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===Mayan Dug next to a River===
# If someone digs and finds a live spring that is considered a mayan according to most opinions.<ref>Maharik holds that a well dug in the ground and water is found is considered like a mayan. He is disagreeing with Rash Mikvaot 1. Mishkenot Yakov 45 agrees with Maharik. </ref>
# If someone digs next to a river and finds a spring, many hold that isn't considered a mayan, but rather it is like a mikveh.<ref>Tosefta MIkvaot 1:6 writes that someone who digs next to a river or ocean is considered like mey tamsiyut (water leaching from the ground) and not a mayan. Rambam codifies this. However, Rama 201:52 seems to rule otherwise based on Ravyah that water next to a river has the status of a mayan. Mishkenot Yakov 45 writes that we follow the Tosefta. Also, he writes that in the European countries it is impossible to know whether the well is dug too close to the  river whether it is a mayan or mikveh. Therefore, our mikvaot should be treated as a mikveh and not mayan. Gidulei Tahara [ (Shaayla 2 s.v. umah)] presents 6 factors of how to determine if the spring is a real spring or it is from river water. The main 3 factors are: 1) Spring water comes from between rocks. 2) Spring water goes up from below and river water comes from the side. 3) Spring water is consistent and continuous. [ Lechem 201:74] quotes this.</ref>
===Minimum Measurement of Mayan===
===Minimum Measurement of Mayan===
# A mayan is different than a mikveh in that it purifies utensils even with the smallest amount<ref>Torat Kohanim 9</ref> and can also purify when it is moving. For a person who is going to purify themselves in a mayan it requires 40 seah just like a mikveh but the water of a mayan can still be moving.<ref> Rosh (Mikvaot no. 2) cites the Ri as holding that a mayan only purifies a kli with any amount but a person requires 40 seah. The Rosh agrees with the Ri. However, The Rambam Mikvaot 4:8 and Raavad (Baalei Hanefesh ch. 3 s.v. vhani mili) argue that a mayan is effective with any amount even for a person. [ Rashba (Torat Habayit 30b, Shaar Hamayim 11)] agrees with the Rambam and Raavad. Shulchan Aruch 201:1 rules like the Ri. </ref>
# A mayan is different than a mikveh in that it purifies utensils even with the smallest amount<ref>Torat Kohanim 9</ref> and can also purify when it is moving. For a person who is going to purify themselves in a mayan it requires 40 seah just like a mikveh but the water of a mayan can still be moving.<ref> Rosh (Mikvaot no. 2) cites the Ri as holding that a mayan only purifies a kli with any amount but a person requires 40 seah. The Rosh agrees with the Ri. However, The Rambam Mikvaot 4:8 and Raavad (Baalei Hanefesh ch. 3 s.v. vhani mili) argue that a mayan is effective with any amount even for a person. [ Rashba (Torat Habayit 30b, Shaar Hamayim 11)] agrees with the Rambam and Raavad. Shulchan Aruch 201:1 rules like the Ri. </ref>
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