that the halacha in Gemara Pesachim 6a is relevant in regards to the laws established in Tosefta Sanhedrin 7:5 which state that a person should ask relevant questions and a relevant question has precedence over the irrelevant questions.</ref> Some, however, dispute this point.<ref>See Beiur Halacha 429 s.v. Shoalin</ref>

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## Some people eat only dairy on Shavuot in order to fulfill the minhag. Many disapprove of this practice.<ref>The Darkei Teshuva disapproves of this practice because he accepts the view of the Rambam that there is an obligation to eat meat on [[Yom Tov]]. See note 1 above.</ref>
## Some people eat only dairy on Shavuot in order to fulfill the minhag. Many disapprove of this practice.<ref>The Darkei Teshuva disapproves of this practice because he accepts the view of the Rambam that there is an obligation to eat meat on [[Yom Tov]]. See note 1 above.</ref>
## Some people eat dairy for the nighttime meal and meat for the daytime meal. Such was the minhag of some gedolim.<ref>This was the practice of the Steipler (Orchot Rabbeinu v. 2 p. 98). The Darkei Teshuva comments that this is reasonable according to the Sha’agat Aryeh’s (Siman 68) view that Simchat [[Yom Tov]] is only d’rabanan at night; however, others disagree with the Sha’agat Aryeh. Otzrot Yosef (Rav Dovid Yosef 13:7) quotes this as a minhag. Rav Hershel Schachter (Bikvei HaTzon p. 81) suggests that Simchat [[Yom Tov]] follows the schedule of [[Korbanot]] for which the night follows the day, implying that eating meat for Simchat [[Yom Tov]] does not apply the first night. Therefore, he said (oral communication) that if one enjoys dairy, one may have a dairy meal for the night of [[Yom Tov]]. This approach is supported by the Sfat Emet ([[Sukkah]] 48a), who writes that Simchat [[Yom Tov]] can be fulfilled with one meat meal, either during the night or day. Rabbi Mordechai Willig (Pesachim Shiur 110, min 40-50) agrees with this reasoning. The Radiance of Shabbos p. 163 fnt. 33 cites Rav Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg as holding that it is only necessary to eat meat during the day.
## Some people eat dairy for the nighttime meal and meat for the daytime meal. Such was the minhag of some gedolim.<ref>This was the practice of the Steipler (Orchot Rabbeinu v. 2 p. 98). The Darkei Teshuva comments that this is reasonable according to the Sha’agat Aryeh’s (Siman 68) view that Simchat [[Yom Tov]] is only d’rabanan at night; however, others disagree with the Sha’agat Aryeh. Otzrot Yosef (Rav Dovid Yosef 13:7) quotes this as a minhag. Rav Hershel Schachter (Bikvei HaTzon p. 81) suggests that Simchat [[Yom Tov]] follows the schedule of [[Korbanot]] for which the night follows the day, implying that eating meat for Simchat [[Yom Tov]] does not apply the first night. Therefore, he said (oral communication) that if one enjoys dairy, one may have a dairy meal for the night of [[Yom Tov]]. This approach is supported by the Sfat Emet ([[Sukkah]] 48a), who writes that Simchat [[Yom Tov]] can be fulfilled with one meat meal, either during the night or day. Rabbi Mordechai Willig (Pesachim Shiur 110, min 40-50) agrees with this reasoning. The Radiance of Shabbos p. 163 fnt. 33 cites Rav Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg as holding that it is only necessary to eat meat during the day.
* Tangentially, Rav Ovadia Yosef in Meor Yisrael (Beitzah 36b v. 2 p. 313) writes that Shulchan Aruch 546:3 might also hold that simcha at night is only derabbanan. Pitchei Teshuva YD 341:13 quotes the VShav Hakohen 95 who argues that there is a mitzvah of simcha deoritta even at night. He proves his contention from Rambam (Chagiga 2:13) unlike the Maharik ad loc. Rashbam (Pesachim 108b s.v. yedey yayin yatzah (2)) implies that he agrees with Rambam.</ref>
* Tangentially, Rav Ovadia Yosef in Meor Yisrael (Beitzah 36b v. 2 p. 313) writes that Shulchan Aruch 546:3 might also hold that simcha at night is only derabbanan. Pitchei Teshuva YD 341:13 quotes the [ VShav Hakohen 95] who argues that there is a mitzvah of simcha deoritta even at night. He proves his contention from Rambam (Chagiga 2:13) unlike the Mahari Kurkus (Rambam Chagiga 2:13). Rashbam (Pesachim 108b s.v. yedey yayin yatzah (2)) implies that he agrees with Rambam that there's a rabbinic mitzvah of simcha on Yom Tov. Emek Bracha p. 108 quotes Rav Chaim as distinguishing between simcha which does apply the first night and the obligation to bring a korban shlamim which does not apply to the first night.</ref>
