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==Pouring Off==
==Pouring Off==

#A person shouldn’t pour off to the other cups between the kiddush and drinking. If he is sick and worried about others drinking from his cup he can pour off but should make sure to leave a reviyit in the cup when he drinks.<ref>*Piskei Teshuvot 271:32 quotes the Mishnat Yosef 4:35 who says that initially one shouldn't pour off before drinking because one should drink from a cup with a reviyit and also so that it shouldn't look like a disgrace to the mitzvah (bizuy mitzvah, see Mishna Brurah 296:4 and Eliya Rabba 271:23). However, if he’s sick he can pour off some and then drink from the cup which still has a reviyit. [ Rav Hershel Schachter (Brachot Shiur 92 min 44)] agreed that one shouldn’t pour off so much that there’s not a reviyit left before you drink. He holds like the Magen Avraham as will be explained.
#A person shouldn’t pour off to the other cups between the kiddush and drinking. If he is sick and worried about others drinking from his cup he can pour off, but should make sure to leave a reviyit in the cup when he drinks.<ref>*Piskei Teshuvot 271:32 quotes the Mishnat Yosef 4:35 who says that initially one shouldn't pour off before drinking because one should drink from a cup with a reviyit and also so that it shouldn't look like a disgrace to the mitzvah (bizuy mitzvah, see Mishna Brurah 296:4 and Eliya Rabba 271:23). However, if he’s sick he can pour off some and then drink from the cup which still has a reviyit. [ Rav Hershel Schachter (Brachot Shiur 92 min 44)] agreed that one shouldn’t pour off so much that there’s not a reviyit left before you drink. He holds like the Magen Avraham as will be explained.
*Should the cup one drinks from have a reviyit? Tosfot Pesachim 105b s.v. shema writes that one must drink from a cup that has a reviyit and not pour off some of the cup into another cup and drink. Agudah Pesachim 10:84 and Ritva Pesachim 105b s.v. shema agree. Magen Avraham 271:24 rules like Tosfot. Mishna Brurah 271:51 agrees. Shulchan Aruch 271:11 seems not to hold like Tosfot but see Eliya Rabba 271:23 who defends Shulchan Aruch but also accepts Tosfot. Korban Netanel Pesachim 10:200 writes that in fact the Rosh, Rabbenu Yerucham, and Shulchan Aruch disagree with Tosfot and you don’t have to drink from a cup with a reviyit. Netiv Chaim 271:11 agrees. Rabbi Akiva Eiger Pesachim 105b discusses whether the proof of the Korban Netanel is conclusive.</ref>
*Should the cup one drinks from have a reviyit? Tosfot Pesachim 105b s.v. shema writes that one must drink from a cup that has a reviyit and not pour off some of the cup into another cup and drink. Agudah Pesachim 10:84 and Ritva Pesachim 105b s.v. shema agree. Magen Avraham 271:24 rules like Tosfot. Mishna Brurah 271:51 agrees. Shulchan Aruch 271:11 seems not to hold like Tosfot but see Eliya Rabba 271:23 who defends Shulchan Aruch but also accepts Tosfot. Korban Netanel Pesachim 10:200 writes that in fact the Rosh, Rabbenu Yerucham, and Shulchan Aruch disagree with Tosfot and you don’t have to drink from a cup with a reviyit. Netiv Chaim 271:11 agrees. Rabbi Akiva Eiger Pesachim 105b discusses whether the proof of the Korban Netanel is conclusive.</ref>
##Some poskim allow pouring off wine for guests before he drinks from the kiddush cup (as long as one is careful to keep a reviyit in the cup).<ref>Dor Hamelaktim (v. 1 p. 652) quotes Rivevot Efraim 1:194 and Zeh Hashulchan (2:190 s.v. im) as allowing this practice even initially, but Rav Chaim Kanievsky disapproving of that practice.</ref>
#The one reciting kiddush doesn't have to pour off into their cups unless their cups are invalid for kiddush as they drank from them already. In such a case the one reciting kiddush can pour off from his cup into the others so that they are considered valid for kiddush.<ref>Tosfot Pesachim 106a s.v. gachin, Tosfot Brachot 47a s.v. ein, Rosh Pesachim 10:16, Rosh Brachot 7:15, Shulchan Aruch OC 271:17</ref>
#The one reciting kiddush doesn't have to pour off into their cups unless their cups are invalid for kiddush as they drank from them already. In such a case the one reciting kiddush can pour off from his cup into the others so that they are considered valid for kiddush.<ref>Tosfot Pesachim 106a s.v. gachin, Tosfot Brachot 47a s.v. ein, Rosh Pesachim 10:16, Rosh Brachot 7:15, Shulchan Aruch OC 271:17</ref>

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