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# A young married man may teach woman as long as there is no yichud question,<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:20</ref> however, it is pious and proper not to unless he is old.<ref>Sefer Chasidim 313 writes that a young man should not teach woman because of the concerns of attraction and kol b'isha ervah. Otzar Haposkim 22:61:4 quotes the Teshurat Shay 170 who writes that it is permitted for a married man to teach woman but one who is pious would avoid it as the Sefer Chasidim writes. Also they quote the Yavetz in Migdal Oz (Birchot Shamayim 2:11-12) who says the same and completely forbids it. Otzar Haposkim 21:20:2 also cites the Sfat Hameil OC 75 and Torat Hahistaklut 6:2 who elaborate on the Sefer Chasidim.</ref>
# A young married man may teach woman as long as there is no yichud question,<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:20</ref> however, it is pious and proper not to unless he is old.<ref>Sefer Chasidim 313 writes that a young man should not teach woman because of the concerns of attraction and kol b'isha ervah. Otzar Haposkim 22:61:4 quotes the Teshurat Shay 170 who writes that it is permitted for a married man to teach woman but one who is pious would avoid it as the Sefer Chasidim writes. Also they quote the Yavetz in Migdal Oz (Birchot Shamayim 2:11-12) who says the same and completely forbids it. Otzar Haposkim 21:20:2 also cites the Sfat Hameil OC 75 and Torat Hahistaklut 6:2 who elaborate on the Sefer Chasidim.</ref>
#A woman can't be a teacher since she might become secluded with the fathers of the children he is teaching whether he is teaching girls or boys.<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:20</ref> Today the minhag is that there are female teachers.<ref>Avnei Derech 5:66 citing Shevet Halevi 4:16, 10:235 and Teshuvot Vehanhagot 5:332</ref> Some say that female teachers should not teach boys older than 9 years old.<ref>Igrot Moshe YD 3:73 writes that it is permitted to hire a female teacher for little children since there's no yichud in our schools which are open to the public. Also, for children under 9 there's no concern that she will become motivated to sin. However, with boys older than 9 there is a concern and she shouldn't be hired unless there is a great extenuating circumstance. Tzitz Eliezer 14:97 agrees that a female shouldn't teach boys above 9.</ref>
#A woman can't be a teacher since she might become secluded with the fathers of the children he is teaching whether he is teaching girls or boys.<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:20</ref> Today the minhag is that there are female teachers.<ref>Avnei Derech 5:66 citing Shevet Halevi 4:16, 10:235 and Teshuvot Vehanhagot 5:332</ref> Some say that female teachers should not teach boys older than 9 years old.<ref>Igrot Moshe YD 3:73 writes that it is permitted to hire a female teacher for little children since there's no yichud in our schools which are open to the public. Also, for children under 9 there's no concern that she will become motivated to sin. However, with boys older than 9 there is a concern and she shouldn't be hired unless there is a great extenuating circumstance. Tzitz Eliezer 14:97 agrees that a female shouldn't teach boys above 9.</ref>
# There is a discussion about hiring a non-Jewish or irreligious teacher.<ref>See Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:4 and Chachmat Adam 89:12</ref>
===Need for Teachers===
===Need for Teachers===

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