## Within the same meal some eat dairy and then after washing their mouths out with a liquid and food and washing their hands eat meat. Classically this is the Ashkenazic minhag.<ref>Rama 494:3, Magen Avraham, Mishna Brurah, Aruch Hashulchan, and Chayey Adam. However, the Shlah and Bear Mayim Chayim disapprove of this minhag since it is in violation of the Zohar that one may not eat milk and meat in the same meal or same hour.</ref> The practice is specifically to use one challah for the milk part of the meal and another challah for the meat prat of the meal in order to commemorate the Korban brought int he Bet Hamikdash on Shavuot of two loaves.<ref>Rama 494:3</ref>
## Within the same meal some eat dairy and then after washing their mouths out with a liquid and food and washing their hands eat meat. Classically this is the Ashkenazic minhag.<ref>Rama 494:3, Magen Avraham, Mishna Brurah, Aruch Hashulchan, and Chayey Adam. However, the Shlah and Bear Mayim Chayim disapprove of this minhag since it is in violation of the Zohar that one may not eat milk and meat in the same meal or same hour.</ref> The practice is specifically to use one challah for the milk part of the meal and another challah for the meat prat of the meal in order to commemorate the Korban brought int he Bet Hamikdash on Shavuot of two loaves.<ref>Rama 494:3</ref>
## Some eat a dairy meal, conclude with Birkat Hamazon, and then a meat meal.<ref>Darkei Teshuva, Pri Megadim M"Z 89:3. The Torat Chaim (Chullin 83a) writes that it is better to abrogate the minhag of eating dairy rather than have meat after eating dairy, which is forbidden according to the Zohar. The Darkei Teshuva responds that in order to fulfill this minhag, one may be lenient against the Zohar. Mishna Brurah 494:16 notes that one need not make [[Birkat HaMazon]] as long as he cleanses his mouth with bread and water as well as washes his hands (S”A Y.D. 89:2).</ref>
## Some eat a dairy meal, conclude with Birkat Hamazon, and then a meat meal.<ref>Darkei Teshuva, Pri Megadim M"Z 89:3. The Torat Chaim (Chullin 83a) writes that it is better to abrogate the minhag of eating dairy rather than have meat after eating dairy, which is forbidden according to the Zohar. The Darkei Teshuva responds that in order to fulfill this minhag, one may be lenient against the Zohar. Mishna Brurah 494:16 notes that one need not make [[Birkat HaMazon]] as long as he cleanses his mouth with bread and water as well as washes his hands (S”A Y.D. 89:2).</ref>
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# If one went to sleep (or stayed up) in [[Tzitzit]], preferably one should make a Bracha on wearing a [[Tallit]] to cover the Bracha for [[Tzitzit]], however if that’s not possible, one may make a Bracha on those [[Tzitzit]] in the morning, and as one makes the bracha one should shake the [[Tzitzit]] strings. <Ref> S”A 8:16 rules that if one slept in [[Tzitzit]] one may make a new Bracha on it in the morning and at the time of the Bracha one should shake the [[Tzitzit]] strings. Mishna Brurah 8:42 explains that really this issue depends on whether there’s a mitzvah of [[Tzitzit]] at night and so it’s preferable to make the Bracha on a [[Tallit]] and cover the Bracha for [[Tzitzit]]. Piskei Teshuvot 8:30 adds that someone who that option is unavailable, such as bochrim who don’t wear Tallitim, should make the Bracha oneself like S”A. </ref>  
# If one went to sleep (or stayed up) in [[Tzitzit]], preferably one should make a Bracha on wearing a [[Tallit]] to cover the Bracha for [[Tzitzit]], however if that’s not possible, one may make a Bracha on those [[Tzitzit]] in the morning, and as one makes the bracha one should shake the [[Tzitzit]] strings. <Ref> S”A 8:16 rules that if one slept in [[Tzitzit]] one may make a new Bracha on it in the morning and at the time of the Bracha one should shake the [[Tzitzit]] strings. Mishna Brurah 8:42 explains that really this issue depends on whether there’s a mitzvah of [[Tzitzit]] at night and so it’s preferable to make the Bracha on a [[Tallit]] and cover the Bracha for [[Tzitzit]]. Piskei Teshuvot 8:30 adds that someone who that option is unavailable, such as bochrim who don’t wear Tallitim, should make the Bracha oneself like S”A. </ref>  
===Birkot HaTorah===
===Birkot HaTorah===
# For ashkenazim, if one didn’t sleep at all during the night, one shouldn’t recite [[Brachot HaTorah]] but should hear them from someone who is obligated to make them (both must have kavana, and after the Bracha, both learn some pesukim such as Parshat [[Birkat Cohanim]]). <Ref> Mishna Brurah 47:28 </ref> For sephardim, the minhag is to recite these [[berachot]] even if you remained awake all night. <ref> Yabia Omer O.C. 5:6, Yechave Daat 3:33. </ref>
{{Birchot HaTorah for Someone Who Stayed Up}}
# One should not say birkot hatorah until after alot hashachar. <ref> Yalkut Yosef Chelek 1 page 137. </ref>
# If one slept Shinat Kevah the day before staying up all night, one should make the [[Brachot HaTorah]] in the morning after one didn’t sleep. <Ref> Mishna Brurah 47:28 in name of Rabbi Akvia Eiger </ref>

===Birkot HaShachar===
===Birkot HaShachar===
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