
Putting On and Removing Tefillin: Difference between revisions

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#Nowadays the prevailing custom is to lay them only during the weekday morning service.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 37:2, Rambam Hilchot [[Tefillin]] 4:26 </ref>
#Nowadays the prevailing custom is to lay them only during the weekday morning service.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 37:2, Rambam Hilchot [[Tefillin]] 4:26 </ref>
#The custom is to put on [[Tefillin]] after having said [[Birchot HaShachar]] and [[Birchot HaTorah]] but preferably before the Shema in [[Korbanot]] and at least before Parshat HaTamid.<ref>Kaf HaChaim 25:3-4 </ref>
#The Sephardic custom is to put on [[Tefillin]] after having said [[Birchot HaShachar]] and [[Birchot HaTorah]] but preferably before the Shema in [[Korbanot]] and at least before Parshat HaTamid.<ref>Kaf HaChaim 25:3-4 and Yalkut Yosef 25:36. This is hinted to in Brachot 14b. </ref> Ashkenazim have different minhagim in this regard. Some put on Tefillin before Birchot Hashachar, while others do the opposite.<Ref>Mishna Brurah 25:13. Piskei Teshuvot 46:8 writes that certain tzadikim used to put on Tefillin and then recite Birchot Hashachar.</ref> Either way, it is preferable to say Brachot Hatorah before putting Tefillin is because some poskim<ref>Bikurei Yakov 644:1</ref> hold that it is forbidden to do mitzvot before having recited Birchot Hatorah.<ref>Yafeh Lelev 25:10 cited by Chashukei Chemed Bechorot 29a in regards to Brachot Hatorah before Tefillin</ref>
#The minimum requirement is to have [[Tefillin]] on during [[Kriyat Shema]] and [[Shmoneh Esrei]].<ref>Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 25:4, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch of Rav Rephael Baruch Toledano, siman 10, laws of the mitzvah of [[tefillin]], seif 16. The gemara in [[Berachot]] 14b says that if a person recites the morning Shema without [[Tefillin]] it is as if he is testifying falsely about himself when he says the pasuk that discusses the obligation to wear [[Tefillin]] since he is not fulfilling it. The Zohar 93b speaks highly of one who prays the amida wearing his [[Tefillin]]. </ref>
#The minimum requirement is to have [[Tefillin]] on during [[Kriyat Shema]] and [[Shmoneh Esrei]].<ref>Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 25:4, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch of Rav Rephael Baruch Toledano, siman 10, laws of the mitzvah of [[tefillin]], seif 16. The gemara in [[Berachot]] 14b says that if a person recites the morning Shema without [[Tefillin]] it is as if he is testifying falsely about himself when he says the pasuk that discusses the obligation to wear [[Tefillin]] since he is not fulfilling it. The Zohar 93b speaks highly of one who prays the amida wearing his [[Tefillin]]. </ref>
#If one has a choice between praying the Amida with the tzibbur or waiting for a pair of [[Tefillin]], for example, if one forgot one's tefillin and if one were to go get them one would miss davening with a minyan, one should wait for the [[Tefillin]] and pray alone unless due to waiting one would miss the time for praying.<ref>Magen Avraham 66:12, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 10:22, Kaf Hachayim 25:28</ref> Some hold that you should daven with the tzibbur and then put on tefillin afterwards unless one has a lot of kavana when davening by oneself.<ref>Yalkut Yosef 90:9:12 </ref>
#If one has a choice between praying the Amida with the tzibbur or waiting for a pair of [[Tefillin]], for example, if one forgot one's tefillin and if one were to go get them one would miss davening with a minyan, one should wait for the [[Tefillin]] and pray alone unless due to waiting one would miss the time for praying.<ref>Magen Avraham 66:12, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 10:22, Kaf Hachayim 25:28</ref> Some hold that you should daven with the tzibbur and then put on tefillin afterwards unless one has a lot of kavana when davening by oneself.<ref>Yalkut Yosef 90:9:12 </ref>
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