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#When reciting [[Kiddush]] on Friday night, we say the words "ויהי ערב ויהי בקר" -  "Vayihi erev vayihi boker" quietly before saying "יום הששי" Yom Hashishi. While we generally avoid reciting Pesukim in ways which differ from their presentation in the Torah<ref>Tanit 27b, [[Megillah]] 22a. "כל פסוקא דלא פסקיה משה אנן לא פסקינן".</ref>, nonetheless we only say the second part, and don't say the first part of the Pasuk quietly because Chazal understand the words "טוב מאד" as a reference to death.  However, there is debate whether one is allowed to say only part of a Pasuk so some are careful to add the rest of the Pasuk ''Vayar Elokim Et Kol Asher Asa Vehini Tov Meod, Veyihi Erev Vayihi Boker Yom Hashishi''.<ref>Rama 271:10, Levush 271:10, Aruch HaShulchan 271:25, Chatom Sofer OC 10. Chatom Sofer OC 1:51 explains the minhag is based on the fact that we want to mention yom hashishi before vayichulu hashamayim since there’s an acrostic of Hashem’s name of the first letter of each of those four words. But since we don’t want to mention only two words from a pasuk since it is meaningless we include a whole phrase. However, we don’t want to say the whole pasuk since the midrash says that there’s a reference to death in the beginning of the pasuk. [ Rav Aviner] Nefesh Harav (p. 159) quotes Rav Soloveitchik as having the practice to say the beginning part of the pasuk quietly to himself. He also cites this as the practice of the Steipler (Orchot Rabbenu v. 1 p. 109).</ref>
#When reciting [[Kiddush]] on Friday night, we say the words "ויהי ערב ויהי בקר" -  "Vayihi erev vayihi boker" quietly before saying "יום הששי" Yom Hashishi. While we generally avoid reciting Pesukim in ways which differ from their presentation in the Torah<ref>Tanit 27b, [[Megillah]] 22a. "כל פסוקא דלא פסקיה משה אנן לא פסקינן".</ref>, nonetheless we only say the second part, and don't say the first part of the Pasuk quietly because Chazal understand the words "טוב מאד" as a reference to death.  However, there is debate whether one is allowed to say only part of a Pasuk so some are careful to add the rest of the Pasuk ''Vayar Elokim Et Kol Asher Asa Vehini Tov Meod, Veyihi Erev Vayihi Boker Yom Hashishi''.<ref>Rama 271:10, Levush 271:10, Aruch HaShulchan 271:25, Chatom Sofer OC 10. Chatom Sofer OC 1:51 explains the minhag is based on the fact that we want to mention yom hashishi before vayichulu hashamayim since there’s an acrostic of Hashem’s name of the first letter of each of those four words. But since we don’t want to mention only two words from a pasuk since it is meaningless we include a whole phrase. However, we don’t want to say the whole pasuk since the midrash says that there’s a reference to death in the beginning of the pasuk. [ Rav Aviner] Nefesh Harav (p. 159) quotes Rav Soloveitchik as having the practice to say the beginning part of the pasuk quietly to himself. He also cites this as the practice of the Steipler (Orchot Rabbenu v. 1 p. 109).</ref>

==Kiddish of the day==
==Kiddish of the Day==

#The text of [[Kiddish]] during the day is just Borei Pri Hagefen.<ref>The Gemara Pesachim 106a states that the primary [[Kiddish]] is at night, but there's also a [[Kiddish]] of the day. Even though it seems to be Deorittah as the gemara learns it from a pasuk, the Rishonim agree that the pasuk is only an asmachta (Ravad and Magid Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10), quoted by Bear Heitiv 289:2) and the obligation of [[Kiddish]] during the day is only Rabbinic. The gemara concludes that the text of such a [[Kiddish]] is just Borei Pri [[HaGefen]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10) and Shulchan Aruch 289:1 rule this as halacha. </ref> However, many have the minhag to say Pesukim before saying the Bracha. Some say two paragraphs<ref>Siddur </ref>, "Veshamaroo" and "Zachor" and others have the minhag to add another paragraph before these starting with "Im tashiv Mishabbos Raglecha" which are the Pesukim in Yeshaya which inlude the Pasuk from which the obligation of making Kiddush is derived. Many skip to the last sentence of "Zachor" starting with "Al cen berach" before saying the bracha on the wine.
#The text of [[Kiddish]] during the day is just Borei Pri Hagefen.<ref>The Gemara Pesachim 106a states that the primary [[Kiddish]] is at night, but there's also a [[Kiddish]] of the day. Even though it seems to be Deorittah as the gemara learns it from a pasuk, the Rishonim agree that the pasuk is only an asmachta (Ravad and Magid Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10), quoted by Bear Heitiv 289:2) and the obligation of [[Kiddish]] during the day is only Rabbinic. The gemara concludes that the text of such a [[Kiddish]] is just Borei Pri [[HaGefen]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10) and Shulchan Aruch 289:1 rule this as halacha. </ref> However, many have the minhag to say Pesukim before saying the Bracha. Some say two paragraphs<ref>Siddur </ref>, "Veshamaroo" and "Zachor" and others have the minhag to add another paragraph before these starting with "Im tashiv Mishabbos Raglecha" which are the Pesukim in Yeshaya which inlude the Pasuk from which the obligation of making Kiddush is derived. Many skip to the last sentence of "Zachor" starting with "Al cen berach" before saying the bracha on the wine.
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